bae kyungji
bae kyungji
< is in of the murder club. >
no one ever expect someone this cute to be so goddamn obsessed with crime and murder. basically, the story of bae kyungji's life. more often mistaken for a fourteen than she likes it, kyungji has uncanny interest in the serial killers of the past, the torture case that happened a few years ago, reading and editing wikipedia pages about horrific past crimes. with chubby cheeks and a high-pitched voice, it seems more likely that kyungji is portrayed as angel, out to save the day but well, that isn't the case. she just has a really weird fascination with the evils and the wrongs of the world. she swears she's not a psycopath, but well, she's even watched all episodes of csi before, and has even taught herself to hack, so that she can get into the police department system to find out the latest things that happen. although, no one seems to really care about that though. all they see is cute and bright little bae kyungji, who seems to always smell of mangoes and always seems to be bubbly and smiley. 
< 01 / BASICS. >
full name bae kyungji. (배경지)  
  cutie pie / it's honestly no surprise to why kyungji is called as such. with chubby cheeks and a high-pitched as well as a matching bright attitude, she's very the very definition of adorable. even people around town know her as the cutie pie, they seem to look at her like she's the light of this incredibly dark town. kyungji does appreciate the nickname and does smile a little bit brighter when someone calls her that, because it makes her happy knowing that she has the ability to bring a little happiness into this sad, dangerous town.  
baeby / a play on kyungji's surname, it's an affectionate nickname that her friends like to call her by whenever they feel like kyungji is too much of a mouthful. it also fits because kyungji is often the youngest of the class and to many, she seems like an actual baby. another variation that comes along with this nickname is aegi, which literally translates to baby. 
date of birth sixteenth of december nineteen-ninety-eight.
place of birth seoul, south korea.
hometown seoul, south korea.
ethnicity korean
nationality korean
   - korean / because she's been born and raised her whole life in korea, of course, she'd be fluent. 
   - english it's at a conversational level because of the amount of crime dramas that she has watched and the lessons that the school has been giving. she has picked up some basic phrases but whenever she speaks, it's riddled with a thick korean accent, which frankly speaking, makes her sound even cuter. 

face claim produce 101 & star empire trainee han hyeri.
backup face claim produce 101 & jellyfish trainee kang mina.
height and weight 149cm + 43kg. 
appearance search up the definition of cute and the face of bae kyungji will appear. it's no surprise, really, just look at her features: cheeks as chubby as a freshly-cooked mandu, eyes that glitter as though honey spills out of them, a small little mouth that doesn't seem capable of handling the amount of words she speaks and a short and slightly chubby (don't let kyungji hear you say that, she likes being called cute but not chubby) frame. currently, she owns the very typical schoolgirl hairstyle of long, straight dark-brown hair and wispy bangs that cover her forehead.  

TROPES (click on it, they're links!): cute and psycho, nightmare ist, fearless fool, attack, attack, attack!
< happy virus, happy pill, put a smile on your face >
they say she's a pleasure to be around with, they say she's the cutest thing to ever grace beomjo since, well, forever, they say she brings a little more light into the place of darkness. no one disagrees because kyungji is bright and happy. kyungji smiles at every possible moment, kyungji looks for silver linings in dark grey clouds, kyungji is so nice to everyone and so friendly and you can't help but want to be friends with her. she's a ball of vibrant energy, the pop of color and the smile that everyone wants to put on their faces. 

< open your eyes, watch the scenes a little closer > 
they don't know she's smart - smart not in the sense of being able to read books and vomit out whatever text, but smart, in the sense that she's well, street smart. neither do they know that kyungji sees and notices every little detail. you think she didn't see you mentally undress your teacher just because she's smiling? oh, she definitely did. maybe it's one too many late night csi marathons or maybe she's just born with it but well, she sees everything. they don't know that whatever kyungji wants, she will find a way to get it. they don't know that if a zombie apocalypse were to happen, the best person to stick with is little happy-go-lucky and little forgiving bae kyungji because she's resourceful. when words and aegyo don't work, she'll switch to dirtier tactics - self-taught hacking from youtube videos, creating false accounts using identities of policeman. just watch.  

< stop fighting a war you'll never going to win > 
they know she doesn't like losing. they know that if you hit bae kyungji with one remark, she'll keep fighting back with new excuses, new defenses until you give up and say, "fine ing hell you're right kyungji." it's frustrating and it makes you want to smack her because ing hell, why is it so hard to admit you're wrong? they also know kyungji is impatient, kyungji is impulsive, kyungji works with her heart and not her head. she wants to do something? she's not going to wait until the bell rings and the lawmakers make it official. she'll just do it. it's crazy and brash and it has almost gotten her killed but kyungji doesn't care. nothing scares her.  

< stop thinking about it stop thinking about it > 
they tell her to stop thinking about it. but she can't. her brain works and works and works and it never stops working. once she gets in, it's like a black hole. it's like her whole life will revolve around this particular thing or person or item or object. it never stops, never will stop, until there is a conclusion. example, when she was fifteen, she was crazy obsessed with eating cherry tomatoes with salt but then, she'd ended up with extremely high levels of urine acid. she moved on to being obsessed with eating grapes. 
     < girls like you shouldn't like things like this >


she's barely three years old when her bedtime stories change from once upon a time and happily ever afters to last night, a murder occured and he's still out there. her father, famed crime novelist bae kyungsoo, takes over the shifts for her nighttime stories and reads her his latest drafts from the books. he doesn't think she understands, uses her as a support mechanism because seeing his little daughter's smile as she drifts out to sleep about another adventure in solving the case of horrific serial killer gives him comfort. maybe the next book will sell as much as his first series.

but she understands. kyungji understands every word her father says and somehow, like a pull of a thread, she's hooked. she never misses any of the news, she reads all the crime and murder books available in the korean language and when she's old enough, she searches them up on the internet. reads and reads and reads. and later, she writes and writes and writes. becomes a paid author for websites revolving around crime, murder and mysteries. watches all the available shows, in all available language. 

her mother whispers to her father late at night, "you shouldn't have read it to her - now look at her, this isn't normal. she shouldn't be so interested in this." kyungji's father just laughs. kyungji doesn't even feel offended because she knows she's normal. she likes boys, she worries about clothing and popularity too, she's just an average teenage girl, with eccentric interests. 

so, when they move to beomjo because i need more inspiration i haven't been writing anything for years i need to live in a place of crime i need i need i need, kyungji feels nothing but excitement. 

     < 01 > her catchphrase is, "i swear i'm not a psycopath, i'm just interested!"   
< 02 > surprisingly enough, kyungji has a job. she's an author for the listverse websites, where she posts lists under the bizarre category and she also occassionally writes for the creepy section of the thoughtcatalogue. 
< 03 > oh, she really likes fruits too! you can often see her eating some healthy fruit and sometimes, she even brings them to school to share.  
< 04 > she owns a snapchat account at KYUNGJITHEBAE but she's not really active on it and the only time she uses it is to send funny selfies of herself with filters to her friends. 
     < 05 > kyungji likes being called cute and being patted on the head. maybe because she's always been an only child, she just enjoys being babied around. even though it may annoy some people, it definitely doesn't annoy her. in fact, she'll admit that she does play up the cute factor sometimes. (but honestly, even without trying, she's adorable.) 
     < 06 > this lil loser hasn't had a boyfriend yet because everyone looks at her like she's their younger sister rather than a potential love interest. she does have a lowkey crush on yamazaki kento after watching him playing l in the japanese adaptation of death note.
< 07 > there's no way to sugarcoat this but she's rich, she's really really rich. like she owns three houses in seoul itself, all thanks to her father's bestselling books. they've even been turned into movies! 
< 08 > she doesn't like swearing and if she hears you swearing, she'll kindly ask you to stop. because she's a little judgemental peanut. 
< 09 > once you're bae kyungji's friend, you'll earn a cute nickname from her! they're usually inspired by fruits.
     < 10 > she's an insonmiac. not a surprise to see messages from kyungji at like 5 am. 
     < 11 > her favorite kind of music is k-pop and in particular, she really likes upbeat and bubblegum pop. her favorite song of all time is gee and if you ask her, she'll gladly perform for you. 
     < 12 > she doesn't really show off about her interests but she's not ashamed of it. if people ask, she'll give answers. and sometimes, she does blurt out facts about crimes, if it's relevant to the scene. not many people know the extent of her obsession. 


first crush ha jinwoong nickname: honeydew 
the first person that kyungji meets when she first moves into beomjo is ha jinwoong. the first thing she notices about ha jinwoong is how attractive he is. she has to hold her jaw to herself because it drops on the ground and she's never been in love but she's stuttering so much and is she blushing? oh her face is bright red. and their fathers become close friends (kyungji's dad needs information about crimes, jinwoong's father is the best person to talk to) and dinner dates with their family become normal and kyungji lets herself have the biggest and most obvious crush on ha jinwoong. but honestly, jinwoong doesn't mind because somehow, kyungji has wormed herself into his life and he likes her platonically. she's a nice, cute little girl who isn't afraid to shoot down his idealistic thoughts with realistic statistics about the evils of the world and she understands what it's like to be rash and impulsive. rather embarassingly, kyungji confesses with a box of chocolates and gets rejected. her crush ends because well, there's a conclusion. they remain being good friends and truth be told, kyungji does scare him a little because how does someone know so much about death. don't tell anyone though, they'd laugh at 183cm giant ha jinwoong being scared of 149cm cutie kyungji. 

      intimidating unnie ha jaewon nickname: peach 
kyungji isn't afraid of many things but one thing she is afraid of is ha jaewon. because she is so beautiful and elusive and self-assured and god, jaewon is everything that kyungji wants to be. it's almost as though her crush on jinwoong has transferred over to jaewon and it's a lot of shy stuttering and bright smiles and stolen glances of admiration.

best friends   lee haein   nickname: strawberry
haein and kyungji, aka the cutest pair of friends to ever exist. they meet on the first day of school, where haein's assigned to be kyungji's partner and they've never looked back ever since. there's no explaination except the fact that they just click - haein likes the crust of pizzas, kyungji doesn't. haein is patient and likes to plan, kyungji rushes into life and follows nothing but the sound of her heart. on days where haein has really dark mood swings, kyungji is the only person that can pull her out of it. haein completes kyungji. their relationship is absolutely adorable because they're so touchy-feely with each other and it's no surprise to see haein's arms around kyungji and kyungji to place a little peck on haein's cheeks. the only thing that they don't have in common is that haein isn't interested in kyungji's interests and is rather squemish of blood. which is why she stays out of the murder club. they squeal a lot around each other, laugh about the silliest things, take cute selfies, it's cute. no one can deny it.  



love interest
 choi youngjae (got7).
backup love interest kim hanbin (ikon)

their love story 
< when you take one steps, two steps away. >
choi youngjae meets bae kyungji for the first time in the first year of high school, where he is assigned to seat beside her for no apparent reason, except for fate. youngjae has heard of kyungji before - who hasn't? the girl with the bright smile and the dark obsession. he's never been really good with girls or people in general so he greets her with a stutter and an equally bright-red face. the only thing that kyungji can remember is how adorable he is and how nice his smile is and how cutely awkward he is (he tells her she looks like a baby chick and for a moment, she looks offended but she squeaks afterwards and it's a little weird but youngjae thinks it sounds adorable.) 

< i will take three steps to closer to you. >
they continue seating beside each other, even though it's no longer compulsary. they've developed somewhat of a friendship - which is much progress considering how awkward youngjae is. he'll poke her with his pencil whenever she starts dozing off in class and she whispers answers to him during class whenever he's called up and he doesn't know what to say. they communicate through notes written at the edges of their notebooks and cute doodles that youngjae draws up. they get into trouble sometimes and they're punished to stand outside with their hands over their heads. youngjae whispers guilty apologies but kyungji waves it off with a smile because well, she doesn't really mind spending more time with him. 

< so, we won't get any further apart. >
right now, the awkwardness has warned off but they're still quite shy around each other (youngjae still blushes whenever kyungji skips into class and says good morning, youngjae! to him) but it's obvious that both parties have mutual feelings for each other, which is why everyone everyone (which surprisingly includes ha jinwoong because jinwoong is somehow friends with choi youngjae) ships them. come on, how can you not ship two very cute people with incredibly cute interactions? every tuesday, kyungji prepares a special lunchbox for youngjae, made up of cute food decorations because it's the day that he has lessons until late night. and youngjae gives her notes for physics because it's her weakest subject and he uses cute doodles to help her learn. he waits for her to leave before he does, even if it's eight o'clock at night because he doesn't think it's safe for her to walk home alone and even if she lives far away, he walks with her. she covers for him whenever he's late, protects him against other rowdy boys when he's sleeping. he smiles at her when he thinks she isn't looking. and yet, somehow, neither have confessed. for youngjae, he's just shy and scared and awkward and he still thinks that kyungji likes ha jinwoong. and for kyungji, it's like, being around youngjae has paralyzed her - she's suddenly calm and she doesn't even have an impulse to confess because just being around youngjae as it is, , is more than enough for her. 

< when you take one steps, two steps closer. >
the turning point is when kyungji leaves her history open one day and he accidentally sees everything - sees the death and murder notes that she makes and sees the murder club. and not going to lie, it scares him. his overactive imagination acts and youngjae believes that kyungji is a murderer - otherwise, why would she be in a ing murder club? ? so, he starts distancing himself away from her - less cute interactions, going home earlier and of course, kyungji is hurt. she leaves post-it notes on his desk, asking "why are you ignoring me?" and youngjae throws them all away. because yes, he likes her but he can't like a murderer. it's not until one day, kyungji's had enough because she just fell asleep and the teacher's yelling and she turns to youngjae and asks, "why are you doing this to me?" as you may know, most teachers are incompetant and they just want to get the lesson along so both youngjae and kyungji are thrown out of class, almost similar to their earlier days, forced to confront their problems. 

< i'll stay right where i am. >
they talk through their misunderstandings through sore arms. youngjae apologizes, kyungji swears it's just an interest and before she can actually help herself, her lips are on his and this time, it's the boy who's wide-eyed but he kisses back and it's so adorable and people actually stop to take photos and they become official. and even cuter. (holding hands in between classes, cute selfies on snapchat, dates after school at cheap places because youngjae's paying, him listening to her interests) 



how did you find out about the murder club? 
she grins cheekily, swinging her legs around the chair. jinwoong oppa told me about it! i was deservedly the second person to find out about it! her eyes shift shyly onto the floor, biting her lip almost nervously. of course, jaewon would be the first to know! but i was still second and jinwoong oppa said that i actually inspired him to form such a club! how great is that! 

why do you want to join the club? 
why would i not want to? her lips break out into an vibrant beam, eyes glittering with excitement and it's almost like she can't contain her happiness. this is everything that i've wanted for so long! a group of people who share the same interest as i do! we can talk about the manson family, the murderer who carved smiles onto his victims in ireland, oj simpson! she nods excitedly and repeatedly, the words rushing to leave her lips. i don't even need to hack the police anymore! she notices the worried look on the interviewer's face and slows down, blinking exaggeratedly and twiddling her fingers. oh no, i scared you off, didn't i? i swear, i really swear, i'm not crazy. . . it's just something that interests me, just like how some people are interested in really she blushes slightly as she whispers the word, almost embarassed  things. 
what can you add to the club? 
my knowledge, duh! she points proudly to herself and puffs out her chest, adjusting so that she sits a little taller. the interviewer laughs a little and she deflates and focuses her attention on playing with her sweater paws. i just think that i have a lot of extensive knowledge about all these things and i could really help in identifying their motive or inspiration. oh, other than that, don't tell the police but i she looks around nervously before leaning into the interviewer to whisper actually hack onto their system. wouldn't that help a lot? 

how are you planning to join the club? 
isn't it obvious? she pouts slightly, puffing out her cheeks. jinwoong oppa will invite me! how can he not! 
name joy!
comments OK TBH kyungji is inspired by myself bc i like reading about crime and murders and all but just to clarify, it's not like she idolizes or aspires to be a serial killer but rather, she just holds an interest?? ; v ; OK this ended up longer than expected im sorry
scene reqs. 
- maybe they can have a group chat and kyungji uses a lot of cute emoticons and it makes everyone laugh because this is something serious but there you have, bae kyungji with her serious deductions and cute little > v < and > o < emoticons.
- kyungji being really disappointed when she finds out that the murder club is dedicated to solving mysteries rather than actually talking about murder lololol
- she gets really obsessed with this one case and stays up all night thinking about it and it's crazy and it's almost scary 
- someone swears and kyungji looks really offended HAHA this is gonna be so cute 
password "it's okay, oppa! we all make mistakes! do you know how many people are wrong excecuted? over thousands, so don't worry, it's just a small matter. we can fix it!" 


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imnayoungs #1
imnayoungs #2
she's so adorable