Dilemmas of a Crack Shipper [!!!]

I've made it clear from the very beginning that I have a lot of ExoStal ships, the most prominent ones being LuStal, KyungStal, BaekStal, SeStal, a hint of ChenStal, and who could ever forget LayStal? 

But well, I think I've implied the fact that I never shipped KaiStal.

And look! Fate told me just hours ago that I've boarded the wrong ship.

I am devastated, honestly, and to think that what dragged me into writing for KPOP is ExoStal (minus KaiStal).

In short, I don't think if I am capable of writing more fics for Krystal and other EXO members. Even for the ships I've wanted to happen so desperately.

It'll take time.

But for those who are crack shippers like me, I love you. We can get through this.




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