BlockB APP - addictedtoyourlove


Basic Info

Name: Lee Daerim

Nickname: Dae-Dae, Rimi, Daisy.

Stage Name: DaeRim, Rimi or Daesy.

Born: 11/11/91

Age: 20

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 171cm

Weight: 52kg

Position: Main Rapper

Appearance Link: Moon Dan Bi 





Personal Info

Personality: Daerim is a very mischeivious and rebellious girl. She severly dislikes stay still or quiet. She is confident in her skills and other things. Sometimes she is secretive and she doesn't like it when people try to delve into her buisness or are nosy. Usually you could find her doing something that she shouldn't be doing - such as stealing some one elses food. She's possesive over her friends - she doesn't like people trying to take them away from her and is wary to accept or make new friends. One thing she enjoys is rebelling against things people tell her to do.

Likes: Rapping, dancing, eating, windy days, night time, sweet foods, talking with friends, causing mischeive.

Dislikes: People stealing her friends, staying still, hot places, sunny weather, spicy foods, idiots, ballads, mid-day, having to act cute, people that try to do aegyo.

Hobbies: Stealing others food, rapping, dancing, eating, day-dreaming.

Habits: Shaking her leg if she gets too excited or restless. Tapping her finger if she's bored. Biting her lip if she's thinking. Fiddling with her fingers when lying.

Specialty: Rapping fast, having a low and deep voice, accurate dancing, high flexibility, playing the drums.

Trivia: Her favourite colour is black. Her favourite flavour of cake is vanilla. Her favourite singer is Yubin from Wonder Girls. Her persona is the Devilish Rapper or Wicked Witch.

Closest to Which Block B Member: Jaehyo, P.O, B.Bomb.

Least Closest to Which Block B Member: Zico, Kyung.



Family Background (2 paragraphs max): Daerim grew up with her parents and elder sister, Lee Hyunjoo (Lee Sam from Nine Muses) in Busan. The family lived there until she was nine years old which was the time that they moved to Seoul. As a child she would play with her unni alot. At the age of 11, her sister got scouted by Star Empire Entertainment. In school she was neither the star student or nerd. She would be very mischeivious and not pay attention to the teacher in class time - instead she would talk to her friends or other student around her. At the age of fourteen she auditioned for YG and was accepted. However, a year later she found it not to her liking or her style was different so she transferred to Star Empire. She enjoyed the thought of being in Star Empire with her unni but just couldn't cope with the harsh training programme that was done there. So, for the second time she decided to change companies. This time she chose to audition for Brand New Stardom Entertainment. She was 16 when she joined Brand New Stardom. She has been training there for a little over 3 years now and doesn't regret her choice at all. It may have taken her two tries to find the company she liked best but - 'third time lucky'.

Parents: Lee Soshin - Mother, 48, Author. Lee Ryeowook - Father, 48, Engineer.

Siblings (Name/Age/Occupation): Lee Hyunjoo (Lee Sam) - Elder Sister, 24, Member of Nine Muses.

Best Friend: Yubin (Wonder Girls)

Ideal Type: A boy who is good looking, has a nice voice and possibly can rap - someone that is cold.

Others: Nope ~



Pre-debut History: When it was coming up to the time when she was supposed to debut, she would train every single day for tons of hours, perfecting the dance and going over and over her rapping part. At times she would think that she would make a mistake on stage and that she would end her career life before it had even started.

Casting: She was accepted into Brand New Stardom by auditioning for the company. She was accepted - most likely due to the previous experience that she had before auditioning. She auditioned with rapping and dancing.

Training (in BNS): She found trainee life fairly easy as by that time she was used to the hard practices and found it easier than Star Empire's. She strained her vocal cords at times from trying to sing too high notes than she was capable of.

Previous Experience (former trainee, music videos, featurings, etc.): She was a trainee in YG for one year and a trainee in Star Empire for one year. She hasn't been a back up dancer. She has done a collaboration with Dara from 2NE1.



Twitter: dae-SY-rim

Facebook: Doesn't have an account.

me2day: Wicked_Devil_Witch_Daerim

Other: Nope ~


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