this idea i will never write probably

i just rewatched memo? for the billionth time but i probably will never write this at all. or probably, maybe? i'm not sure, maybe i will if anyone would like to apply or is interested in the idea. crying bcus im too lame and what a loser myung. claps. but then so basically six or seven people are stuck on a train, there's nobody around and they get off at the last stop. realising that even after a while, the train hasn't left at all. the doors are still open and the lights are still on.

starting to question on where they are, all they have is a notebook and a few small items. they can't remember anything, why there were on the train. if they're dead or alive, what's the notebook for. on why they have those items. why are the people they see around, why are they scared of theM? the only thing other than the train, the small stores where either no one is working or there's one person who's completely scared of them. there's a door and they can't get in and like it's like asking them 'why are you here?'

after that, all they seem to remember is a small phrase that seems completely random like 'peach water is good'
idek if it's good but ,,,, it's inspired by memo? so i'll just leave it here bye


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i like this idea! its very interesting <33
I love memo! And it sounds like very original idea though. I can see how you connected it with memo, but I wouldn't have realized if you didn't say that