Pwetty pwease?? ^^

Anyone interested in writing an OnSeob (Onew and YoSeob) oneshot for me? =D I don't want yahoo, I just want like.... A sweet hyung/dongsaeng story. Maybe throw a little DooJoon in there~! ^^ pleeeeassseeeeee???? If you haven't seen why I'm so obsessed with this couple (the whole 'Wourd you rike something to dwink?' vid on YT,) tell me cause it is important I send you the link (Omo I almost said 'it's important I send you something to dwink.' xD ) so please please please???!!! I'll love you forever~ ^o^


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icookyourramyun #1
Yeah, I might :)
It would take me a few days though, but I'll do it.
mrsb2st #2
Ahaha, I meant !!!! Not yahoo~ I'm fine with yahoo~! ^^