Two Inch Cricket!

I just found a two inch cricket in my bed... it was like this (____________________________) big and just casually strolling up to me like it owned the place. 
I know Crickets foretell good fortune but excuse me while I burn down my house.

Edit: I was so scared that this happened:



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Ooh bug! ...spiders tho..Nah b
IWantAKookie #2
Oh my gosh! A couple nights ago I got up to go to the bathroom (4 am, the time my dad gets up for work and sometimes my mom) and I literally turn around for two seconds and turn back around and there is a 2 inch daddy long leg spider blocking the doorway. I jump on top of the sink and start calling my sister. (The way my house is built, our bedroom bathroom is opposite the wall to my parents' bathroom.) So my mom was in their bathroom and heard me and told my dad about the spider and he came and saved the day
That would have scared the out of me xD
Hey at least you will be lucky(? xD
Omg thts just creepy!
I'm so scared of them!!!
Dw I would also burn my house down!