45 Questions: AFF Edition #AFF7Years (tag; KimDongmin, writenow753, ryeowook_lover, MelanieMarsh, calmgoddess21)

What is this? Did you know that AFF is celebrating its 7th year of being up and running? Every year we have thought of ways to commemorate this special date by doing various activities.

With that being said, this year we have decided to make it all about you with these 45 questions, interview with yourself, survey, quiz—whichever you wanted to call it haha.

Why are we doing 45 Questions? Because... it's fun. Don't question.

Our theme for this year is the freesia, when given on the 7th Anniversary it upholds trust and faithfulness within a bond. The freesia is also a symbol of friendship. It was named freesia after Friedrich H. T. Freese by fellow botanist Christian P. Ecklon, as a tribute to their friendship.

This day marks seven years of trust, faithfulness and friendship with the site, it's creator and the community. As a thank you to all participants, we leave you with a thank you message from the creator of AFF himself.

"Happy 7th! I'm glad to have you all here, veterans and newcomers alike. I always tend to get super busy around AFF's anniversary time for some reason so I'm extremely grateful to Team Cactus for putting this together. They've come up with some really good questions! Hope you enjoy Team Cactus' quiz!"

Jason (owner/admin of AFF)

1. Title your blog 45 Questions: AFF Edition #AFF7Years.

2. Tag your blog post with AFF7Years.

3. Answer the questions in your own genuine way, think of it as being interviewed by your kpop bias on the red carpet. Heh.

4. After all the questions are answered to your satisfaction, tag five (5) of your friends in the tag section on the bottom of the layout. No more, no less.

5. Copy the link of this blog post once published and post a comment on this blog http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1124656, with your copied link. This is somewhat of an important step so we can keep track of your posts so don’t skip this step.

6. Please don’t remove these instructions or edit/remove the description above.

7. Just have fun with it!

Tip! Highlight the text you want to change first, then type to edit. Always press Ctrl + Shift for new lines. Not the Enter/Return key.
45 questions
I am faithful-lie and I've been tagged by: -Tigress-

Hullo guys, I hope at least one of my answers interests you ;)
First, try out these 3 AFF trivia questions!

Please try answering without cheating or looking for the answers. The answers to these trivia questions will be available in this blog after a week from the date of AFF's anniversary. So check the link then for the answers! From now till then, the blog will be on private.

1. Why was Asianfanfics created?

The admin Jason created it for his girlfriend to store and post her stories reliably and now keeps it running in her memory <3

2. What is the exact date of AFF's anniversary?

Honestly, I don't know. In fact, I have yet to see someone who does, which is kind of sad...

3. Our admin, Jason, wrote a fanfic: Zero Day Diaries. Which kpop artists are featured in this fic?

Apparently BoA ~

4. How long have you been on AFF for?

Eleven months and I've been writing for eight ;P

5. What color was AFF's layout when you joined?

Blue but you can sorta change it ;3 I like blue though <3

6. How did you find AFF?

Well, I got kinda obsessed with School 2013 and was looking for fanfiction. I found Our New Fate by harukno and then kinda stalked all her stories ^^;

7. How did you end up becoming a member? What made you want to become a member?

I had exams coming up so I made an account to bookmark my place in harukno's fics. It backfired though of course and I ended up reading even more fanfiction, when I got an account in order to avoid it >.< #logic >.< But there's a happy (?) ending; I recently got to beta read the latest chapter of Our New Fate (the fic I freaking joined the site for) and I was fangirling so hard (because senpai noticed me) and I just ahdajhkajhkdaguhgeaikal *so freaking happy* <3

8. You are user no. ____?


9. What was your first username?

My current one; faithful-lie (although everyone seems to spell it wrong one way or another kekekekekeke~)

10. What was the first story you read on here?

Our New Fate by harukno (it's actually still ongoing ;3)

11. Who is the first AFFer you talked to?

I don't know... Wait... Hang on... It was chikujikato ;3 I commented on their Shinee fic Don't Get Lost the day after I joined AFF ;3

12. Who was your first friend? Do you still keep in contact?

SinwillfindYou / DreaminBlue was the first person to add me as their friend and also the first person I beta read for ;D We still talk but not as often as I'd like ;(

13. How many fanfiction/thread(s) do you currently have? How many of them are complete?

Uhm... I have 19 fics of which 7 are completed and also 19 blog posts that's what you meant right? *confuzzled*

14. How many unique subscribers do you have?

635 *.* Thank you so so much to you all <3

15. What badges do you have?

Verified email address haha ~

16. Have you been an AFF Gold Member?

No but I want to as part of the app fundraiser because aff screws with my phone like nothing else ^^;

17. Out of a scale of 10, how much do you frequent the site?

15. I'm always checking aff! ALWAYS ^^;

18. What is the main activity that you do on AFF?

Read fics. Fangirl over the fics. Cry over my work (especially the ). Put more things on hiatus. Occasionally update ^^;

19. How do you spend most of your karma points?

I don't. I give them to people who want them for things. Occasionally I use them for posters but the main shop I like to use is free so... They hold no worth to me. The only time I cared about them was when I was desperate to upvote fics but didn't yet have 25 ^^;

20. How would you like to spend you karma points? (E.g. Kpop merchandise.)

Literally nothing. I don't care for/ about them and I don't see them as necessary. I use them for fair transactions. I let people pay me in them when they feel uncomfortable getting my services for free ;3

21. Have you ever uploaded a video in the video gallery?

No I don't even know how O_O

22. Have you entered the chatroom? How was it like for you?

I once observed the chatroom. It wasn't for me.

23. What is your favourite feature of AFF?

I didn't know about this until I saw Tigress' survey. But I adore the fact that you can advertise any story; it doesn't have to be your own <3 That's honestly amazing to me <3 I also love the community on here *.*

24. What is your least favourite feature of AFF? How can it be improved to make it better?

There's three things that irk me. The binary gender options aren't great for a genderqueer individual like myself. I can't even put 'other'. I wish it was something that you could customise. I also really despise the seven tag limit... Not really, but it does mildly irk me. The last thing that genuinely makes me sad is the option to downvote people's comments. My reputation was on a downwards slope for a while and I kind of just wondered what I'd done that someone didn't like that much. I said as soon as it appeared that it was a bad idea. It's open for bullying. I'd like for that to go.

25. If you could introduce just one feature on AFF, what would it be and why?

Can't think of anything right now. Maybe a spotlight section. Or a way to nominate authors you think don't get the attention they deserve ;3

26. If you could customize the way AFF appears to you, what color would it be? You could just pick one color or a palette.

I'd like for purple or turquoise or aquamarine to be colours I could have for the main site ~

27. Who is/are your best friend(s) on AFF?

I'll list some but not all ~
-Tigress-, writenow753, BambiPL, MelanieMarsh, kkyungiesoo, KimDongmin... Oooooh there's more but there's also more questions ^^; Hugs for everyone <3

28. Who are the users you want to get to know better?

mspeachykeen2012 - we spend a lot of time fangirling over each other's writing haha ~
calmgoddess21 - I adore (almost) everything by this author *.*
Ravenlove - don't get much chance to talk anymore *sniffles*

29. Are you grateful/owe something to someone on AFF? Who and why?

I am so so so grateful to -Tigress- and exoseksie for running the VIXX Secret Santa last year. I wrote one of my best fics for it and I made some amazing friends <3 Honestly, it was my best experience on aff so far *.*
I also want to thank SinwillfindYou/DreaminBlue for being so sweet to me and being the first person to seek out my friendship. You made me feel so good about myself ^.^ I hope that you come back to writing in the end ;)

30. Who are your AFF inspirations?

-Tigress- because she's so freaking sorted and strong and majorly awesome :D She is also the one who makes me get on and write stuff ^^;
chikujikato because literally everything by this author is beautifully written to the point of being painful.
bbe1989 who's fics are like genuine novels, so immersive and gorgeous that I cry at every one.
Ravenlove who seems to have infinite capacities for producing . Like how do you even?
BambiPL who's language skills are no joke. Nong, you rock <3

31. If you could put a star on any of your fics/threads, which one would you pick?

'Cos I Like You. I am endlessly proud of that fic and will shamelessly show it off because it is the one fic that I really like and feel is written to the best of my ability. I wish more people could have seen it. *is now embarrassed for being so up myself*

32. What is/are your all time favourite storie(s)/thread(s)?

Sinful Desires (and series) by calmgoddess21 - poly jinvmin is good for the soul
Signing I Love You by yoongitrash - you have to read this it's amazing yoonmin *.*
La Petite Mort by Carcinogenia - hunhan to mess with your brain (mildly scarred)
Habits by Noraebangbang - so bleak and so beautfiul simultaneously
Summer Falter by zuzuzu - amazing genderbender kaisoo, heartwrending
Running With Wolves by Taelighted - the reason I fell off the hypothetical werewolf au cliff ^^;
Symptoms by chikujikato - painful and beautiful OT5 SHINee
Chicken Soup for the Restless Soul by bbe1989 - the best Taoris I have ever read
My Mistake by harukno - heungsoon angst <3

33. Who is/are your all time favourite author/s?

chikujikato, bb1989, noraebangbang

34. If you could put a star on another user's fics/threads, which one would you pick?

One word by mspeachykeen2012. It's unfinished but that is totally irrelevant. The storyline is beautifully executed and I just want more people to see it.

35. If you could have any username you want, what would that be? (Did someone already take the username you wanted?)

The one I have <3

36. If you would write a fanfic about your life in AFF, what would the title be?

Oh, look, another fic I was supposed to have updated ^^;

37. What was the weirdest thing you encountered on the site?

Tentacle ... I still read it... I don't know why... *sobs* You can't strip those things from your memory... *shudders*

38. What was the best thing that has happened to you on the site?

The Vixx Secret Santa 2015 ;)

39. Have your interests changed on AFF? If yes, in what way? (Eg. Change of OTP, bias group, AFF activity.)

I've gotten into way more groups. WAY more groups! And also started reading girlxgirl.
Also, I beta read for people now ^.^

40. There are many communities now on AFF (such as the writing, designing, coding, applyfic, roleplay, reader communities). Is there a community that you aren't part of but want to try one time?

I literally just dipped into the rp side so I won't say that ;P
I really wanna try graphic designing but I have no skills in that area so I think I'll just stick to writing, editing and reading/fangirling ;)

41. What is the best thing AFF or being a member of AFF taught you?

That there's always someone who'll like you and somewhere you'll fit no matter how weird you are <3

42. What is your greatest contribution to the site so far?

I'm not sure. Maybe that I try and comment as much as possible and be nice to everyone <3 Otherwise, I guess editing?

43. What are your current AFF goals?

To get myself sorted out. Write the two outstanding oneshots I've been avoiding, update all my fics. Complete all the ongoing fics (except the request fic). Start the sequels I have planned.
To find my genre. Some authors are known for certain genres. I'd like to find that one genre that I can slay in ;3 I don't know if that would ever happen though ;3

44. If the AFF community decides to do a get-together, how should we spend it and where?

I can't think of a way that people wouldn't get left out. But kcon seems cool ;) Or just chilling on the internet like always ;)

45. AFF is celebrating it's 7th year and is continuing to grow thanks to our admin, Jason. Do you have a message for him?

Thank you so much for starting this website, for building a place where we can socialise as well as sharing our writing. Where the skillset is so broad and there's a place where everyone can fit in. And thank you for keeping it going. For always trying to improve it. Keep being awesome because I can only dream of being as awesome as you ;)
I tag: KimDongmin, writenow753, ryeowook_lover, MelanieMarsh, calmgoddess21
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OH DANG your answer for #25 is so awesome. I really think that a way to nominate would be awesome!!!
And Awwwwwww *hugs* <3
You'll find your genre. Or you'll be one of those people who is like amazing in any genre, you totally have that ability <3
Aww you mentioned me <3
Also I'm getting ready to type up my rp reply, mom dragged me to town and then my Asian friend from down the road (she's 9) came over
And called me and my sister both mama 0.0