My Life Rant

Hey guys! I honestly feel like complete ... So I'll just tell you, well my parents got divorced because my dad is an alcoholic and smokes alot... and he hit my mom. I got my first boyfriend in 6th grade, and every day I watched him cheat on me. My mom got re married and I had to move houses and schools, so I didn't have any friends anymore. Then I started getting really depressed and I cut.. alot... really deep too.. its been 7 years and the scars are still there... Well I got more freinds at my new school, (6th - 8th grade) and we were kinda bad i guess... So they all unfriended me... what hurt the most was it wasnt them, it was their moms.. they told their moms what I (us) did.  So they wouldnt let us hangout. once again I'm left with no friends. I moved schools again. (9th grade) I got new friends, long story short I got a girlfriend and she lied to me and it hurt me more than you could imagine. The next day after we broke up she had a new boyfriend. (I'm a girl... I'm not bi... I was just.. yeah...) I got super suicidal and got sent to the hospital, went to 10 different counserlors, not including the school counselors. I rarely went to school, if I did it would end in me crying and walking home. I was sent to a new school, got new friends ect. I was actually happy for a while! until all my friends dropped out (I'm not good at finding good friends.) (this is 10th grade now) no friends! again then I met my best friend Heaven <3 ... then I found a boyfriend! (this was just last year in feb.) I was so happy... until he started being... controlling... he took away my kpop (basically the only thing that made me happy) my fanfics (NOOO) even my family... he wouldnt let me leave my house or he would track me down and bring me back home. he also didnt like heaven so I couldnt even talk to her anymore. well this went on for almost a year, i would secretly make a new aff account and he would always find out... the first time he hit me was infront of his mom... Christmas, he didnt get me anything... a few days later he threatened to punch me in the face, so I threatened to break up with him. so he bought me a giant stuffed monkey. new years I went to my grandmas house and he freaked out so I walked in -3 (Farenheight) degrees, (Sorry if im a bad speller >.<) in heals! to his work. I hitch hiked and could have gotten kiddnapped or or something! I was so desprate to get there! and he didnt even come out of his work to talk to me! ONE YEAR dating him! he gave me a necklace he stole from his sister. my birthday he didnt get me anything. then one day he got so mad at me he choked me twice. slapped me twice, mashed my eye balls, ect. so the next day, i told my mom, because I couldnt do anything with out crying. we got a restraining order and this whole thing was so hard on me, I love him, I loved his family, I loved his friends, I loved eveything that had to do with him... then he told all of his friends that i lied... now they pretend like i dont exsist... i miss my friends... thats all... saranghae...


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That was hard for you(
You can always write here, if it makes you feel better. And there always will be some good people around you, like Heaven. Did you contact her? Maybe she's still waiting for you. Hoping to hear from you.
Stay strong. Good things tend to pop up from the most unexpected sources *hugs*
I hope things will get much better for you. No matter how hard life is , never give up. You've been through alot and it only make you stronger . Forget about the past and focus on building a new and much happier life. Take good care