I should be worried about this but I am literally not giving a damn in the world


So over the two weeks I had for Easter break, I was given a double sided sheet with a massive list of things that I had to do for English Homework... 

I haven't done a single thing upon that list and I have to give it in today *Facepalms* 

I've been so tired the past to weeks that I just couldn't face the work because I really hate English Lit&Lang, but I am stuck with it till I finish college *growls*

It's not that I hate my teacher cause I really like him but it's just the work and the amount of it that just makes me want to throw myself at a wall...

Luckily I am not the only one who hasn't done the work so that is another good thing about this, but what's really weird is that I am honestly not even bothered about this. 

I have a chance to get at least one task done on the list during my first period of the day which is Learning Support (Cause I am Dyslexic I have to attend this every week on a tuesday.) so I can give my teacher at least one task and say I forgot the others at home *facepalms*

And I even have two mock exams for English this week and guess who's going to fail~ me~ 

It's going to look so weird on my grades cause I'm getting B's in Communication and Culture, A/A* in Photography then in English I go between E/D *Facepalms again* 

I have to get at least 3 B's to get into any Uni course kill me please 

Anyway I better start getting ready for my ultimate death goodbye all hehe



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I do English Lit&Lang and I'm in my second year of A Levels, so if you need any help just ask
You can do it. Fighting ^_^
What kept you busy during that two-week break?
Why were you so tired lately?