I've been in this website for a few years and i know almost everything about this website BUT there's still this one thing that up until now, i still didn't know how to do it hence why this blog post exist. Can someone teach me how to put image in my story? Like how some people put bunch of photos in description for profiling or image of certain clothes to be wear by the characters in the middle of the story? Please? I badly want to put profiling images in one of my stories but the only thing i manage to do is putting the link in my story instead of the direct image )))))))):


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myownday #1
that's super simple. When you write your story near the bold italic icons, in their left is a box with other 4 icons, the first (the one between abc/check icon and table icon is the one for pictures ( it looks like two mountains and a moon above). If you scroll on it it will say image. Press on it, a box will appear and you paste the url. And you also have a lot of options to adjust it.