[Just a little ranting☆]

Hey guys! Hello to whoevers reading this, and thank you for reading this, if you are. I don't normally write blogs, let alone stories, but I wanted to get something off my chest.

I feel like asianfanfics just isn't as active as it once was. Why? Some of my favorite authors deactivated their accounts, along with their beautifully written stories. Stories like Lured and Sinned written by Primrosing and Yes, Master (a fic featuring Sehun and the OC Hana, who Sehun asked a favor for to help him out with his girl friend but eventually falls for Hana). Remember the last one? 

A couple days ago I decided to reread Yes, Master because I LOVED that story and wanted to relive it. Rebreathe it. Cry tears of hatred and love all at once! That was until I keep looking and looking for it in my subscriptions. I KNEW I subscribed to it. I couldn't find it anywhere! I'm still in frenzy and just hoping I can still find, but what's bound to happen is that author probably also deleted that story.

Maybe they felt unappreciated. Or they had their own lives to live. Who knows...

It kinda makes me wish I would've commented more. Tell the authors of both stories how much I loved them and held them close to my heart. I really want to send them an email, a letter, any thing really... I just want them to know how talented they are. They made me feel so many emotions with their stories and plots, and I'm usually a critic when it comes to grammer and writing. But their writing was surperb, excellent even. And that's a bonus for their wonderful ideas and storyline.

It's a pity if some authors don't get recognized for a glorious job done, and get insecure and stop writing. Or get pressured to keep writing. Yes, we're are fans or your writing and want you to update as soon as possible, but thats just how we are. I want the authors to be comfortable, I want them to hand out their updates chapter by chapter at their own pace, if that means they get out the chapter. I will wait. Wait with anticipation, and an anxious heart. Thats what I always do with my subscriptionson and stories I monitor.

I know I'm babbling, and I'd be surprised if some have made it this far in my lengthy rant. Anyhow, this whole this has got my heart wrenched. It's bittersweet because I'll always remember the stories and hold them close to my heart, and keep my fingera crossed the authors will come back and repost the stories (probably not), but will stay optimistic.

There are a lot more good stories to read here and it's unfortunate when some are discontinued and on haitius, but hey, the authors have lives outside AF. I give them all, all the writers of AF, cred for sticking with your stories and continuing them. Even if stopped, thank you for writing the parts you did write. They were beautiful.

All this is making me feel nostalgic. Heh, maybe I'll write a story of my own. I've been working on some things... *grins*

Thanks for listening! And let's see what comes with the future~

AF, Fighting! AF Authors, Fighting~☆


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This made me very emotional. Thank you. We authors really love to have any form of feedback, be it a subscription, comment or upvote. And I'm very grateful for those readers who say that they'll wait for the next update, that I don't need to rush. I just started writing but I already feel burdened that my readers are waiting too long. Haha. So I tend to overwork myself just to come up with a chapter. Then when I read what I wrote and realize that it's crap, I feel more anxious.
True. Its dishearteningvto know that you wont be able to reread a story esp if its really great and made you really emotional. D: