SR22G! — The Trainee Life 》Year of Rookie [no.17], Aye Min Kyaing

Rookie # 17
Aye Min Kyaing
( yamitan7 / miya / nine / イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : Kyaing, Aye Min.
( nicknames ) :
• Min 민 / An easier and shorter way to call Aye Min / Almost everyone... Except her family
• Htwe / A childhood endearment that is still in use / Only her family
( dob / age ) : 08 • 09 • 2000 (18)
( birthplace ) : Mandalay, Myanmar.
( hometown ) : Singapore.
( ethnicity ) : Burmese.
( languages ) : 
• English / English is the most used language in Singapore / Fluent
• Burmese / Her family speaks mainly Burmese to each other / Conversational
• Korean / She learnt Korean to understand her favourite idols / Conversational
( height ) : 161cm
( weight ) : 49kg
( appearance ) : At first glance, there isn't anything special about Aye Min. Although she deviates from the usual definition of pretty. With her strong eyebrows and sharp nose. Her semi circle eyes are the perhaps the only femine features along with her pouty heart shape lips.
the face
( fc ) : exy of wjsn
( backup fc ) : eunseo of wjsn
( style ) : Aye min's choice of clothes is rather varied. From black hoodies to pastel dresses. Be it leather or cotton, if she feels like it suits the occasion, she will wear it. However, she is isn't much of a fashion star, coming up with odd combinations when left to choose her own clothes. Most of the time, her roommate will pick out a decent outfit for her.
( extra? ) : There is one thing her roommate can never decide for her; accessories. With a large collection of jade and stone bracelets and fancy earrings, she practically live on them. Aemin enjoys matching her bracelets and earrings to the outfit her roommate chose, reasoning that her look had to contain her touch too. Everyone knows shes just overprotective of them.
the deep end
"It's okay if you fall down as long as you stand back up taller than before"
( Rookie Number ) : #17
Number of years training ) : 3 years in SM
When + why did you become an Sm rookie ) : After failing the SM Global Audition 2015 in Singapore with last minute preparation, Aye Min decided she needs to take it more seriously if she really wants to join SM. 2016 was a year of important examinations for her but the pressure only made her want to join SM more. Perhaps as an escape from the expectations of her family. So she danced and sang more than studying. Fortunately, her hard work payed off before the examinations came and she successfully moved to Korea and joined SM in May 2016.
Making a stan ) : nil
( personality traits ) : +positive +adaptable +tolerant -meddlesome -envious -protective -gullible
( elaboration ) : In contrast to her seemingly cold resting face, she is actually someone who likes to smile a lot. Even when she's feeling down, she'll reply worried gazes with a bright smile. That's how much of a positive person she is, believing that the world needs to move on even in bad times and that good times will follow. This paired with adaptablility is what Aye min is usually seen as, sharing smiles as she try to lead the team along in new situations. Even if she's confused as well, she would hide it behind a reassuring smile and rely on her instincts to get the show going. However, this is all possible because of her patience. if you tried a hidden camera prank against her, she'll probably smile through it, tolerating harsh words and irritating antics by not showing her anger or annoyance. That being said, usually it's Aye Min who does the annoying. She can't stand being in the dark so she takes it uppon herself to irritate the information out of others. Even if it's not related to her, it just makes her feel better to know so that she could try to help or at least know what to not talk about.
Not known to many, Aye Min can get easily jealous. Although her words remain humble and demeanor calm, her inner thoughts are quite different. When another person gets more recognition, she would be envious but that only makes her work harder to gain the same recognition as well. This kind of applies to people too. If a friend is talking more to others than her, she would feel jealous and may sulk for a while but that's only because she's protective, wanting to shield her friends from people she think aren't good. If someone ever trues hurting her friend and is unlucky to get found by her, that person is a dead man. Even if it may hurt her image as a idol in future, if you mess with her loved ones, she'll pay you back ten times more, usually in the form of a flying kick or a punch. However, she is rather naive as well. As she always likes to think on the bright side, sometimes she can't think about anything negative and comes off as rather foolish. Her open mind is also what makes her gullible, believing everything her friends and family say, as long as she doesn't know otherwise.
( background ) : Born in Mandalay, Myanmar, Aye Min spent 6 years of her childhood under the protection of her 4 elder cousins and sisters along with the love from her grandparents in absence of her parents who went to Singapore for work. When Aye Min was 6, they bought her sisters and her to Singapore and they lived there for more than half of Aye Min's life. The family would occasionally visit Mandalay during the various holidays but never stayed too long. At school, Aye Min is an average student with some very good grades as well as very bad grades. It was during her time in elementary school that she learnt of Kpop. Starting from DBSK to NCT, she was quite the SM stan.
( trivia ) : 
• Became a trainee with a dance cover of VIXX's King and singing cover of DBSK's Why.
• Has a habit of biting the skin around her fingers when nervous or worried or just stressed.
• Tends to have random outbursts of hyperness.
• Not only an SM stan but a fan of TOP Media as well.
• Likes the smell of rain and old books or 'earthly smell' as she describes it.
• Greets everyone with a bow and wide smile unless the other person is close enough for a hug.
• Has never dated before.
• Usually has a lot of hair (but she waxes lol).
• Acts like the youngest sometimes as she's used to being the cutie pie in her family.
• Greatly intrigued by dialects and sometimes speaks in her own unique accent.
• Secretly a fangirl.
• Close with Hina as they learn Korean together (since Aye Min already learnt quite a lot on her own).
• Animes and Spongebob are her childhood loves.
• Avid viewer of 1 Day 2 Nights.
• Very fond of kids but they also make her miss her youngest cousin who is 15 years younger.
• Talent twins: Chorong of Apink for vocal, Yerin of Gfriend for dance, bomi of apink for rap.
the interview
"I'm sure we can do this"
( Do you like the idea of there being 22 girls? ) : hmmm.... not quite. Since there are so many of us, it'll be pricey to eat out and stuff.. but then it'll also ensure that the group is well balanced since we have enough members to go around haha. And I guess a sense of stability? Like you have so many people who's got your back haha
( With there being 22 girls, do you think you can rank #1? ) : I don't think so... Not only are the unnies talented but the dongsaengs have a lot more potential than me so perhaps not #1 but I do hope I make it through...
( What kind of group do you think sm is creating? mini Snsd? female version of exo? etc ) : I can never guess. NCT G would be cool.... But maybe they just want another ultimate group to rule this era haha.
( Could 22 girls debut in a group? ) : Maybe... maybe not. 22 is a large number but what's impossible?
( Is there a rookie that you think will be hard to surpass?  ) : #1 to #9? Because the puboic already know them and they already have fans to support them.... but #12 to #15 would be difficult to beat too, because our company doesn't usually display strong rapper like them.... I guess everyone in general because everyone wants to debut....
the romance
( love interest ) : Lee, Je No
( backup ) : Na, Jae Min
( gender ) : m
( personality ) : According to Aye Min's observations, Jeno seems like a reserved person with few but impactful words. He also has a big heart as he occasionally treats Jisung to free meals when the younger is having a hard time. He has a cute foolish side too. When he tries too hard to look cool and end up looking adorable instead... at least in Aye Min's eyes. Since the girl is blinded by love, she only notices his good points.
( meeting ) : Perhaps the real reason Aye Min was motivated to join SM is because of the same aged trainees who made an appearance with SR14B. In that way, she's actually been rather obsessed with him and when they finally met by coincidence in the hallways between SM's practice rooms, her heart almost ran out of her chest. Not to mention it was a rather sudden meeting as they were both just coming out of two practice rooms facing each other.
( interactions ) : Actually, there isn't much mutual interactions. Being shy and not wanting to overwork her poor heart, Aye Min usually keeps a distance from Jeno and watches him from afar, admiring him without him kmowing.... or does he...? Well, even if he does, he has been ignoring it and only Aye Min seems interested.
( relationship ) : To put it simply, Aye Min is a stalker of Jeno.... lol
( status ) : He does have female friends such as the MMC girls but he doesn't flirt with anyone, according to Agent Min's analysis. So he is probably single and not interested in anyone right now.
the goodbye
( comments ) : I have been putting this app aside for a long time.... but I hope it's not too late for you to accept my rusty work ㅠㅠ
( questions ) : nil as of now
( concerns ) : Did I make her too unknown or anything? Do tell me if there's anything you want me to fix, however minor it is!
( scene suggestions ) : 
• A mission with the smrookies boys +more to be added
( password ) : Auroral (shining)
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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