What's happening? 0.0


Hey friends sorry if we haven't talked for a while but I guess im at that stage where high school takes over my life. I'll try my best to come on everyday though (=

So here's the problem..... i'm seeing cats. Yes. Cats. 

Am i crazy? Is there a new update? Do i have a virus? Am i being spyed on? 

There's a cat in front of the top advertiser of my page when i'm in my inbox. It just slides down from the top and stops right in front of the ad. I don't think i've seen this before. Someone please help me! It's cute an all but it makes me worry that something's wrong with my computer. 





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Well, glad that I'm not the only one ..... -.-
Yeah, I'm worried too you know, so I check on my friends list, stories, number of subscriptions, voters and stuff regularly afraid tat I got hacked. =..="
Ah, guess i'm not the only one then... well it's still cute though
It's a dog that AFF created as an April Fools thing that you can move with your arrows and the W,A,S and D keys. It's a dog because it looks like the one from the Friendly badge.