「♡」FABLE ; 黒花春 is TIGER LILY! [ wip holla don't mind my notes to self-- ]

think you can get me
full name.   kurohana haru ( 黒花 春 )
other name(s).   n/a
little black flower : one of haru's father's clients' son called her this after learning about her last name and its direct english meaning ( 'kuro' being 'black' and 'hana' being 'flower' ). that certain friend of hers usually called her this when he addresses her in person or in sns posts.
princess : mainly her parents call her this, as well as her father's company's employees, investors and clients, since she is the "princess" of the "king" of the company. can also be used in a derogatory context, but be prepared for the consequences.
amazon : a private nickname that her parents gave her when they started watching her practice karate. 
annyeongi : buffy called her this when he first called her by her name. she heard him a little wrong and thought that he said "halu" ( lipsing the "r/l" ) and haru somehow connected it with the english 'hello', which evolved to "annyeong", and then buffy added an "i" at the end because it sounded like he was saying "hello" twice.
birthdate.   09.09.1995
birthplace.   hokkaido, japan
hometown.   hokkaido, japan
ethnicity.   japanese
japanese : she is a full-blooded japanese, who has lived in japan for most of her life, so her fluency and knowledge of japanese is really something. she knows how to write in katakana, hiragana, and kanji.
english : being the daughter of the ceo of one of japan's top technological companies, haru underwent advanced english studies for most of her life to enable her to interact with her father's numerous foreign investors and clients. her japanese accent is near non-existent since she's learned how to migrate her accent ever since she was seven.
korean : before she fully decided on being a trainee in the korean entertainment sphere, haru underwent a year of korean language studies, and then continued under a korean trainer for foreign trainees under loen. since she focused on rapping, her korean was certainly placed into focus to help her adapt to the language.
take a look at you
faceclaim.   hirai momo : twice
backup.   idol & group
height & weight.   170cm & 53kg
appearance.   description of what your character looks like. anything different from the faceclaim? tattoos, piercings, scars, etc.
style.   short description of what your character dresses like. links are optional, but loved.
the clock is leaning already
positive : strong-willed, brave, faithful, dignified, loyal, polite
neutral : competitive, confident, complex, level-headed. private
negative : reckless, proud, cautious, dissociative towards conflict, assertive
background.   min 2 paragraphs. please make sure to follow the plotlines and keep the background similiar to their fairytale. [ her cousin took her to rainy day tour in 2005, which inspired her to become a performer // she was abducted as a child by her father's rivals, but rather than give her father's location, she remained steadfast and nearly risked dying, if it weren't for the intervention of someone ]
likes.   5+
dislikes.   5+
habits.   3+
trivia.   unlimited
she is artistic to a certain degree - she writes lyrics and can draw quite well
she knows karate and used to practice it back in japan
obsessed with dyeing her hair - she's blonde now but she wants to try red, dipdye, and anything else
a big fan of the series 'yamato nadeshiko shichi henge' and because of her similarities with the main character sunako ( from hokkaido, fan of the horror genre, a fighter, would probably use someone as bait if it means seeing her idol ), she often says that she's like the real version of sunako... save for the reaction towards "bright creatures" and unwillingness to appear on-cam
one thing that alerted the trainers to her potential to be a rapper during her first few weeks was the fact that, when she's excited, she tends to talk really fast
privately condones rap competitions and diss tracks/battles, but that doesn't mean she can't diss. however, for her, it's much more effective to use psychological warfare using absolute silence ( aka the attitude of " you're not important enough to hate " ).
kurohana seiichi ; father ; age ; ceo of a major japanese technological company ; info
kurohana mikoto ; mother ; age ; housewife ; info
kurohana kyouya ; older brother ; age ; computer engineering major ; info
yukimura kagami ; butler's bro and childhood friend ; age ; college student ; info
altair wright ; idiot friend ; age ; heir to a british automotive company ; info
mayuzumi akiko / anna mayuzumi ; english trainer ; age ; english trainer ; info
yukimura daiki ; family butler ; age ; family butler ; info
lone whale in a pink ocean
stage name.   holic ( no special reason behind it other than the fact that she got it from a video game character a.k.a. paul holic from ace attorney investigations 2 )
persona.   tiger lily
position.   main rap, vocals
talent twins.  
talk twin : hirai momo ( twice )
vocal twin : yoo yeonjoo / yooa ( ohmygirl )
dance twin : im nayeon ( twice )
rap twin : shin jimin ( aoa )
variety twin : ham eunjung ( t-ara )
trainee years.   max 5 years, min 1 year
trainee life.   a short description of how their training was like. were they bullied? how did they handle the bullying? or were they a favorite? just remember, nobody is perfect.
predebut.   optional, please make sense
my heart is already with yours
love interest.   ju hyeon : madtown
beopi : haru started calling him beopi when she figured out the hangul of his name, which, in strict romaji, is beopi. she just likes calling him that since he called her "annyeongi".
vampire slayer : it came from "buffy the vampire slayer", and err yes haru also made the connection. this is the name that she saved buffy's number in her phone under.
birthdate.   mm.dd.yyyy
personality.   gentlemanly, mischievous, charismatic, confident, playboyish, sensitive, romantic
relationship.   friends maybe lmao they're mostly teasing buddies
first meeting.   make sure it makes sense. it's okay if it's a little cliche, fairytales afterall lol [ haru was watching an underground rap performance somwhere in the heard of the underground seoul, and buffy was there too, but undercover. however, a fan recognized him, then more people gathered around him. seeing his not-so-ovious distress, she pulled him away and pretended that she's his cousin and that he really does only look like madtown's boffy, then pulled him away and ran for their lives. ]
interactions.   make sure it makes sense with their relationship
ending.   how will they end? nothing to angsty please
come like a longing dream
welcome, welcome! please introduce yourself to your fans!
" annyeong! ohayo! fable's warrior, the tiger lily haru is here! " haru greets with a smile and a bow. 
it's nice to meet you! how do you feel about debuting?
" nice to meet you as well. " haru bows politely, a habit she hasn't grown out of. " how i feel about debuting? hmm... of course i'm happy about it! being able to debut means that my hard work has certainly paid of, and that i have the skills to be able to perform in the entertainment industry. it's certainly an honor! "
hmm, interesting...we heard that your concept is fairytales, please tell us your story!
" my story is quite similar to tiger lily from peter pan. the exact circumstance surrounding this choice is something i'd like to keep as private, but the other part of the story is something i can share. basically, tiger lily and i do share quite some good similarities. we are both considered as 'princesses' by birth, and unlike the others, the tiger lily of the fairytale and i know how to fight. and we're the type of people that will never betray people and will gladly take the hit for something we believe in, even if it is something drastic! "
how cute! now what are your strengths and weaknesses?
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do you have an ideal type? and an idol who fits your description?
" an ideal type? " haru her head slightly to the side in a bit of wonder, but straightens up. " hmm... honestly, i've never really thought about it that much. maybe someone who would not disgrace himself so openly for the whims of others, but is brave enough to do things out of their comfort zone. " seeing the crew's somewhat bewildered looks, haru laughs. " oh, i'm sorry — was that too complicated? " the pd shook his head, and asks her to continue with the other question. " an idol who fits my description? hmm... at this point, i could hardly think of one. i think i know someone like my ideal type, but that is a secret for now~. "
if you were ever given the chance, would you date a fan?
haru nods. " of course, provided that i have strong romantic feelings for them! love isn't something that is bounded by social class or status such as idol and fan, so if i do like a fan, i'd definitely consider dating them. "
what would you be if you didn't debut?
" i'd definitely be training in my father's company. " haru answers, not missing a heartbeat. honestly, if it weren't for the fact that her father was supportive of her decision ( mainly because he has her older brother kyouya as the next heir ), she would probably land in her father's company, despite math being something that she outright despises secretly. " he'd want me alongside my brother when the time comes that kyou-onii takes over the company, so i think that's plan b. "
wow! how close are you with the history members?
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is there an idol or group that you look up to? what would you do if you met them?
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thank you for listening to our questions! anything you would like to say to your fans?
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come to me liar
comments.   any last words?
suggestions.   shows? or maybe scene requests?
password.   did you read the rules and cheatsheet?


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