This is great and I love it

Today, today I was called "feisty" for doing absolute nothing... Ooo, if they ever see the real me they will realize what feisty reallly is in the form of a girl who is only 5'4 with little weight on her XD

In other news, the other I managed to damage my car and now on the lookout for a new one, which is really (really, really, really) hard... :/

Plus classes are not progressing as I wish they were... I have become lazy as the semester drags on more than it should...

On the bright side, my birthday is coming up :D We're going to the National Zoo for sure and then do whatever afterwards because why not? We are all 19-20. Adults. Young but still technically adults. So that is going to be with my regular group of buddys. Then another day I'm celebrating at a Korean BBQ with a coworker who I've become good friends with ♡ 

I'm so excited~ ♡♡♡


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Sounds fun! Hope you have a good time!