I need someone to talk to


Emergency situation

I am scared.

I am having bad thoughts...

The voice is trying to get me to do something stupid..

Help me

Distract me please I BEG OF YOU


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Try do some meditation. It helps to relax and calm the mind. You can talk to me if you want. No matter what happen, never ever hurt yourself. Dont lose hope. Everything will be fine. Believe in the good
cassidyann34 #2
I'm here. Guess what? I found myself a DADDY!! He's so nice and we txt all the time.
Exofan12345 #3
Hi please PM me if you want someone to talk to
I'll help distract you!
Have you seen "Celebrity Bromance" the mini-series where 2 male celebrities who are /unlikely/ friends actually reveal they are friends and hang out. Everything is filmed paparazzi style!
(PS: I am also here to listen if there is a problem)
you can share with me if you'd like? maybe a complete stranger can help or at least provide some kind of distraction
you can send me a pm anytime o: