My new purchase arrived in the post~


So I am doing better after lots of rest, my exams are all done for this week and I am so happy! Completed them all! 

Anyway after I finished my mock exam for English Lit&Lang which went better than I could have thought hehe, I waited for my bus in the rain and just wanted to curl up and sleep for ages hehe. 

By the time, I got home I was soaking wet and tired but I noticed the postman had just come from my backyard (due to my mothers condition the nice postman started putting all our post through our backdoor to make it easier for my mum- We never asked him to, he just started doing it hehe).

I have been waiting on a few items to arrive that I had ordered, and I saw two packages inside my door so I quickly grabbed them both taking them upstairs while I got into my pj's to get warm hehe. Once I was all snuggled in my covers, I took the largest package and noticed that it was something for my Rugby playing brother who's going on a Rugby tour this weekend with the London Irish.

 When I opened the smaller package I smiled with happiness because I have wanted this item for around 2 years now. My friend from China who lives in England was given a EXO Kris Ring by an Aunt, and I thought it looked so pretty making me instantly want one for myself! So after so long I finally got myself to order one, the reason I never ordered one is because I have rather stubby fingers meaning they are chubby towards the knuckles, making it extra hard for me to get rings to fit me. So ordering such a thing from abroad with different sizes to your own country is a bit of a gamble... but after a photo shoot with this said friend, who made me wear the Kris ring and how it fit perfectly confirmed I could order my ring.

So here it is~

I absolutely love it as it has a little crystal in the middle of the lettering and numbering,

'EXO Xiumin ♢ 1990.03.26'




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Villuvia13 #1
Waah, it's beautiful, and also your calligraphy!!!!!! :3

(Xiu is really quiet. Are you talking about the showtime episode, when he didn't say any word for the whole episode? 007 Bang game? XD)

And what is Lit and Lang?