gonna lose my karma points..

I think all of you already knew that every wall post or private message that was sent to non-friends will be charged one karma points. This is to make sure that people won't advertise or send troll messages. I truly thinks that this is pretty good. But, I think that it's just not right. Maybe people will say "It's only one kp, who cares?" or "If you want to talk, just add the person as your friend!", no. I am active in sending wall posts. I'm not an advertiser, but I do many stuff. I myself owns a news, an award and a shop. It's hard to accept the fact that I will keep losing kp everytime I post on someone's wall. Regarding my news, I must ask the person "Hey, can I interview you for my news?" and if yes, I need to send the questions later on. Interviews keep my news alive and known. I need to interview many people. So, a lot of kp lost there. My award, it's annually but it takes many work. Go to each candidate and say "You're nominated at the AFF Graphics Awards!" and I'm planning to increase the number of category next year. More wall posts, another lots of kp lost there. My shop; I need to ask each good designer "Do you want to work at my graphic shop?" if no one applies at my shop manually, or the people who applied are not good designers. I need to talk to a lot of people, I can't friend them all. And also about my awards, winners will get kp from me. If I already lose kp by telling them their nominated and they won, where do I find more kp to give to the winners. This year I am lucky because I have a sponsor. What about next year? or the following years? I just want to tell this to whoever is reading.


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the paying 1 kp can prevent ad spammers but it will be a hindrance for people like you.... i hope that maybe they can make a special rule for you?? or interviewers in general?
stanyou #2
this whole paying 1 kp for each message is stupid really I hate it so much I cant promote for my rp so much as before too
How about selling some pre-made graphics?
Or charge your customers with a fee for the service you're offering.
For contest nominees, why not just comment it in the thread they were nominated for?
i feel you! as an owner of a multi-shop, im also struggling to figure out how this is going to work out D: