Story Notes/ Midnight Rambles

So like... I have this habit of randomly waking up in the middle of the night and writing story notes/ ideas/ occasional entire chapters but I often do not remember that I have made them in the morning.

Maybe you can see where this is going.

So I was just happily looking through Baby (my iPad's nickname fyi) and I found some random notes I'd like to share. Sometimes they are hilariously out of context. Or like 100% incoherent depending on exactly how awake I was when I tried to type them on a touch screen ^^;


So I just found a quote that says "Pick up this metaphorical gauntlet you !" Like... It's just in the middle of this whole rant about how Jungkook is gonna hunt Namjoon down and I just... wrote that. Yes... idek ^^; Like legit death threats and then "pick up this metaphorical gauntlet!" I don't know about you but blinding rage tends to make me less eloquent... ((sleepiness rating 5/11))


I also have this word document titled 'Jaebum'. The entirety of the document is just the sentence "Jaebum is being followed." Fantastic. Great job sleepy Ally, I can totally write a fic from that mega detailed prompt. (Good job I already wrote that chapter kekeke~) ((sleepiness rating 7/11))


Okay but I just found a totally cool prompt I wrote for angsty Taekook that I HAVE to write *^* ((sleepiness rating -20/11))


There's a note that just says "Come back! You have nice hair and are kind of hot..." O.O I have to sneak this into a fic somewhere ((sleepiness rating 15/11))


This note for an upcoming Xiuchen I was supposed to write three months ago "Cehn 23,19 Xiu 25,21" I'm gonna assume I was aging them up and down but what? ((sleepiness rating 9.5/11))


I'm tired enough that this is becoming one of these weird notes all by itself >.< It's probably gonna annoy me that I scored out of eleven tomorrow ;3

Yeah it's sleep time ;3 Current sleepiness rating 11/10 wait no I mean 10/11 ;3 I'm probably gonna realise how bad of an idea this was tomorrow morning ;P

Goodnight <3


In case you haven't noticed this is a totally arbitrary rating system and absolutely subject to change ;)


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lol goodnight sweetie
I'll reply to your messages later or tomorrow
I have to clean my room DX