SR22G! — The Trainee Life 》Year of Rookie [ no. 12 ] [ 서손하 ]

seo son ha
( juicyjune / jane / 8 out of 10 / イッカク。 )
♡ the basics 
full name) : seo son ha 
nicknames ) :
disney princess / her personality is common to a disney princess and her fans and friends call her this 
momha / she is pretty motherly and this is the nickname that most of her friends call her
dob/age ) : october 11, 2000 (18)
birthplace ) : daegu, south korea
hometown ) : daegu, south korea
ethnicity ) : korean 
languages )
korean / she lived in korea for her whole life so that's why it's her most fluent language / native
chinese / she learned how to speak chinese while training at jyp and sm / conversational
height ) : 164 cm
weight ) : 47 kg
( appearance) : son ha has a very inncocent look. her round face is accompanied by her two large brown eyes. most days, she lets her black hair down and it compliments her milky white skin tone. her nose is pretty tall and straight and her lips are small but plump. she doesn't like her chubby cheeks but a lot of people call her cute for it but she despises it. before entering the trainee life, she was actually more on the chubby side, but now, she really wants to take care of her body so her body is pretty slim.
♡ the face 
( fc ) : gfriend's eunha is taken
( backup fc ) : lovelyz mijoo is taken
( style ) : she has a very girly style. you'd mostly see her in skirts, dresses, and in the color pink. she loves being dressed up and she doesn't feel like herself when she's in jeans or a sweatshirt.
fashion, outfit, and clothes imagefashion, outfit, and clothes imageoutfit, fashion, and style imageoutfit, fashion, and style image
( extra? ) : she usually wears a necklace given to her by her mother and she wears it all of the time. she also has ear piercings on both of her ears.

♡ the deep end 
"don't mind me. i'm just here."
rookie number) : no. 12
number of years training) : 5 years (2 years at JYP and 3 years at sm)
when + why did you become an sm rookie) : in 2017, she was recommended by her trainer because she was improving so much that it was kind of unbelievable. from being the worst to being one of the best was big. her trainer told her to join sm rookies so that she'd get a chance to debut.
making a stan) : can't really think of anything
personality traits) :
(+kind, observant, understanding, affectionate, pacifist, sympathetic, soft hearted
(-) over emotional, indecisive, naive, unhumorous, slow, clumsy, passive
( elaboration) : son ha is a legit disney princess. when she told people that she rapped, they were super surprised because they never expected an innocent girl to rap. she is a very kind person, always thinking of everyone else before herself. she's a really motherly person. she really cares for everyone she meets and people are impressed at her disciplined manner because she is still very young. son ha is a person who loves peace and hates getting into arguements. she just feels so uncomfortable in the situation that she doesn't really know how to act if she were in a fight, but, if she does see an argument, she'd go in and try to get the people to reconcile and hear one another out. she's really like a substitute mother because she is so soft hearted and sympathetic. she'll understand how you feel and is just an overall kind person. whatever you're feeling, she'll feel the same and she'll give great advice. she is also a really affectionate person. she loves to show people some love and that involves a lot of hugging, wiping away tears, etc. she's shipped with a lot of the other girls because she interacts with a lot of them, just hugging them and stuff. even though she's really sweet, there are plenty of things that isn't so great about her. 
she is over emotional. like reallly over emotional. even if someone is singing her happy birthday, she'd start to feel emotional and tear up. it's kind of funny but weird at the same time. just be careful watching anything sad because she will cry a tsunami. even if it's just a small thing, like a fly dying, it'll shatter her. she is an indecisive person. don't trust her to make any decisions herself since she's a pacifist, she doesn't want to make the wrong decision. she's quite the slow and naive person. she'd believe anything anyone would say to her. it's also kind of sad. a slow person, someone would tell her the answer to the riddle, and she still wouldn't get it until like 4 hours later. she is unhumorous when she tries. it's really cringy like really cringy when she tries to make a joke. she'd fall and everyone would find that funny because she's clumsy but otherwise, it's really bad. she's exactly like a mom. like a mom that isn't funny. finally, she's a passive person. rather than being aggressive, it's really easy to push her around and she'll listen. not bullying. but you could ask her to clean your whole house by herself and she'd do it without complaining. she's just a pushover.
background ) : on october 11, 2000 in daegu, south korea, seo taehyuk and kim heojin welcomed their third child to the world, seo son ha. son ha was raised with her two older twin brothers, seo song hun and seo song jun. son ha was pretty lucky, being born into a pretty wealthy family. what's more unfortunate was that son ha's mother died from cancer when she was only 5. it was kind of a hard time for her family but her family soon rejoiced when her father married again when son ha was 7. when she was young, her birth mother was the singer in the family. even though she worked as an ob/gyn, her mother was one of the best singers son ha has ever heard. after her mother's death, son ha wanted to do something that would be dedicated to her mother. sadly, the singing genes weren't given to her. before training, she was the worst singer. bad tune, bad pitch, and couldn't even get the rhythm right. her brother song hun took their mother's singing genes and son ha got pretty envious on how she couldn't sing as good as her brother or mother. at the age of 6, she kind of gave up on the idea of singing so she started playing the violin. violin was one of her passions but over the past 7 years of playing violin, she felt so bad about not singing. she discovered kpop at the age of 7. kpop was pretty big then and everyone in korea practically knew about it. at the age of 13, she heard that jyp was holding auditions. she didn't really know what she felt when she went into audition but she first auditioned by playing violin. at first the judges were kind of confused because most would, sing, dance, or rap. after her solo, they clapped but asked if she could sing for them. she kind of panicked and gave it her best shot. definitely ears bled. her singing voice was bad to the point where they stopped her after 45 seconds. even so, they still chose her, probably seeing some beauty in her for they probably just chose her for her looks. she entered jyp and trained for 2 years, slowly making progress in her singing there but it was still great progress because she could actually sound okay which was a bonus. after 2 years at jyp, her contract ended there and they suggested her to train at sm. so she transferred over to sm. working at sm, they were more strict on her and suprisingly, being strict with her actually worked on her because she improved dramatically and she actually learned that rapping was definitely more for her. it stunned her as well. she never knew that her, a delicate flower, could actually spit some fire. at first, she was a bit awkward since rapping wasn't really her style, but after tons of practice, she found that it came to her naturally and that she was great at it. since she wasn't that great at singing, she just decided to be an entertainer, so that sonha was kind of like her mother except she raps, not sing. now she's in sm rookies! 
trivia )
• talent twins: singing twin- apink's hayoung dancing twin- apink's namjoo rapping twin- wjsn exy
• she's never won anything before
• she's really good at cooking but bad at baking
• she gets carsick really easily
• she went to an all girls school in elementary and middle
• she has a fear of spiders, heights, and puke
• her favorite color is pink. like obsessed with pink
• she is allergic to peanuts and freshly mowed grass
• her idol is snsd's seohyun
• her twin brothers are 4 years older than her
• she is close to twice's jihyo

♡ the interview 
"awwww. let momha hug you!"
do you like the idea of there being 22 girls? ) : yes! i feel like with 22 girls, there is so much talent to work with that it's super fun!
with there being 22 girls, do you think you can rank #1  ) : honestly, no. there is just so much talent in all of these girls that i'd feel like it'd be hard to surpass. my voice has improved so much and i'm so happy that i found out that i could rap, otherwise, i wouldn't be here. i would say i'm better than a lot, but the talent here is just out of this world that i'd think it's going to be rough to be number 1.
what kind of group do you think sm is creating? mini snsd? female version of exo? etc ) : it'd be really nice if it is a sister group of sunbaenim snsd or exo. i'd really think of it as an honor and i'd be really proud!
could 22 girls debut in a group? ) : it's not impossible but unlikely because with so many girls, a lot of them will be overshadowed or would not get the spotlight as much. 
is there a rookie you think will be hard to surpass? ) : i feel like all of them. once again, all of them are just so talented and i feel like i'm gonna be underestimated but just being here right now means a lot and i just hope that all of us gets what we deserve.
♡ the romance ♡ 
♡ the goodbye 
( comments ) : i hope you like son ha and i can't wait for this story to start!
( questions ) : n/a
( concerns ) : n/a
( scene suggestions ) : n/a
( password ) : glimmer
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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