The "N" word

The arguments that come up with this word are really starting to piss me off.

ESPECIALLY when that argument is started by a black person who gets all but hurt about someone of another race indirectly using the word "nigga". But yet, to her, it's perfectly fine for people of color to say it.

Bish what?


That's not how it works.

Now before I get into my rant, let me just make it clear that I am part black. My daddy is african-american/hispanic/native-american (My grandma, his mom, is mixed african american/native-american), my mom is white/dominican. I am therefore, by the law of the United States of America, black. So don't come at me with "you're just hating on black people." or some crap.


Go sit down for a sec. and listen.



I don't care who's using it.

It's ignorant and degrading.

And for african americans to use it just makes us seem stupid as well.

Because you know where that word came from?

. It came from a word that was used by slave owners to degrade african americans.

Nigga is just a washed down version of it that black people have used to insult eachother.

So you can't get mad for another race using it, when you use it on a daily basis.

You know what that's called being?

A freaking hypocrit.

The word shouldn't be said by anyone. Period.

That is all.

*throws arms up and walks away*


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Totally agree with you^^
I still don't understand can I say this.."hype" here in Austria.
Austrians are not that understanding and always attack other countrys or cultures(like mine) and when you tell them something about their country to shut them up than it's all your fault.