Back to writing!

Hello everyone. Sorry for the lack of updating lately. I got a job so I was busy. But it ended up only lasting a couple of weeks. So now that I'm back to being jobless again, I'll work as much as I can to update Everyone's, All That Matters, and put up the final chapter of the Xiuhan Teacher series. I'm not the fastest writer, so please have patience.

Also, sorry for taking such a long hiatus on Everyone's, but it was needed. As I am writing the beginning of ch 7, any guesses with who Baek will get with next? ;)


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YASS YOU ARE BACK! As much as I'm glad you are back I'm sorry you are jobless again :( hope you find another job soon (just if you want to tho)! I will be patiently waiting for the new chapter :^) //*whispers* baekyeol...