I apologize! (I'm not going anywhere, promise!)

I want thank to apologize to all of my readers for having updating sprees and then going silent for months without a word...

It has to do with the fact that I have really good weeks where I have inspiration and motivation and I can actually talk to people in the real world too.

Then I have really crappy weeks sometimes months long struggle where I turn in on myself and lose all of the motivation that I once had. It also affects me to the point where I won't want to talk to any of my friends unless they pry my little wall down.


I've been working on myself. I've started going to the gym so that I can have the body that I want and to become healthier in the long one. I've also started pushing my self forward into talking to people... Plus I've been trying to break the habit of my procrastination on school work (college ...) and to be able to update without stress.

Anyway, I came here to apologize and to say that I have chapters prepared and will be uploaded after finishing my homework assignments. 



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