Happy 5th Anniversary Apink!!




Okay, today is April 19 in Korea! It's just became 12 am 15 min ago. But exactly at 12am in Korea.... Apink relsead 'The wave'! This song was written by our lovely leader, Park Chorong! As this song is also for the fans, like April 19th. Ahh i can't stop listening to this song.... i keep replaying the replay button. All i wanted to say was even if i haven't followed Apink since their debut but after 2 years from their debut, i discovered Apink. It was the best thing in my life when i discovered Apink. I would support Apink my whole life. Just hearing their songs, melts my heart. Just every comeback, they're just slaying my heart everytime. And the members! I got to know about their dorky side, their lovely side, their serious side and etc. But now i followed Apink for 3 years! 3 years... The best 3 years in my life... I would never give up being a Pink Panda. Apink is really lovable.... That's our Apink..... always being lovable.. Apink has really grown today. Being more and more popular. I just can't describe how proud i am for Apink and how proud i am to be a Pink Panda. And of course, the members has grown since their debut. Can you believe Hayoung was 15 when she debuted? Now Hayoung is 20 ( Korean age ) but in the international age she's 19. But Hayoung will turn 20 this July. Really a long time.. Apink has been 5 years with each other. Of course their bond is strong. 5 years of living each other, joking with each other, crying with each other... Just... Apink is really something for me.... 

The point of this blog is to congratulate Apink on their 5th Anniversary! So we should congratulate Apink on their 5th Anniversary of course.


                                                              Happy 5th Anniversary Apink!   



If you haven't seen/heard 'The wave', just click down.


(was listening to it while writing this)

And of course! Our Eunji! Jung Eunji whom basiclly had a solo debut on April 18! We Pandas are proud of you unnie! Have you all listened to all of her songs? It's really great! The songs has a great meaning to Eunji unnie. Pandas, let's support Eunji unnie on her solo debut!

And of course, Apink. Let's support Apink till the end! Good luck Apink! You guys will be more succesful in the future. Even though you're succesful right now, we pandas know that you'll be more succesful. Again.                  Happy 5th Anniversary Apink!



And of course, our Namjoo whom had a birthday 4 days ago. Sorry if i haven't greeted you here (basically greeted on social media). Happy Late Birthday to you!

Happy Happy Birthday! We, pandas, wish you to have more birthdays to come. And always stay as yourself ,being dorky, funny. We, pandas love you!


Anyway let's support Apink till the end. (But there's no end for Apink :p)





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I've been really waiting for someone to post a blog about apink's 5th anniversary and about eunji's solo and namjoo's birthday,i really wanted to post but i cant put a link of a video about the song of eunji and the special song that chorong wrote in here..im glad u posted a blog about them..and im very happy for apink and im just a new fan of them not so new but it doesnt reach 1 year yet(i think..hehe)im not really wrong on loving them,i didnt reach 1 year yet being a fan of them(i think..hehe)but they already make my heart fell for them even more,they are just so good,talented,lovely and so dorky...i am very happy i became a pinkpanda and i cant wait to hear eunji's solo and the song that chorong write.(i will listen to it if i can use youtube..hehe)