Animorphia, Colored page #5-#6: "Betta Fishes" WIP

Book: Animorphia, "Betta Fishes"

Artist/Illustrator: Kerby Rosanes

Coloring Media: Faber Castell Classic colour pencils and watercolor pencils, Prang brush round #6, Dong-A My Gel 0.6 gel pens (pink and green)

Remarks: I love the colors of my betta fishies. Except for the body of the pink betta, the rest is a wet application of my watercolor  pencils. I also used gel pens for the scales. They are more vibrant (as well as the other pages) in reality. Idk why I couldn't capture it well with my camera. But anyway...

I usually don't mind having a limited number of watercolor pencils (11 now; I lost one) since the colors work for me (Phoenix) or I'm challenged to make them work (Midnight Bird, Parrot).  But last night, I was forced to stop because I don't have that shade of blue and green that I need for the bg and the creatures -_- I want to finish it but I don't want to ruining my vision my choosing another color. Then again, I could take it as another challenge with my limited options.

Keeper, Fighting!

Thank you for viewing and commenting on my colored pages. I appreciate it a lot ^0^



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I really like your colorings: Recently bought the HP coloring book *after getting over feeling silly about it* had to look up some shading tutorials...still a little rusty on that
This is coming out well. Looking at it at a far and it gets better at close up. You have done well.