Where y'all coming from?

Hello, LovelyChand here!


Wow, okay, W O W Z A 70 subscribers. 70. 70. Holy swag. I'm dead. Where'd you all come from? What? You sober?

Just kidding, I think I'm the drunk one here :)


But no, seriously, thank you so much! 70 might sound little, but to me, that's the whole world. Just, I can't even express how I feel. Wow...

I don't know why you guys think my stories are worth reading, but holy swiggity swag, you all dug your way here. 

I'll try my best to deliver more stories with my best quality for you. I can't thank you enough for everything. Every subscriber made me smile. Every comment made me laugh. Every upvote made me dance (seriously, I just start dancing to 24K's Superfly). Just, thank you. So much. Especially those who comment, I love to get feedback, what's bad, what's good, what could be better.

And I apologize, I do tend to write sporadically. I have random bursts of inspiration for stories, on top of which as a student academic life is a huge weight I have to carry. Still, I'll take some time from homework (just as I am doing right now) to put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, just to get my thoughts down.

Please, leave suggestions, leave critique, leave requests. I love to write, and I write fanfiction because I'm too lazy to make characters. If you want me to write something, anything, hit me up, and I'll try my hardest to make it beautiful for you. I love every single one of you, and I want to show my appreciation. So talk to me, even if you just wanna say hi :)


I'll end it here. I am so grateful for every single one of you, and as a writer I can say I don't have enough words to express it. Thank you all, you mean the world to me~


LovelyChand, out! 


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Congratulations for the subs :D