PLEASE BE MY WIFE! : jeong saetbyul
❝ Can flamingos fly? ❞
FULL NAME Jeong Saetbyul (정샛별)
BIRTHDATE September 9, 1990
AGE 25
     + ) Saet - her friends call her this because it's simply an easier and shorter way to call her out whenever she's being an idiot.
     + ) Jal Meokkesaetnida - because of her love for eating, Saetbyul tends to say "Jal meokkeseumnida" a lot, which means "I'll eat well." Her friends have started to make fun of her because she says this so much, by incorportating her name into the phrase.
     + ) Valley of Fire - because her middle part just parts so nicely in the middle of her head, Saetbyul has been called the "Valley of FIre," mostly because valleys part in a middle, like her hairline. 
HOMETOWN Seoul, South Korea
     + ) Korean (native) - Since she was born and raised in Korea, Saetbyul is fluent in the language. 
OCCUPATION Barista (and Occasional Performer) at Cafe Seoul
FACECLAIM Park Minha (Nine Muses)
BACKUP FACECLAIM Lee Yooyoung (Hello Venus)
APPEARANCE Saetbyul is pretty average in terms of height, standing at 158 cm. She has a thin, yet curvy body that most girls would envy, but the thing that intrigues people the most is how straight the parting of her middle part is ("Look at how straight in the middle it's parted, oh my gosh!" "Yeah, I'm pretty cool, I know. They don't call me the "Valley of Fire" for nothing."). 
POSITIVE daring, committed, independent, optimistic
NEGATIVE airheaded, naive, conceited, tactless
When you're with Saetbyul, you can expect her to be daring about everything she does. she craves for adventure and searching things, so when she is hanging out with others, she usually likes to be adventurous and explore different things. she's always trying new things (even if it doesn't sound so good), and she has the bravery of a lion when it comes to certain things. always expect her to do something funky because she will do something funky. Saetbyul is also a committed girl, when it comes to things that she likes. She doesn't give up easily and is resilient to the things that she adores. Most times, she sticks with things firmly and some call it 'stubbornness,' but she calls it love. She puts her whole heart into it, and people can always admire her large dedication because it really is large indeed. She's also an independent woman who don't need no man; that's right, our Jeong Saetbyul is a very independent woman that knows how to cook things aside from instant noodles and microwavable Hot Pockets. Since she lives by herself now, she has a large amount of responsibility on her hands, and depends on herself to remember to pay her bills, work, and buy groceries. Because of her naturally responsible nature, she doesn't usually depend on others to help her, and isn't easily influenced by others. She's also an optimistic person, and usually has a positive outlook on life in general. Saetbyul always has her cup half full, and finds hope in every situation, no matter how bad it could be. Her motto is "There's always a benefit to this," and she strictly adheres to that, refusing to succumb to negativity in any moment. Because of her happiness towards everything, it usually brings the mood up whenever she's talking to other people. 
It's probably a known fact by now, but Saetbyul is the most airheaded female to ever walk the face of the earth. She's quite ditzy and some people actually think that the only thing in her head is air - and not a lot of it, at that. She usually makes some scatterbrained comments, like "Wait, can grown dogs eat puppy food?" or "Do you need 3D glasses to print things with a 3D printer?" and people usually want to bash their heads into a wall whenever she's up to her scatterbrained antics. Saetbyul, along with her airheadedness, is a naive potato. Despite having 25 years to grow, it's like she doesn't have an ounce of wisdom in her body, and a lot of people think of her as equivalent to a child. She's self-conscious about her ditzy nature, and her innocence doesn't really help. She's 25 years old for God's sake, why is she so gullible about everything? People think she lacks common sense, but she's just a naive baby. Because she knows that her looks are quite attractive, Saetbyul tends to be one conceited chick. She doesn't hesitate when she comments about her "flawless beauty," and although most people might say that as a joke, she says it seriously. She's excessively proud of herself and tends to flaunt out her talents and her looks, or maybe both at the same time. Some serious comments that Hyunjoo's had to beat her about in the past were "Yeah, I know I'm good-looking," "Yeah, I'm a musical genius," and so many more that everyone's lost count of how many conceited things she's said. Because of that, Saetbyul tends to be quite tactless and people tend to see her as insensitive. She doesn't really understand how to be delicate with people, and is quite inept with comforting others. Just because her cup is always half full doesn't mean that she knows how to make other people feel happy, and you can sense that when she's trying to comfort someone; she's just a very awkward gal with hoverhands and panic in her head. 
Saetbyul has always been a city girl, born and raised in the heart of Seoul. Her childhood wasn't exactly the most eventful, to say the least. She was constantly stressed out because school was always a hard subject for her (like why would they give her so much homework, can they chill out about that?) and her parents forced her to take piano and vocal lessons when she was six, just as a way for her to get a scholarship in the future if she gets good. She would go to her lessons every week and although the first few years were quite easy, everything became increasingly harder to balance as she grew up. Middle school was no walk in the park, and when high school hit, that was when it really got rough. Saetbyul found solace in her breaks and in the company of her friends, especially this one boy named Kim Minhyeok. He looked out for her and listened to her constant rants about how she wanted to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge because of how rough school was. Saetbyul wanted to quit everything and declared that everyday, and when everyone else started to think she was getting annoying, Minhyeok didn't, and instead, supported her along the way. Saetbyul shortly fell for them, and likewise for him with her, and the two started dating, albeit awkwardly because they had been friends for how long now? After the awkward, lovey-dovey honeymoon phase, the two became really close with each other, and a year later, Saetbyul could happily say that she was in love with him and his dorky antics. She loved everything about him, his hair, his arms when they hugged her, his tall stature - oh, until he cheated on her of course. Saetbyul was crushed when she used his phone to call her mom when her phone died and accidentally saw the text message that someone had sent to him... with the name of "Babe." Now, Saetbyul wasn't the smartest, but she knew that she did not just text him and that was not her, and after that, her heart was basically broken for a long time. She thought she could trust Minhyeok and that they were going to be together forever (as cliche as that sounds), but his stanky doesn't deserve her anymore. 

It's been almost ten years since her break-up with Minhyeok and maybe about five years since her last relationship (that didn't work out because the guy was literally non-existent 24/7 and texted like a snail), and Saetbyul doesn't feel as hurt as she was ten years ago about her ex cheating on her. She gets a little jealous at married couples or just couples in general because dang it, Saetbyul is already 25. She should be on the path to marriage now! Despite that, she's happy with what she's doing and even though she'd like to be in one, she's not forcing herself to find a guy any time soon. "It'll happen naturally," she says. Saetbyul has a routine of waking up at 8 and heading to the cafe at 10, which is when her shifts usually starts. Most times, she's behind the blender, making a fresh cup of coffee or diving into the dessert case to pick up a food item for a customer, but on Friday nights, she earns a little extra cash by performing in Hyunjoo's cafe. She usually sings soft ballads and chill songs, but when she allows requests, those nights get a little crazy - and by a little, she means a lot. After a long day at work, she goes home to meet her Great Dane and after a walk and a good shower, she finds herself lying in bed already, waiting for the next day of work - uneventful she knows. On her days off, Saetbyul mostly goes to Hyunjoo's cafe to talk to her friends and hang out, or she'll do some good ol' shopping because that's a girl's best friend of course. 
Jeong Seokwang ー Father : 53
Generally serious and orderly, Seokwang is the prime example of a person that you'd admire for working so hard, and a person that you wouldn't want to know at all. Although it's slightly hard to see, Seokwang loves his daughter very much, and his stern attitude towards her is just how he shows it. Ever since she was young, he's been hard with her, causing many quarrels to occur, especially in her teenage years. He admittedly doesn't like how Saetbyul can settle down with a barista job, and wants her to get a better job, but her response is always, "Nah, I like the job." Saetbyul can be a handful sometimes, but he's always there to support her wishes, especially if she's serious about them.
Jeong Chaejin ー Mother : 52
The woman who takes care of the household, the woman that breaks fights between Saetbyul and Saebyuk, the woman that loves everyone conditionally; that woman is Jeong Chaejin. She's a cliche mother, framing her children's awards on the walls and plastering their drawings from a billion years ago still on the frige. She even made a scrapbook about her family, and that's probably her most prized possession, even up to now. Chaejin, of course, isn't getting any younger, and likes to remind Saetbyul about that little tidbit, hinting at grandchildren. "Never gonna happen mom" is Saetbyul's response every time. 
Jeong Saebyuk ー Younger Brother : 21
This little brat that Saetbyul likes to call a "dweeb nugget" is her 21 year old brother that just can't seem to grow up. He's always out with his friends and partying it up, and she keeps barking at him to study hard, since it's his last year, but Saebyuk just insists that he wants to "live life." He's quite similar to Saetbyul during her college days, but she would never admit that. Even at a young age, the two have always had a cat-dog relationship and tend to fight a lot, but there'll be those rare moments where they understand each other on an emotional level. He hates how she acts like his mom (well, she practically is a mini version of her), but he has a lot of respect for his big sister (sometimes).
Im Jungwan ー Father : Father-In-Law : 50
Im Jungwan is relatively okay with his soon-to-be daughter-in-law, and although he may not show it, he's actually excited to welcome another daughter into his family (and he's happy that his hermit of a son finally is getting married, although the wedding notice was quite short). Truthfully, he doesn't know much about Saetbyul and whenever they're alone, the two are quite awkward with each other, but Jungwan hopes that it doesn't stay like that for the rest of his life because that would just be plain awkward.
Im Sunha ー Mother : Mother-In-Law : 50
Although she acts like she likes Saetbyul, Im Sunha is actually quite concerned for her son's future. How are the pair going to support a family with their incomes? Jaebum is a chemistry teacher and Saetbyul is a pianist at a cafe, meaning that the pair aren't going to be rich enough to live comfortably. Even if Saetbyul somehow becomes a famous pianist, will their lives be okay or will there be a lot of hardships? Sunha cares about her son a lot, and so far, this fiance is not impressing her. 
Im Jaena ー Younger Sister : Sister-In-Law : 23
Im Jaena has been with Im Jaebum since birth and boy, has she seen some sides of him that weren't particularly nice. Personally, Jaena is shocked that her older brother's fiance just happens to be someone that isn't all too bad looking. She's also shocked that her soon-to-be sister-in-law is actually kind of cute - in a kinda ditzy way? Nonetheless, she's supportive of her brother's marriage, despite her shock at his nasty actually getting someone like Saetbyul. 
Seo Soohyun  ー Close Friends : 24
With only a difference of one year between Soohyun and Saetbyul, the two get along easily, although it's hard to believe that such a youthful person like Soohyun would be only a year younger than Saetbyul. They became friends because their parents were good friends with each other, and took Saetbyul and Soohyun out to play a lot. Saetbyul was mostly unaware that Soohyun was being bullied at school, due to her not going to the same school as her, and Soohyun's lack of mentioning it, and even to this day, she feels bad for not being there for her. She might not have been involved in it, but she feels bad that she couldn't support her friend as she was supposed to. Despite that, Saetbyul supported Soohyun's decision to go to Japan, and even attempted to video call on her maybe once a week or so, just to check up on her. Ever since their childhood, the two have a thing that they do whenever they share bakery sweets, and that is to buy two different items and then split them together and share them, and even as grown ups, they still haven't out-grown that. 
Seo Hyunjoo ー Boss and Close Friend : 30
Despite the 5 year , Hyunjoo still reminds Saetbyul of how Hyunjoo was when she was 10 years old. Because Saetbyul was close with Soohyun, Hyunjoo often appeared in her life, most memorably as the "snotty 10 year old who thought she was too good to play with us." However, when everyone grew up, Hyunjoo actually became more friendly towards Saetbyul, and has always been the older sister figure that she's never had. Hyunjoo always gives Saetbyul advice on girl troubles, and that hasn't changed, even up to now. Since she's Saetbyul's employer, the two talk practically everyday, but when Saetbyul shows up to work, the two are just required to perform their handshake with each other. 
+ ) She performs in Hyunjoo's cafe every Friday night, but it's not like Hyunjoo forced her to or anything, of course not, that would never ever happen... ever
+ ) She is honestly the most emo person in the car, like she loves listening to ballads and even cries along to them for no reason sometimes. 
+ ) She had a college boyfriend that goes by the name of "I'm-a-stupid-stinkin'-cheat," but let's just nickname him Kim Minhyeok.
+ ) Saetbyul hates it when the toilet seat isn't down (it's her biggest pet peeve) and often has to hold herself back when her brother "forgets" to put it down. 
+ ) Ever since she started living by herself, she adopted a Great Dane mix and named it Jason (but pronunciates it as "Jaesoon").
+ ) She's allergic to greasy boys and pineapples.
+ ) Honestly, no matter how much she hates her ex, she still has the $100 jacket she secretly stole from him and she's probably never gonna give it back ever ("er heh."
+ ) Saetbyul only owns Apple products, as it can be seen with her iPhone, Macbook, and other Apple products she has hiding in her home.
+ ) She tried to dye her hair in high school, but then it came out as a greenish-brown, so she gave up and dyed it back to black, vowing to never dye her hair again.
+ ) Saetbyul is very overprotective of her favorite actor, please don't mention him around her if you love yourself.
+ ) Whenever Saetbyul goes to the animal shelter, she cries because she can't adopt all the animals, so that's the #1 place you cannot take her to.
+ ) Her talents include: boiling water and piano, but sleeping while standing up is a close second. 
+ ) Avoid her during the holidays at all costs; if not, you will hear her singing Christmas carols 24/7.
+ ) If you give her alcohol, you're basically asking yourself to jump off a bridge because Saetbyul is actually a big, hot mess when she's drunk. 
+ ) Saetbyul loves social media, and has an Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook (her Twitter and Instagram usernames are @saetbyultiful).
+ ) She always has food in her purse or backpack. Always.
PLOTLINE Just Because
BACKUP PLOTLINE We Don't Get Along... At All
When Jaebum asked Saetbyul to marry him, she was shocked. First off, this dude was a complete stranger and she had no idea who the heck he was - how was she supposed to marry him? What if he was a bad guy? Although he knew Hyunjoo, it just seemed sketchy to her. Did he need a green card or something? What was it? A million thoughts were spiralling into her head, and she was desperately wondering why the heck he would want to marry her? Like out of all the girls in the world, why her? She was merely a bartender and occasional performer at Hyunjoo's cafe, so it was foreign to her what he saw, but Jaebum was desperate and she saw that. It was a little nerving actually, and she felt really bad for him because damn, no one wanted to marry him. So with that, she up her pride and dignity and agreed to be his fake wife, but dang it, how was she going to be his fake wife? She's a very single woman and there are very single men out there waiting for her hotness to shine through. Was it even worth it to do that for him? Even though she had accepted his offer, she was starting to regret it instantaneously; there were a lot of factors to think about, especially in a marriage (a fake one at that), and Saetbyul didn't even know if she was qualified for the job. To be honest, she was scared, shocked, and anxious about the whole thing. Why did he even need her anyways? When she asked Jaebum that and he responded with a "Just because," Saetbyul was even more annoyed with this whole marriage arrangement, but now, the curiosity of why he needed her was just driving her forward. 
As Im Jaebum is a very attractive and a very single man, he was almost denied a job at the Seoul All-Girls' Academy, which was a job he desperately wanted because no one else was hiring chemistry teachers. In a desperate attempt to steal the job, he lied that he had a wife who just happened to be on vacation with her mom at the moment, which, although was a slightly iffy response, still rewarded him the job shortly after. Despite that, his employer wanted to meet this mysterious wife just to make sure that he was actually a married man, and that was when the oh-so-attractive, oh-so-single Im Jaebum didn't know what to do. Of course he's had a few girlfriends in the past, but right now, he was as single as a shoe without its other pair. How was he going to get past his boss? Of course he could pull the wife act for a while, just until his boss was sure that he was a married man, but there was no guarantee that he could pull the act forever; he needed a fake wife desperately. After that interaction with his boss, he desperately went to Cafe Seoul to talk to a good friend who went by the name of Seo Hyunjoo, who just happened to have the "perfect" girl for him. She introduced him to her barista and occasional pianist, Jeong Saetbyul, and although Jaebum had never met her, he was desperate enough to just take her, and pray that she would be a decent wife for him. However, since he just met her, he couldn't nearly trust her with the secret that he lied to the boss because who knows if she'll end up spilling the beans to someone close to him and then Jaebum will eventually get fired because his boss found out?! He didn't want to risk his job and future opportunities, so when Saetbyul asked why he wanted her as a wife, his (not-so-great) answer was "Just because." 
❝ The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, but chemistry is life-changing. ❞
BIRTHDATE May 9, 1990
AGE 25
OCCUPATION Chemistry Teacher at Seoul All-Girls' Academy
POSITIVE responsible, hardworking, dedicated
NEGATIVE awkward, shy, easily pushed around
Jaebum is a responsible dude that does everything he's supposed to do. He prioritizes his obligations and makes sure that they're done before he does anything else. If you ask him, he's the master of "clutching" things, and finishing them before they're due. He makes sure that he does his duties and does them well; he's not someone to half-heartedly do something and is usually good with doing all of his work - which is mainly why the other teachers like him so much, since he does things without a complaint. That's part of his hardworking nature, and he's the type of person to go the extra mile to benefit everyone around him. His students don't always acknowledge it, but they know that he works incredibly hard, and it's evident in how he grades work quickly, teaches every single student, no matter how long it might take, etc. He's the type of guy to do everything diligently. Jaebum's also a dedicated dude; he devotes himself to his goals and tries to accomplish them to the best of his abilities, even though it might not be perfect all the time. If he says he will do something, he does it, and he does it well. If there's something that he's interested in, he will often spend lots of time doing that thing, such as hiking or teaching, and you can truly tell what his passions are, with what he dedicates himself with. 
Jaebum, however, is a very awkward guy. He tends to stutter when he meets people and when you talk to him, you just feel an overlooming cloud of awkwardness. It's probably because he's too embarrassed to embarrass himself in front of other people, but it's just really weird when you talk to him at first because he's seriously one of the most awkward people you will probably meet in your lifetime. It's probably due to his shy nature, honestly. Because of his lack of interaction with others, he usually is quite introverted and meeting new people can be quite a struggle for him. He's very reserved and timid with others, and a quirk about him is that he stutters a lot when he meets new people. It's actually kind of cute because his students like to about it, but Jaebum just ignores their playful remarks every time they target his introverted personality. Maybe it's because he's kind of easygoing, but Jaebum is easily pushed around - and he lets himself be pushed around. The other teachers might have noticed that already because they like to make him do the more tedious duties, and always ask him to do their errands for them, and what's even more annoying is that Jaebum agrees to it without a second thought in his head. He allows himself to be pushed around, despite it leading him into rough situations at times, but it just goes to show how great of a guy he can be most of the time. 
After they both realize their feelings for each other, a lot of chaos ensures. Saetbyul is too afraid to admit that she likes him because she doesn't want him to hate her or reject her, and the same goes for Jaebum, who is afraid that she'd leave him if he told - afterall, their relationship was merely a contract for her to be his wife and nothing more. The truth comes out after Saetbyul decides that she's had enough of it, and even if he did reject her, what harm would come out of it? She'd just move on because that's what she does - she always moves on. Jaebum is shocked, but happily admits that he likes her too, and shyly asks, "So can we get married for real then?" Saetbyul doesn't think the idea is too bad, considering that she did pretend to be his wife for a while, and agrees to his proposal. For the first time in her life, Saetbyul felt like her life was complete and she was glad that Jaebum was there to complete it for her. 
"Why would I even fall in love with him in the first place, seriously, he's got the face of a raccoon and he's a science nerd! You know what they say in Mean Girls. I mean, I don't, but I remember that it was about some math nerds or something... okay, let's just pretend like I never said this." Saetbyul coughed awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck. "But anyways, I'm way too hot for him, like get a good look at me! But ahem, I am the champion of you know... not falling in love with boys, haha, like it's only been I don't know, four years since my last relationship? Haha... Don't give me those pitiful eyes, I'm an independent woman and I don't need no chemistry geek, okay." Saetbyul mumbled, side-eyeing the wall in embarrassment. "Anyways, it wasn't a problem for me, and that's that."
"Well firstly, one challenge was taking him seriously after he told me that this was gonna be like Kris Humphries' marriage to Kim Kardashian... 72 days." Saetbyul rolled her eyes in slight annoyance towards Jaebum, but continued on. "Anyways, I'm also confused as to why he asked me to be his fake wife? And why he won't tell me why I'm his fake wife? If he wants a fake wife so bad, I know plenty of babysitting websites for him to choose from. He's also kinda shy, so it's hard to talk to him, you feel? Well, not hard, but awkward - which he also is. You know?" 
"Okay, let's get this clarified, bucko, I don't like Im Jaebum at all, like he's an awkward lump of matter and he totally takes up more oxygen than he produces carbon dioxide, and don't even get me started with the nasty biological "duties" - wait a minute." Saetbyul's eyes widened with terror. "Did I just... use... science references? When have I started... When has my life been in shambles?" She groaned loudly, covering her face with her hands. You can hear Hyunjoo yelling "Since last month sweety!" in the background, and Saetbyul groans even louder. "This is not possible. I don't like him. I mean, what does he even have going for him besides his nice appearance and personality? Right? Okay, I'm just kidding, I'll admit that I'm falling for him, and apparently it's been a month already." Saetbyul's face falls in despair as she groans loudly again.
"Well, I always thought that that rule was stupid in the first place, haha..." Saetbyul laughed awkwardly, her eyes shifting to the right. "I mean, rules are just there to ensure some sense of security right? It's not like you actually have to follow them right? So I declare that the rule of his is stupid as heck and should be abolished!" Saetbyul grinned for a second, before letting out a small whimper in annoyance. "What the heck am I saying, I was feeling a mix of emotions because of that dumb rule. Like how can you just say that? I'm actually about to turn into a sponge or something. I'm scared, annoyed, jealous, and it's not a good feeling." Saetbyul sighed, placing her face in her hands in aggravation.
A LITTLE LOVE LETTER FOR AUTHOR? ( questions, comments, concerns? ) 
PHEW I FINISHED but wink wink I LOVE U MINT MWAH <33 (btw i have a pun just 4 u, ahem ahem, "thinking the world as your oyster is a very shellfish way to live") omg but i'm so sorry for this lame app like wtf why does it sound so BAD. i'm sry i made u endure through this pitiful app im just gonna move to the alps and live amongst the school girls or smth HAHAHAH. WELP BUT i LOVE UR IDEA AND I LOVE U AND GOOD LUCK W EVERYTHING MWAH <3 ANYWAYS, I hope you like my bby saetbyul <33 
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a m crying
because this is like so qt ) ' :