Think Outside The Dome

My new story! Please go check it out guys! xxxx

Think Outside The Dome

By  kimstephaniejane

  • Chaptered
  • OT12
  • Chap one is Sehun centric
  • Dystopian
  • Adventure 
  • Sekai, Sulay, Taoris ect
  • Asianfanfics

In a dystopian world where Oh Sehun believes nothing to exist outside his dome-covered city, banishment is certain death. However, when promised a radioactive wasteland of mutants and sudden death Sehun is relieved to find there is more to the Earth than the estranged fables he had grown up on, the most interesting surprise in the form of a tall, dark-haired delinquent and the most horrible surprise: to be into a war-torn reality.   


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