Advertising for my Friend ^^

Hello Everyone! :DD I'm here, helping my friend advertise her fanfic [:

I've already told a few people about this fanfic and i'm really glad they applied :DD

Thank You So Much! ^^ *bows*

My friend has been having trouble, since not many people were applying.

I'm hoping to see people apply to her fanfic ^^

PREASH[:  (Please) xDD Kamsamhamida! <333



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YourWelcome! ^^ :DDD!<br />
& YAY! WOOTERS! <3333<br />
& YAY again! xDD HWAITING!! <333
Nona93 #2
THANK YOU!!! <br />
<3<br />
You now are on the awesome list ^^<br />
and there are already some more applicants ^^