Haunting My Dreams..

I'm so stressed... you all know about my ex boyfriend who choked me out and stuff... Well he's in every single one of my dreams... I can see him in the background.... All the time... Idk what to do... AHH I just want him to GO AWAY!!! and LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! I'm so afraid to go to school, I'm so afraid he will show up and take me away... This isn't like an irrational fear, hes done it before! When he does this I don't know what to do... The cop toldme to scream and lie on the floor... but... I'm so ing terrified of people talking about me... like "What the is that girl doing?!" >.< I want to cry... I've skipped so much school... I'm failing almost almost all of my classes, the only thing I can do calm my anxiety is listen to kpop... I just can't do anything... Last friday he drove by my school, when I was out front, I saw him see me... Like five minutes later he came driving back, then pulled into my schools parking lot... I was so scared, I thought he was going to come and get me... idk... I called my mom and I was freaking out, I saw my moms car coming and I thought I was safe! but, he pulled out right behind my mom. He was stuck at a stop light, and then my mom pulled over by me, and he stepped on the gas and was going so fast toward me... He's not afraid of getting in trouble... about a month ago he came into my class room, after I made my step dad walk me to class, and he just came in! like in the middle of class! and he asked the teacher if he could take me and the teacher was so confused... yet he said 'sure'... Then he took my laptop! (My school gave us laptops, the newest apple mac book thingy) and I didn't want to pay for it because you know, it wasn't mine! So I like had to follow him so he wouldn't break it! and it's not like he hadn't tried breaking it before! aishhhhhh~ :C I miss my Hyukkie~ ahh he makes me so happy~ ahh he's my number one bias!! <3 anyways~ that's just my rant... about my stress~ ahh my poor cute little face is gunna break out!! D: NOOOOOO~~~ guys like seriously I'm too cute to break out! wanna see my cute little face? nahhh you guys are creepy! (plus idk how to put a picture haha soooo yeah) 


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