Author Motivation Survey (tag; KimDongmin, calmgoddess21, mspeachykeen2012, writenow753, anyone who wants to)

I got this from -Tigress- as per usual ;) 

Talking about your work/ stories can often make it a lot easier to get them out and down on paper.
So I'll fill the survey and tag five people. They should do the same and tag five more <3 If you've been tagged (or even if you haven't) try and comment to see if you can help problem solve for each other ;) That way everyone will benefit :D 
If you'd like more thoughts, tag your blog with amtag and -Tigress- will try to comment thoughts on everyone's posts to try and help out. Let’s go! ^.^
The Facts
Question 1. Be honest. How often do you write? Could you write more?
I write very small amounts quite frequently. Maybe at least once a day. But I wish I could just write something in one sitting once >.<

Question 2. How many stories do you have uncompleted, including the ones not posted that you are currently working on?
On aff I have twelve (when did it get this bad?), on my phone I have five, on my iPad I have eight. There's more on my laptop… some of them are barely more than a plan and if I included all the ones that are just plans it'd go over forty…

Question 3. How many stories are you currently focusing on and are you consistently working on each of those?
I'm gonna have to write this out to think about it.
I'm actively working on Poor Choices and LNNS (they're linked) as well as Red Lipstick and Tease. These are the ones that I want to keep posting for. I've been putting lots of fics on hiatus recently for various reasons.
In the background, I'm working on Pulling Strings and Unforgiveable all the time.
I need to write Fall but I keep getting stuck and it's annoying the hell out of me.
I am very inconsistent. I am lagging behind on Poor Choices because even though I actually wrote almost the entire first chapter I lost it and had to start over. LNNS is just erratic. And on Red Lipstick… I'm not feeling the rn and it is a fic so… Whoops ^^;
Tease is a oneshot. But I've never had so many people subscribe to just a foreword before so now I'm doubting what I've written and balk every time I think about posting. It makes me feel like when I first started writing again.

The Specifics
Question 4. What is the main story that you are currently working on, and what is it about? What is the main genre, the target audience, what theme is the story based on?
I guess the main fic I'm working on is Poor Choices. It's a GOT7 werewolf au fic in which Mark and Jaebum are the only human members of Yugyeom’s pack. It is not in chronological order, so it starts in the middle. In the foreword I said that it was got7 drabbles that were interconnected and really that's the best way to describe it. It also overlaps with Lonely Nights & New Smells in which Jimin suddenly acquires a new roommate who's more than a little weird.
Poor Choices centres around Jaebum, a magnanimous musician with a bad habit of taking people in off the street much to the annoyance of his roommate, Mark. It basically follows the chaos he brings on them through this. I don't even know what genre it is. But the first chapter is very dark and also incomplete.

Question 5. What challenges are you having with your characters?
I have placed them all in different levels of education and whatnot but I don't know what subjects half of them take or who lives where >.< The dynamic is… Weird and I don't know why these characters just won't fit together properly.

Question 6. What challenges are you having with your story continuation?
I just need to get this first chapter done and I'll be fine but I really cannot do it. I've got like three paragraphs left but I just kind of stare at them… I had to switch PoV from Jaebum to Yugyeom and I can't nail his character’s voice in any way shape or form. I guess I could play up the ‘flustered young alpha with a wayward pack’ thing and make him more chaotic but that conflicts with the fact that I know he's had another pack before despite only being 18. There's something about him that just doesn't seem believable. 

Question 7. What are some things that you'd like others input on?
I want to know if other people struggle with rewrites too. Because I spend a lot of time with this fic like ‘if only I still had the original’ etc…
And has anyone else had a character that they just do not understand even though they created them? Like Yugyeom is a freaking enigma idek…



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Aaaa I wanna do this!!!
I have a character I don't understand, but it's a character in one of my books--
His name Is Kai Lahn,
And he makes no sense to me
He''s a total mystery
He is so quiet and mysterious I don't know who to pair him with or even what to make his past like ;-;
Same here. I can't write in just one sitting because it's so difficult for someone inattentive like me. And rewrites, though...

Well, I don't know if it's gonna work for you, but I'm trying to help :)
About the character's problem, maybe, just maybe, you should do some interview with him? Like prepare a list of questions and ask your character the questions. It can be like what's their ultimate goal in life? What do they want in their life? Why are they joining this group? Sort of like that. Get to know your character's personality more by asking them various of questions. You can create their own profile thing, include everything about them such as their pet peeves, weakness, quirks, etc. If you are the one who created them, I am positive you know everything about them more than the character itself knows.

Sorry for rambling here and sorry if it doesn't help *bows* I wish the best for you and your story!
Aaaaaaayyy i struggle with rewrghts 2