Why? (Common fanfic themes - Don't use them) #1

Ok, so this is probably long overdue, but can someone just tell me why the every character always needs to be a goddamn CEO???

Freaking Gawd!

50 shades of Grey never happens in real life, ok?!

LIke not every CEO is some hot man or woman. So enough with trying to push your kpop couple or bias into the position.

I will never understand why being a CEO is such a common career in the asianfanfic community. Specifially in snsd fics. Just why? Please, someone tell me.

There's not even that much famous companies in Korea for all of that. And has anybody even seen what actual Korean CEO's tend to look like? Yeah, old wrinkily, conservatived men. Nothing hot or y about that. 

Like, reading about a CEO isn't even interesting anymore. Like, it wasn't even interesting at first, but now it's just... even less interesting.

Which brings me to my next question... why the is everybody always rich?

Or extremely poor? Can't we just have a middle class? Like most people live in?


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Hayaley #1
I think k-dramas are to be blamed too. Look at most of the male leads and/or second leads. They are either some chaebol or successful dudes. And of course fictions feed imaginations of readers and most readers would prefer the 'hero' to be handsome and rich. I do agree with you that the CEO line is a little over-used.
okay so here's the thing. AFF is full of ually frustrated teenagers
so I think that pretty much explains everything