kim eunjin
< is in of the murder club. >
be fearless. be brave. if being those things means being a , then so be it. eunjin isn't one to listen to others words easily, let alone trust anyone. she only trusts herself and maybe 2-3 other people and that's it. all you really need to do to get to know and earn her trust with eunjin is to be patient with her. she'll come around eventually. she just wants to test how long you'd stay just to get to know her. if you're patient enough to wait for her, she knows that you'll be there for her. 
< 01 / BASICS. >
full name. kim eunjin (김은진)
❄︎ jin/jinnie; called by friends mostly as a shortening of her name
❄︎ princess (jin); called by everyone that doesn't know her well. it's her personality that gets her the name and she doesn't really care about it. she thinks she deserves the name and she lives up to it. 
❄︎ tigress: also called by people who don't know her. this has got to do with eunjin's fierce and absolutely scary attitude towards others. 
date of birth. Jun 20. 1998
place of birth. seoul, south korea
hometown. anyang, south korea
ethnicity. full korean
nationality. korean
❄︎ advanced korean; coming off as a surprise, you'd think a korean can speak native korean. but this isn't the case as eunjin wasn't brought up in korea. her korean has only gotten better in the past few years due to her constant exposure and teaching of korean. she mostly spoke in 'konglish'.
❄︎ advanced english; eunjin was actually brought up in the states by several foster families. she grew up in an orphanage in korea and was brought over to the states by a caucasian family. from there, she was exposed to english.
face claim. kim chungha (produce 101)
backup face claim. kim hyuna (4minute)
height and weight. 170cm, 50kg
appearance. eunjin's a tall, well built girl. unlike most girls, eunjin has quite a bit of muslce (especially her biceps and calves). standing at 170cm, she oversees most girls in her year making her even more imitating and scary. eunjin has a fearless tattoo that's located on her collarbone, another tattoo on her back and another on her wrist. (they all have special meanings and will be explained in trivia)

[+] cautious, motherly, bubbly
[-] blunt, hot-tempered, cold
eunjin on first glance from her natural resting face, is someone you should definitely avoid. her heavily lined, smoky eyes to her pursed rosy lips is something you see and walk in the opposite direction of. if you have the chance to walk past her, the breeze that follows her around is cold and smells heavily of perfume. you will shiver as she walks by and you can feel her glare stabbing into your back even though she's not looking at you. eunjin can give you one look to get you scurring away with your tail between your legs. the look eunjin will give you is the way a princess would stare at peasants that have kneeled before and trying to beg for forgiveness, etc. if her look has got you scurring away, getting on her nerves can probably break you in half. once you annoy her, you will feel and see the devil that you have unleashed firstly in her eyes and then her face. the smirk that spreads across her face when you've pissed her off will probably be the only sight you see before you black out. if you have the rare chance to hear eunjin's voice, whatever she's going to say to you isn't going to be nice. she will give her straightforward opinion, not really minding what her words can do to other people. eunjin is the type of person that will shoot down everything you say and do if she doesn't like what you're about to do or doesn't like you generally. with all these characteristics put together, its hard not for people to call her a princess. 
Hearing all that makes eunjin sound like a very bad person, right? but in fact, people who know eunjin personally knows that she isn't like that at her. eunjin, when not around others, is usually very bubbly and smiley. she likes to keep a conversation going. she likes to bounce around and keep her friends entertained with lame jokes and quirky body gags.
despite her hyperactive personality, most of eunjin's close friends go to her for advice. she likes to look after her friends more than her family eunjin was left at the orphanage as soon as she was born. when she was finally adopted and brought over to the states, it wasn't long until that family had put her up for adoption again. this happened to eunjin several times until she was 7 years old and her biological parents came looking for her. by this point, eunjin had learnt that despite how the world tells you family will love you unconditionally, she was taught otherwise. this is why she prefers to baby her friends rather than be babyed by her family and friends. when her friends need advice on friendship and even relationships or just want someone to talk to, they seek for eunjin. because of being put up for adoptions on so many occasions, it has cause eunjin to be very cautious about people around her. it's exactly her fault to be cold and blunt towards everyone, it's just eunjin wants to be sure that the people who are around her will stay and not abandon her like her foster families did in the past. 
❄︎ bubble tea - there's something so special about tapioca pearls and milk tea/fruity teas that have captured minhee's heart
❄︎ chocolate - i mean.. sweet things make you happy and chocolate keeps you warm as well!~ plus the feeling of it melting in your mouth is ic
❄︎ coffee - doing homework at a cafe will get you hooked, especially when you have an essay due the next day • smell of mint - it helps clear her constantly blocked nose
❄︎ flowers - well actually she's just allergic to pollen...
❄︎ smokers/cigarettes, etc - her nose is quite sensitive therefore she uses her sleeves/other peoples arms to block out the smell
❄︎ bitter foods/drinks - they make her cringe and make weird faces; it also makes her tongue feel weird
❄︎ did wingchun and self defence once she got back to korea - she wanted to only rely on herself and protect herself from others
❄︎ goes to the gym - it builds up her muscles (biceps and calves) which help her with her self defence and wingchun
❄︎ yoga and pilates - her amazing body figure doesn't sculpture itself, with regular participation in yoga and pilates, it keeps eunjin's amazingly curvy body
❄︎ knitting - doesn't sound like an eunjin thing to do but secretly she likes to knit scarves and blankets for orphanages around seoul

❄︎ takes mid-night walks to breath in fresh cool breeze and to clear her mind
❄︎ cracks her bones (neck, fingers, back, everything) - the popping sounds are so satisfying
❄︎ takes a shower every morning and then another at night - in the morning to wake herself up and at night to clean the dust/dirt from the day
❄︎ wants a samoyed which she will name cheonsa (angel)
❄︎ never leaves home without her special necklace - given to her by her biological brother when she finally moved back from the states
❄︎ has a fear of thunderstorms and a phobia of clowns
❄︎ adopted and moved to states - 2 y/o ⟶ sent back to an orphanage - 4 y/o (because of family's finanicial difficulties)  readopted - 5 y/o  returned to orphanage 7 y/o (because of domestic violence of family)  biological family finding her and returned to korea.
❄︎ tattoo explanations:
  fearless - she wanted to prove not only to others but also herself that shes brave - first tattoo she got when she was 16
  back - birds can represent freedom and the picture was of it breaking free from the dandelion (so it was like herself breaking free from restraints)
  wrist - the quote is pretty self explanatory but it represents that she is always prepared for the people around her to just leave and let her walk to path alone
❄︎ has been part of several gangs around seoul (therefore she knows a lot of people) because of her fighting skills and ruthlessness 
❄︎ swearing is a permanent part of her vocabulary, she will use it excessively as an adjective and wouldn't even know she's used vulgar language
❄︎ she hates being at home and seeing her parents, that's why she's practically moved in with seokjin
❄︎ calls everyone a loser (in english) out of habit really, she doesn't actually mean it but she uses it as a universal nickname
❄︎ she will answer sarcastically to questions that are somewhat stupid or the answer has been mentioned before

// brother | kim seokjin | 27 | preschool teacher | the only person in her family that eunjin fully trusts. she knew he didn't have a choice when she was put up for adoption, he was only 9 at the time. and since eunjin had always wanted an older brother (and being only 7 years old) she followed him around like a lost puppy, not that he minded or anything. seokjin is the only person that could possibly change eunjin's mind about anything and she will tell him everything that happens. if she gets hurt from fights and such, seokjin would be the one bandaging her up and covering up her wounds with stories for their parents, 'she fell over at school..' 'she fell over trying to catch the bus...' eunjin is forever grateful for seokjin and will always treat him with the utmost respect.
// best friend | jung hoseok | 26 | dance instructor | eunjin and hoseok met through seokjin as they were friends in high school. hoseok is the person that eunji runs too when she is in the dumps. someone who's as strong willed and brave as her has their down days too right? hoseok is always able to bring a smile back onto eunjin's face and always helps her clear her head when she has a lot on her mind. hoseok is also another person that is able to change eunjin's mind when she's making bad choices. if eunjin's injuries are very bad and she knows seokjin will give her the s for it, she will go to hoseok's place to get bandaged up. 
// ex-seatmate | ha jinwoong | 17 | student | during the new semester, the teacher made all the students change seats. jinwoong was probably one of the only people eunjin actually spoke to in her class. usually it was just useless banter but when it came to work, eunjin could not stand seeing her workmate get it wrong. she's helped in with the work on several occassions when he didn't understand but that's mainly it. sometimes if jinwoong saw eunjin's injuries on her arms or legs, she'd tell him where she'd got them from but never the indepth details. 
// friend | ha jaewon | 16 | student | jaewon is one of the girls that eunjin hangs out with. if you asked jaewon who she thinks she's closest with in the group, she would probably reply with jaewon. it could possible because they can talk absolute and trash about people in their school using english and no one would know. since jaewon is younger than eunjin, eunjin likes babying her and making sure that she's been eating and keeping warm during the winter time. 
love interest.
 min yoongi
backup love interest. byun baekhyun

[+] friendly, quirky, caring
[-] worrywart, lazy, persistent
[=] skinshippy

the love story.
[fate or bad luck?] — eunjin is one of the most popular girls amongst the guys at school, even in the seventh grade. but having popular girls means there are guys too right? you'd think a school like eunjin's would have bad boys and rebels as the most popular but amongst the group is a boy named min yoongi. he is probably the nicest boy you'll ever meet and all the girls at school have fallen for his charms. despite the variety of girls he has to choose from, only one girl has ever caught his eye and sadly she goes by the name of kim. eun. jin. ever since yoongi can remember in middle school, her piercing stare and her chilling aura had captured not only yoongi's attention but surprisingly his heart as well. "there must be a reason why she's like this. and i'm going to find out what." being in the same year, you'd think it's easy for yoongi to talk to eunjin and get to know her. but it was more difficult than that. eunjin is a girl who takes studying seriously, head down taking notes, but she will disappear 5 minutes before the bell and vanish during the breaktimes. 
one faithful day, in the depths of the night, yoongi was making his way home after playing basketball with his mates by the park. he was scrolling through his phone when he spotted a girl that was clutching her side, struggling to even walk a straight line. yoongi ran over to help, being the good citizen he is, to only have eunjin's piercing eyes stare up at him. she seemed to recognise him immediately and shook off the hand he had on her arm and continued on her way. being a worrywart, yoongi jogged after her, carefully grabbing onto her arm and helping her walk. "i'll take you to my house first to clean you up, it's just up there." he simply said before guiding her to his door. eunjin, at this point was a little light headed from the fight earlier and decided not to go against him incase she actually fainted on the way home and seokjin would not be proud. yoongi swiftly opened the door and closed it with his foot. he gently set her down by the couch and ran to the bathroom for thr first aid kit. eunjin looked around and realised that the house was empty and dark. "my parents are away on a business trip," she heard yoongi's voice as he sat down beside her as if reading her mind. he gently tilted her head towards his direction and used an alcohol swab to gently dab her wounds. "i'm min yoongi by the way. i know you kim eunjin. we're in the same homegroup." he softly said as he applied the ointment. he was surprised that she didn't flinch when the ointment came into contact with her wound. knowing she wasn't much of a talker, yoongi tried his best to continue the conversation. "a girl as pretty as you shouldn't be getting hurt like that..." he said, packing up the first aid kit before getting up to put it away. eunjin was at a lost, what was a boy like him doing? was he not scared of her? 'ahh . now that he's helped me, he's gonna think he's my friend.' eunjin thought to herself, rolling her eyes mentally. when yoongi came back, eunjin was already up on her feet. "i better go..." she softly mumbled before walking towards to door. "oh.. okay. make sure you take a look at your side.. you seemed to have hurt there..." yoongi said, following her to the door. eunjin stepped out and was about to close the door behind herself but was able to mumble a "thank you" to yoongi. that small conversation had yoongi's heart palpitating. 
["let me walk with you on this path called life"] — after that incident, yoongi seemed to have the courage to talk to eunjin more during class time. even though when yoongi first started off, eunjin didn't reply much. she didn't even show interest in the conversation and only had her eyes on the teacher, writing notes in her book, when in fact she had been listening to what yoongi was blabbering on about. after several weeks of talking to her, yoongi found that eunjin was starting to respond ever so little to what he was saying. sometimes when he said something funny or was tongue tied because of his way of slurring his words, he would see the smallest smile crack on eunjin before disappearing. he would sometimes receives small nods to acknowledge what he was saying and he found himself proud of what he was able to do. 'at least she's not completing ignoring me' yoongi thought. it was another several weeks before eunjin did something unexceptedly. "you play basketball huh? are you any good?" she asked yoongi while still staring straight at the board in front of her. yoongi had been interupted mid sentence but he didn't mind. he was too stunned that she had asked a random question out of no where to even reply. this caused eunjin to turn her head and quirk an eyebrow at him before turning back to the teacher. "i.. uhh.. of course i'm good! if i wasn't good, i wouldn't be playing it all the time right? and i wouldn't be on the school team." yoongi was finally able to choke out. from that day on, eunjin would suddenly ask him random questions and make small comments about what he was saying. 
fast forward several months and eunjin was hanging out at yoongi's house since he parents were once again, on a business trip. she was busy doing homework, well both their homework since yoongi isn't a brainiac and hated school, while yoongi was cooking up something that they could eat. at this point, eunjin was comfortable with yoongi and had told him bits and pieces of her past to him. "jin..." he called. "mm..." a disgruntled hum came from eunjin in response since she was working on a math equation. "what'd you say... i walk this path with you?" he asked, quoting her tattoo on her wrist. "don't walk it alone. i'll walk it with you..." he was getting nervous now since the pencil on the table had stopped writing. "ok." came her simple reply. yoongi turned around and stared at her with wide eyes. "y-you will let me?" "i like you min yoongi. don't make me say that again." eunjin cringed at her own words before going back to her homework at hand. 
[she's what?! taken?!] — news broke out about the new couple faster than eunjin liked to. seemed like yoongi was friends with everyone and they somehow knew over the span of the weekend. yoongi didn't seemed phase by it and was even apologising to some of the girls that had been following him around. on the other hand, eunjin's friends were pestering her for the juicy details. she had kept quiet the entire day and didn't mumble a single thing to them, hoping that they'll get the hint but they didn't, causing eunjin to pull out her killing stare at them before they'd shut up. 
yoongi, other than hoseok, seokjin and her friends, is the only other person that's able to bring out the playful side of her. even though she still keeps her cool, she's more likely to laugh and play along with his jokes when they're alone. if it was someone else, she would've shot them a glare and walked away.
especially in their relationship, yoongi's skinshippy trait shines through. he is also fairly possessive in their relationship because he knows that there are a lot of guys out there looking at eunjin. in the school hallways, yoongi wraps his arm around her waist or shoulders just to keep her closer to him. if eunjin was in a good mood that day, she'd initiate skinship by either hugging his arm or lacing their fingers together. yoongi doesn't want to push eunjin into doing anything she doesn't want to, so he hasn't tried kissing her cheek/lips yet. 
when the weather is cooler, yoongi and eunjin would go to eunjin's place (well seokjin's) and just hang out together. they would watch movies, cook and play video/board games, but the nights always end with them in a tickle fight from either being bored from the movie, teasing each other while cooking and even one getting annoyed at the other while playing games. seokjin would watch from afar and when yoongi gets a little too close for his liking, he would clear his throat and shoot yoongi a glare.
yoongi is also very considerate and observant of how eunjin is feeling when with and around him. even if eunjin looks a tad sad or stressed, yoongi would make her talk it out; only resulting to him hugging her tightly and letting her fall asleep in his arms from his body warmth. every monthsary, they would get each other a present and they promised each other that it would be small and nothing special and expensive - sometimes it would be a teddy bear or even just a simple bubble tea date. once, yoongi even received a small bar of chocolate from eunjin.
eunjin always steals yoongi's hoodies and sweaters, as she enjoys wearing bigger sized clothing and obviously they looked better on her than on him. it's also because she loves the smell of his cologne; she secretly has his scarf underneath her pillow which she hugs while she sleeps. (eunjin's not going to admit that she stole it - while yoongi thinks he either lost it or he left it at at school and someone stole it). eunjin teases yoongi by always being annoyed at something he does and says because she enjoys how he whines and tries to win back her attention with aegyo. whenever eunjin teases yoongi, she crosses her arms, turns her back on him with a pout on her face, something she rarely does. yoongi would straight away know what she's up to and pull her into a hug, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and tickling her sides if she wasn't responding to his whispers. yoongi also makes up random (and weird) pet names for eunjin which is highly embarrassing when they are in public and would definitely make eunjin bright red and forgive him immediately to make him stop.
how did you find out about the murder club? 
"even though i don't sit with jinwoong anymore, it doesn't mean i don't talk to him. he told me about it during a sports class once since he knows my background a little and knows i know some gangs, etc." eunjin replies brushing off some imaginary dust off her skirt before cracking her knuckles. "i just told him i'd see what i can do"
why do you want to join the club? 
eunjin shrugs before flipping her hair back behind her back. "i don't know. the gang life is risky and those ers fight over mindless things. maybe i can put my brain juices into something more... useful."
what can you add to the club? 
" man i don't know what i can add to the club," eunjin starts off sarcastically. "maybe information passed around throughout the gangs of seoul? that is useful for these stupid crimes."
how are you planning to join the club? "well jinwoong practically told me about the club, i'm guessing he wants me to join?" eunjin shrugs. "not that it bothers me but if he doesn't let me join, i'll probs make his sister let me in anyway." eunjin smirks before letting out a chuckle. 
name. steph
comments. did i go into too much detail? does my app make sense? i feel like it doesnt >~< i have some ideas for crimes that you could use, but i don't know if they're any good haha and also did you need me to elaborate on her background a bit more?
scene reqs. 
1. while investigating a crime, eunjin had to deal with some hand-to-hand combat and gets hurt. she has to make up a stupid story to cover up because her brother asked (since joining the club, she had lessened her participation in the gangs' activities)
2. seokjin not approving of yoongi at first but later warmed up to him after he witnessed how yoongi treated eunjin
3. eunjin stayed out late trying to solve a crime and she only wore thin clothes. the next day she got an extremely high fever and they had to take her to hospital
4. yoongi and eunjin get a couple tattoo behind their ears
password. " jinwoong! you loser. is there anything you can do?" eunjin grumbles under her breath. "i have to save your sorry again, seriously." she continues, rolling her eyes to add emphasis to her words. 


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