Story Survey

Preliminary Questions

Q: How many stories have you published on AFF?
A : 4; 3 completed (?) and 1 on-going

Q: How many years have you been writing on AFF?
A: Almost a  year. I started Between You and Me in April of 2015.

Q: How many unique subs do you have?
A: 742

Q: Who was your very first comment from and what on?

A: My first comment was on Between You and Me!

sis2dal #9 Apr 7, 2015 19:21:58 Reply All  

Looks interesting, I'll try this soon!


Q: Who was your latest comment from and what on?
A: My latest was on This One Wish because I had recently (finally) updated it!

MagicalPanther19 #1 Mar 24, 2016 0:04:18 Replies Reply All  

Chapter 9: Omg this is finally rolling! I love how Yixing is straightforward, it makes him even more lovable! I will be waiting patiently for the next chapter omg can't wait!

About the stories
Q: Which story has the most chapters, and how many?

A: Between You and Me coming in at 45 chapters plus one extra bit.

Q: Which story has the least chapters, and how many (do not include one or two shots!)?
A: Distance Between You and Me, the spin off for Between You and Me which only had 10 chapters. 

Q: Which chaptered story is the most popular?
A: Definitely BYaM

Q: Which chaptered story do you consider to be your underdog (aka better than the most popular one)?
A: I don't think I have one. BYaM is leagues better than my other two right now.

Q: Which chaptered story is the least popular?
A: Definitely This One Wish. It's newer, still ongoing, and not connected to BYaM.

Q: Which chaptered story has the longest word count?

A: BYaM, most definitely. I counted it once and I'm pretty sure it was over 90k.

Q: Which chaptered story has the shortest word count?
A: DBYaM does, and if it doesn't yet, then TOW will eventually be longer. TOW is an ongoing series that's definitely going to have more than 10 chapters in it.

Q: Which oneshot is the most popular?
A: This is Real Life, as it is my only one-shot

Q: Which oneshot do you consider to be your underdog (aka better than the most popular one)?
A: Again, only have one.

Q: Which oneshot is the least popular?
A: And only one of them. Although if I wrote something else I'm sure TiRL would be the lesser popular of the two as it's honestly not that original. The funny thing is, when I was writing it I felt like I was covering new ground, writing something really different, and I was, for me. I had never written anything like that, and I've honestly never had a relationship before so I've never had a break up. I was exploring that realm, and accidentally created something incredibly cliche. Whoops. Oh well. I can't bring myself to delete it because I love the cover poster I had made for it so much, but I've been thinking of instead doing a reboot of it, something better written, something longer, and something definitely more original. I don't have a lot of time for it now, but I hope to get around to that eventually if anyone's interested.

Q: Which oneshot has the longest word count?

Q: Which oneshot has the shortest wordcount?


Q: Which are your top 3 favorite stories?
A: Well, as I've already mentioned that I'm not particularly proud of TiRL, my favorite 3 are definitely BYaM, DBYaM, and TOW.

Q: Which are your 3 stories you dislike?
A: So this should be pretty easy to guess from my earlier answers. My least favorite is TiRL, for the reasons I've already given. Out of my remaining three to choose from, I'll have to exclude BYaM as most of my problems with it come from grammar and some awkward word choices throughout. I do have problems with my other two stories, though. DBYaM was something I had been looking forward to for a while, but I was ultimately pretty disapointed with what I had done with it. 10 chapters is an awkward length for me to write stories, I found out. I think I'm okay at writing short stories that are more like snippets, and I feel I'm best at writing longer stories where I can really take the time to develope the characters and have a bigger over arching plot and plan out smaller things to happen. DBYaM wasn't short enough for me to do the snippet thing, and it wasn't long enough for me to develope anything more, so it really felt like I was doing filler for a lot of it. A couple of people really liked it, and I'm happy for it, but I'm still a little peeved with myself over it because I really loved the characters that it was about and I felt I didn't really do them justice. As for TOW, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it anymore. I'm a discovery writer, which means I don't like plotting things out too much or else it all the fun out of writing the story. Before I realized this, though, I had already plotted out most of TOW. I've never had an actual outline, but I knew how I wanted a lot of the bigger moments, even the ending, to go down before I even started writing it. That's honestly one of the reasons I've been so slow about posting it, aside from just being so busy it's hard to even write things I'm excited about. I just felt like I had the life out of the story, and there were other smaller details I wasn't that crazy about anymore. I've started getting over this by reminding myself that I don't have to stick to anything I've planned out, that I can change and recreate anything I want, and that's helped a lot. I've just hard to force myself to start seeing the story in a different light. I think my chapters for that story will start getting better, and once summer hits I'll definitely start updating more, hopefuly I'll be back to my once a week schedule!


About the characters
Q: Which character was the most fun to write and why?

A: As far as perspectives go, it's pretty easy: Soo Young. The other three were/are a little more difficult to write either because they're so different from me or because they're really down and out. Soo Young was easy because I gave her my social anxiety and way of handling it; avoiding people and choosing to read instead. Jin Ri was also nice because she's so optimistic, but her personality is so opposite of mine that it was a challenge to write her

Q: Which character was really hard to write and why?
A: So far it's a tie between Jin Ri and Andy. Jin Ri is fun, but my polar opposite. Andy, on the other hand, is extremely pessimistic. When writing TOW I have to keep reminding myself that Andy is, in fact, the main character and I need to show her perspective more because I get so caught up in Yixing's perspective, and he's a pretty optomistic guy.

Q: Which character made you cry and why?
A: Xiumin. I may have teared up in both BYaM and DBYaM over him, I can't remember for sure, though. I don't really want to say on the off chance that someone reading this has not yet read either BYaM or DBYaM and I don't want to spoil anything.

Q: Which character did you identify with and why?
A: I identify a lot with both Soo Young and Xiumin, both from BYaM and DBYaM. Soo Young because of the Social Anxiety and Xiumin for the spoiler reasons.

Q: Which character did you hate to write and why?
A: I've not really hated writing any one specific character. I've not really had many nasty characters, and when I did I had fun exploring them more than anything.

Q: Which character do you think is most like a real person (layers of character) and why?
A: Soo Young, easily at this point. I wrote first person narrative for her, she had 45 chapters, and I put a lot of my personality in her, so I was able to flesh her out easily.

Q: Which character are you most proud of and why?
A: It's really hard to say, but I'd probably have to go with Jin Ri from both how I wrote her in BYaM and DBYaM. She's actually based off of a person I know, and I feel I captured her fairly well. Or, at least, the parts of her that I really wanted expressed in the story. 


About recommendations
Q: Which story of yours would you recommend to read? And what is it about?

A: Since most people who will see this post probably know me for Between You and Me, and have probably heard of Distance Between You and Me as a result, I'd like to recomend This One Wish, of course. The concept is if a fangirl could actually wish for her bias to fall in love with her, what would actually happen? It's only got 9 chapters out at this moment, but I'm planning on it being a longer series like Between You and Me. As I've mentioned, I have a lot planned out for it, all of which I find very interesting. So definitely check it out!


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I'm not sure how I ended up here, but since I'm currently (slowly, laboriously) reading DBYaM right now, this was an interesting read! I didn't know there was a spin off for that story either, so I'm going to have to step up my reading game!!
I haven't finished reading Distance Between You and Me yet (since I haven't had time to properly sit down and read it carefully), so thank you for no spoilers! Also, I hadn't realized you had another story out!!! Will have to read it now~