Random gifs and :DD

Random gifs :D
They're always fun xD

In my mind:
Person: So...what about JunSeung?


So you have a crush on this really hot guy~
And you look over and he's looking back at you like

Inside you're like:

But you look back over at him like:

And your friends:

Then their reaction when you tell them you're together:

Moral of the story: Don't tell your friends when you have a boyfriend >.>


Me watching the HyunA and HyunSeung kiss:

Me after finding out the 2Hyun kiss was faked:

My frist reaction when DooJoon kissed YoSeob at that fan meet:

Then, after realizing it was fake:

(gotta love Seungri ;D)


My thoughts on HyunA (Not hating):

She gets around ;D

So...exams passed not long ago~
And I felt confident.
Then I realized I left a bunch of questions on one BLANK

We all like to dance:

We all like to cry:

We all like to do random to look cute:

We all like to watch y-as-hell men dance in suits:

And every once in a while, we all have that

Moment when we see our favorite idols do

^ That.

I'm supposed to be getting a new computer soon...so hopefully I can do more of these then cause this is fun :D
Good way to kill time when you stay home from school for no reason xD


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haha this is freaking cute. I love your gifs :)