If you got a wordpress blog, check this thing out.

3owl.com can let you get your own domaine for your Worpress blog! 

I just discovered it few days ago, and now I'm so surprised it exists! it's totally free, believe me and you can even check it out in Google. It have more to offer than the other hosting websites, I'll post a blog there soon, where I'll be teaching french to English speakers (I'm serious.) 

If you have a blog and want to update it to the next step : Your domaine and not  a sub domaine as xxxx.worpress.com but yours! Only yours!

Then 3owl is the hoster you need! However! You need to check tutos, like I did,  on how to take the blog out of Wordpress free sub hosting to the 3owl Free FULL hosting. 

You won't lose if you try it out, no fees, nothing! Just register, make your domaine and wait for the admin's aproval (which came 24 hours after, for me.) and Tada! 

Free Wordpress Hosting


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I checked it out and ... to be honest ... it's cheaper than my hosting.

What's the support like? How quick do they respond to tickets?