I swear this is one of the funniest moment! xD 

So today we were going to a beach resort so when we were about to head home,  my bro was in the car and listened to exo song. He was into kpop but nowdays no more since he got girlfriend. I asked him " wow since when you start listened to exo's song ? " he just ignored me and continue to sang  incorrect lyric but the melody is you know, same, like he always listen to it.





me : who do u like in exo? (i thought it was baek) 

him : chen  

Me : wth!! How do u know chen?? xD 

Him : ah? How does chen looks like again? 

Me ; (lmao)  nevermind 

Him : no, i like luhan 

Me : luhan? he already left exo xD 

Him : no no no, his lover 

Me : he doesnt any lover??? 

Him : sehun, isnt? 

Me : wth!! How do u even know about this??? 

Him : hunhan hunhan ( and keep saying that ) 


I JUST KENNOT— how did even he know xDD 


Me : in exo, baek has so many fanboy bcs he's sooo gay 

Him : isnt baek the cute one? 




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That's seriously so cute!! ^^
I wish my siblings would be into kpop too but... T_T I am left to fangirl alone :'(
I envy you ^^ Seriously that's so cute!!!! :)
ahahh I wish that my sister likes exo so that we can talk, but isn't into kpop so...