HOW DO I LOOK?                 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ          ㅤㅤㅤㅤX

"*shrugs* it."

BIRTH NAME  kim eunjin (김은진)

  princess (jin); called by people at school that don't know her that well. it's a nickname given to her because of the way she acts
 — jin/jinnie; blantantly just name play that's called by friends and family. it's just easier to call her jin or jinnie rather than eunjin all the time. eunjin doesn't particularly like being called eunjin anyway and strongly prefers jin/jinnie.
 — kitten; will be called by her love interest. this isn't some as sh*t ok, it's just of eunjin's napping/sleeping habits.
 — ddeok,"떡" (rice cake); also called by friends because she has eyebags underneath her eyes that look like pieces of rice cake
AGE 17

BIRTHDATE Jun 20 1998

BIRTHPLACE seoul, south korea

HOMETOWN anyang, south korea
ETHNICITY full korean
 — native korean; well... it's quite obvious, no?
 — advanced english; english is a language that's taught at school but eunjin takes it to an whole other level. she likes to study english in her spare time and watches english movies without korean subtitles to learn pronunication and to force herself to try and understand what is going on.

FACECLAIM  red velvet's son wendy

BACK-UP FACECLAIM  actress kim sohyun


 — ❝isn't she pretty?❞

underneath eunjin's doll eyes are her protruding eyebags that always get her teased. she has thin, rosy pink lips that curve up naturally into an innocent smile. paired with her large eyes, she has a baby face and gives off an innocent and pure aura. minhee has a mole located on her neck. she's standing at 167cm and weighs 50kg. eunjin currently has one tattoo on her wrist and one on her collarbone, and she is wanting to get one behind her ear but don't know what yet. eunjin enjoys dying her hair and currently has black hair and blue and purple highlights. she also likes her hair style with waves and a side fringe. if her hair isn't styled like that (eunjin has naturally straight hair) she will tie it up in a loose bun or ponytail.


 — life isn't perfect but your outfit can be

[ that's mopping the floor? ] eunjin loves her oversized sweaters. to be honest, love is not enough to describe her relationship with them. her wardrobe is made up of two types of upper garments. sweaters and tees. eunjin loves the sleeves of large sweaters and how they dangle off the end of her hand and that she can swing it around (sometimes whacking people in the progress). eunjin also loves how some of her sweaters dangle off her shoulder and it shows off her little tattoo on her collarbone.
[ isn't it too cold for that? ] most of eunjin's lower garments are shorts and skirts. she owns a few pairs of jeans for when it is extremely cold, but she will most likely be wearing her shorts/skirts. she doesn't ever seem bothered by the cold and has always been scolded by her mother for the way she dresses. paired with her shorts are usually her plain graphic tees and most likely her plaited jackets.


BEHIND MY MASK               ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ           ㅤㅤㅤㅤX

"just... let me take a nap first"

[+] motherly, bubbly, happy-go-lucky
[-] short tempered, persistent, princess syndrome


  ❝Personality is lower than partiality.❞

[ simply smiling and being friendly is a way to bring flavour into a tasteless society ] eunjin is one of the easiest people you can become friends with. her smiles endear those around her to be immediate drawn to her. eunjin loves making new friends and if she is meeting someone for the first time, she makes sure that they are comfortable in the situation she has put them in. so, if the other person is not much of a talker, she makes sure that she isn't bombarding them with questions that requires long answers and ensures she does most of the talking. while if the other is a talker, much like herself, she lets the other talk while listening closely before giving a response or what she has to say.
[ don't let your passion and persistence turn into stubbornnes and ignorance ] people who know eunjin well, will definitely know her persistent personality. when eunjin has her mind set on a certain idea or moral, she will stick to it and be quick to defend it - even when she is totally wrong. eunjin's stubbornness shone through once during her early high school years. she had disagreed on a project idea with her friend and it caused a rift in their friendship. others part of their group ended up choosing a totally different idea so that the two wouldn't fight anymore. some people say that her stubbornness comes from her star sign gemini, which has two personalities. sometimes she wouldn't speak her mind, but when she does, she won't stop until her point has been accepted by the other party or that the other person is so annoyed at her that they walk away.
[ be happy. be bright. be you. ] eunjin's personality is naturally bubbly and happy all the time. this is why she has a permanent smile plastered on her face. a very small minority think that she's just people fake, but other's who have actually spoken to eunjin know that her smile and words are absolutely genuine. not only is eunjin very bubbly, but it is part of her to be motherly. naturally, eunjin is very affectionate and likes to show it physically. she also likes to help people talk their feelings out if they are feeling down or upset over something. everyone around eunjin sees her as a motherly figure, and this could be because of the love for children she has. eunjin had also always wanted a younger sibling, especially a younger brother. this is why, even if you are older than eunjin, she likes looking after you and making sure you eat right. most of the time, when you go out with her and are about to leave, she will tell you to call/text her when you get home to ensure your safety. eunjin is the type of person who would "protect" innocent people's ears when her and her friends are talking about something dirty/ual. she wants to keep her innocent friends as clueless and naive as possible so that they do not enter the world of insanity and being dirty minded.
[ yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. but today is a gift. that's why it's called the present. ] eunjin seems like the type of girl that has everything planned out for herself. when in fact, it is the total opposite. nothing she has been doing is part of the dream she has built for herself. she likes to "go with the flow" because "planning ahead only makes you disappointed with the outcome" she would say to her friends. "going with the flow" allows her to not give a crap about what is going to happen tomorrow, the day after or next week. she likes to focus on the present and make it as happy as possible. she doesn't like dwelling in the past and all the snarky comments people made about her, she tries her best to push them aside and continue living her life how she wants to. she enjoys living in the moment and has an aura about her that makes the people surrounding her feel that way too. maybe it's her smiles or maybe it's her carefree attitude. no one knows but they seem to like hanging around our happy-go-lucky child.
[ i know i'm pretty. thanks. ] eunjin, from a young age, has been diagnosed with "princess syndrome". alongside her brother, they are the sassiest people you can ever meet and probably the most self confident. when you compliment eunjin on her looks, she will immediately agree and start talking about her face and how it's well proportioned, etc. she feels best when she is the centre of attention, be it her looks, or talent but she will secretly yearn for it rather than bringing it upon herself. the princess syndrome also affects her mannerisms. sometimes eunjin's actions/beahviours would be extremely exaggerated and would even seem fake. she has been told many times before about it, but she really doesn't care. eunjin just thinks as long as she's being herself and not someone else, she is fine with it.




eunjin was born on the 20th of June 17 years ago with the best twin brother she could ask for. the two have very similar personalities despite the fact her brother acts more of a nerd than she does. don't get mistaken, eunjin's smart, top of her class even but she doesn't act like she is. she was brought up in a very priviledged family and loves living on the expensive side of life. her father is a businessman while her mother works as the secretary of the ceo of a large corporation. despite their social status, her family is very well mannered and avoid being snobby and disrespectful to anyone. 
currently, despite the money that eunjin gets from her parents, she likes the idea of using the money she earns. therefore she got a job at a high class boutique and works mostly on weekends and during her holidays. the money that she receives from her parents are put away in a bank account. at school eunjin is part of the "queen bee" squad (well hyunjoo's squad) because of her status. she was always part of the queen bee squad even in elementary school and because of her friendly personality, she hardly scared off anyone. unlike hyunjoo, eunjin didn't like the cheerleading team so she avoided it at all costs. despite this, she joins other sporting teams and clubs like the photography club and clubs that are associated with community service.

 — bubble tea; tapioca pearls and jellies paired with milk tea/fruity tea on a hot summers day is to die for... well on any day is to die for
 — chocolate; i mean.. sweet things make you happy and chocolate keeps you warm as well!~ plus the feeling of it melting in your mouth is ic
 — smell of mint; it helps clear her constantly blocked nose, and it's the type of aftershave yoongi uses /bricked
 — bubblegum flavoured things; it brings out her inner childishness... and it tastes nice to her...
 — sitting down and watching people; yes it's creepy but she likes to study how a person may act in certain situations or how a person's facial expressions change and whatever... she likes psychological stuff ok..
 — napping; she likes to feel refreshed throughout the day, and what's better than a nap whenever she has time.. eunjin can sleep anywhere.. and i mean anywhere
 — baking; the smell of baking is absolutely addictive and her baked goods can be shared around.. she likes the smile people have on their faces when they receive her baking
 — men's cologne; she enjoys the smell of a man.. is that weird?

 — flowers; well, eunjin is just allergic to flowers: it makes her face puffy and eyes extremely red and itchy
 — cigarettes/smokers; the smell is too strong for her sensitive nose and it makes her clothes smell
 — dirt; who would want to ruin a light coloured shirt with dirt? no one right? but for eunjin it's all her clothes and accessories not just light colouring clothing and she's also a bit of a germaphobe.. talk about being a princess
 — summer; it's not like eunjin dislikes the summertime.. she despises it. the sweat, stickiness, the sun on her pale skin. just no.
 — stupid questions; who likes stupid questions, really.. eunjin would reply with a roll of her eyes and a response that's in a sarcastic manner hoping the other person would take a hint.
 — bitter drinks/foods; it makes her cringe and scrunch her face into weird facial expressions. not good for her appearance, huh.

 — cracking her bones; namely "the 'crack' addict". she likes hearing the 'popping' noises whenever cracks her knuckles, neck and especially the back. it makes her feel relaxed and ready to continue her task.
 — midnight walks; the cool night breeze helps her clear her head whenever she may be having a bad day or running out of song inspirations
 — takes 2 showers everyday; one in the morning and one before bed. morning: washes the sweat off of her after her morning exercise/yoga routine and also wakes her up, ready for the day ahead. before bed: cleans the dirt/sweat/dust thats on her from throughout the day and it allows her to put on her leave in mask for when she's asleep.
 — morning exercise/yoga (or pilates); eunjin is a 'princess' after all and what's a princess without a good physique? she also heard doing exercise in the morning is good for you
 — napping; it's not something eunjin does in her spare time, it's what she does whenever she has time. you will definitely find her asleep anywhere that is warm.
 — calls everyone a loser; it's like a pet name she calls everyone

 — knitting; she likes keeping warm during winter but she also likes keeping others warm too during that time of year. once, in high school, she knitted blankets for the orphanage as she heard they were running low on some resources.
 — playing the piano; like most asian families, eunjin's parents made her and her brother learn an instrument each but they both ended up doing piano. eunjin is about to finish grade 8 piano while her brother gave up ages ago
 — composing; she specialises in rap sequences but she also likes writing ballads once in a while. she has a file on her computer that's called ". open if you dare." that's filled with her works that she doesn't want anyone to know about
 — photography; she is interested in the way people may perceive the same photograph in different ways

 — owns a samoyed named cheonsa
 — when drunk, she turns bright red and spills out her deepest secrets
 — has a fear of thunderstorms
 — cuddles with someone/something whenever she sleeps
 — will randomly burst out into song and if anyone joins her, she will start dancing/prancing around with them
 — eunjin does the weirdest movements with her body (body gag)
 — [social media] twitter: princess_ej instagram: ej_princess (because princess_ej was taken keke)
 — weirdly enough, despite her princess syndrome, she is one of the bravest girls you'll meet. she has gone bunjee jumping, sky diving and scuba diving)
 — eunjin loves her skincare and she cannot live without it. you will see her have a panic attack if she doesn't do her routine
 — swearing is a permanent part of her everyday speech. sometimes she doesn't even know she's sworn, she tends to shut as an adjective
 — she likes to keep people updated with her life and always uploads selcas, random pictures, etc onto instagram and twitter
 — when eunjin gets sick, she doesn't just get the sniffles or a sore throat, she will get the full blow of getting sick, making her weak and unwilling to do anything

 —  she'll say —
          ♔ "ahh.. "

          ♔ " my life" 

          ♔ "can you like shut the up?'

          ♔ "believe in your words and not what others spit at you"

          ♔ "by the power i have, i repel your ignorance"

          ♔ "life's a . learn to it back in the "

          ♔ "no. i'm not sleeping. i'm training to die."





 — twin brother | kim seokjin | 17 | student | eunjin and seokjin are the same person but they're not. don't understand? they're both extremely good looking and popular amongst the students. their personalities are quite similar, both are princesses (yes seokjin is a princess. a pink princess) and both are extremely saracastic. only difference? one's an extrovert and one's a introvert. one does extra-curricular activities while the other is cooped up in the library looking for books on quantum mechanics. you can tell who's who right? despite their somewhat differences, seokjin and eunjin are very close. ever heard of twin telepathy? it happens quite often with them. they know when the other is happy, sad or angry because a rush of emotion overcomes them randomly and that's when they go running to each other to consolidate or share the happy moment with. 



best friend | baek hyunjoo | 18 | student | eunjin has been part of hyunjoo's squad ever since she moved from middle school to high school. they connected over a dog date and have been close ever since. eunjin was one of the people who constantly stayed by hyunjoo's side when she hurt her leg because of baseball and while many people's back hyunjoo because she wasn't cheerleading captain anymore, eunjin stood her ground and supported and encouraged hyunjoo to carry on. 

LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND        ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ          ㅤㅤㅤㅤX

"i'm no photographer but i can picture us together"
"can you get cheesier?" 
"sure can."


BACK-UP LOVE INT  byun baekhyun
AGE 18

BIRTHDATE Mar 09 1998

FACECLAIM bts - min yoongi, exo - byun baekhyun

RELATIONSHIP STATUS mutual crush, best friends


three words to describe min yoongi? can't be done. no doubt yoongi is part of the popular squad but he mostly hangs out at the basketball courts and not his friends. he prefers to call for the ball than cat call a girl. "it's immature and unnecessary. my eyes are set on one girl and nothing's going to change that," he'd say when people ask him. not only did he hang out at the basketball courts, he hung out in the recording studio and music rooms a lot too. everytime he'd go to the studio or music rooms eunjin would always be there either typing away on her laptop or pressing keys on the grand piano. once or twice he's walked in on her singing. 'that beautiful voice she has..' yoongi would think to himself. before sitting beside her to see what she was doing. for someone who is usually so confident, he melts in the presence of eunjin. eunjin preferably sat alone in classes, in which yoongi would make himself comfortable in the seat beside her and make conversation. that's how they became close.
"the summer events going to be boringggg" yoongi whined as eunjin tried to persuade him to go. "just come okay? i need to keep an eye on my brother. he has this girl chasing after his tail recently.. i wanna see what he does" eunjin replies a playful tone dripping in her voice. "i'll only turn up if i'm in your cabin." "fine."



"your heart is unobtainable, even though lord knows you kept mine-" yoongi pressed his ear closer to the music room door. for a 10th grader exploring the school, he found a treasure in the music room. he pressed too hard and the door opened to reveal the face of the owner's beautiful singing voice. 'her face is as beautiful as her voice..' yoongi thought looking stunned at the girl sitting by the piano. she smiled up at him before waving. "hello there! im-" "kim eunjin right? i'm min yoongi..." he cuts her off, he straightens his back and smoothly walks over, sitting beside her. "you have a great voice! wanna be friends?" he was acting on impulse but it seemed like it was a good impulse. "friend? sure!" eunjin replies with her signature smile. "how did you know my name by the way?" "you're in my homegroup and you sit in front of me.. so i'm not surprised you didn't see me this moring" he replied smiling back with his eye smile. 

yoongi isn't much of a talker, eunjin knows that so she loves keeping the conversation going. let's just say yoongi's seen as a bad boy who will glare at everyone who goes near him. yeah.. he has that kind of reputation at school. since eunjin was practically friends with everyone, the students weren't surprised when yoongi, who usually slept on the rooftop during breaks, was sitting with eunjin at lunch, having a casual conversation. eunjin didn't mind the quiet yoongi in public and a sudden change to being a talkative yoongi when they were alone (in the music room, studio or an empty classroom). she understood he wanted to hold his cold demeanor around the students so he doesn't have to befriend everyone. "it's a burden to be a social butterfly. smiling that much makes my back hurt," yoongi would complain. 
before grade 12, yoongi usually only walked side by side with eunjin. but once grade 12 started, something seemed to change in yoongi. at first, their hands would brush whenever they walked together. but soon enough yoongi laced his fingers through eunjin's. eunjin didn't seem to mind though as she knew yoongi was naturally into skinship. not long after, students starting noticing and would whisper about them. after the first initiation, yoongi was even braver and would wrap his arm around her waist and pull her closer if they were walking to class and the hallways were crowded. eunjin still didn't mind but there were definitely butterflies having a frenzy inside her. the last iniation, yoongi would sometimes backhug her when she was at her locker; either getting/putting away books or getting her lunch. at this point, the whole student body had confirmed them as the 'unconfirmed couple'. sometimes, yoongi would feel like he was too clingy and would give eunjin space, but she would feel weird without him around so she would go and find him instead. 
at the start of the summer event, yoongi finally had the guts to officially ask eunjin. on the trip to the event, yoongi had whispered to eunjin, making sure no one else heard. "jinnie~ will you be my girlfriend?" in which eunjin cheekily replied "we haven't been dating all this time?" with a hurt expression. yoongi only gaped at her before breaking out into a smile. he lay his head on her shoulder with their hands interlocked and fell asleep. from that point on, yoongi was very sweet towards eunjin (not that he previously wasn't already sweet towards her). since they shared the same cabin, yoongi was able to keep an eye on her while she kept an eye on her brother. knowing eunjin, yoongi knew that he needed to bring an extra jacket for eunjin because she would either forget or her clothes aren't warm enough. he would take her hand and put it in his pocket to keep them warm. one thing eunjin grew a habit of is combing her fingers through yoongi's hair. she found that if she did that, he would fall asleep faster. 
since both are so popular at school, it's pretty obvious that their relationship being official would cause havoc. and that is absolutely true. most of yoongi's admirers were from the cheerleading squad in which, as mentioned, eunjin disliked them. but since eunjin and hyunjoo are extremely close friends and most of the cheerleading team is actually absolutely a little afraid of what hyunjoo can do to them, the girsl don't cause trouble for eunjin. but behind eunjin's back, they're making up all kinds of about her. "she probably bribed him with money so they could go out" "why would yoongi oppa even like a girl like her? she's so ugly."


ENDING  happily in love and dating


 chubby_bacon_cheeks · steph · 10/10 ❞

READY TO PARTY?             ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ          ㅤㅤㅤㅤX


COMMENTS  well.. you told me to insert anything.. so i did.. anyway!~ i hope i didn't write too much! please don't hesitate to tell me if anythings wrong or needs clarification! :)

 — they play truth or dare at the bonfire and they make yoongi and eunjin kiss (which is also their first kiss together)
 — seokjin, being in the same cabin as eunjin and yoongi, would often glare at yoongi because he was too close to his sister
PASSWORD BTS - Intro: Nevermind


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