Because if not here...where?

You know...most of these were meant to stay hidden in my computer but...I decided that: "Why would you take selfies if you're keeping them hidden, you idiot?!"
Sooo...I'll just...yeah... :D
Because I can't post a ton of selfies on FB...I'll spam you with my face...Just to have them somewhere.

(Lexie in the dark~~~ :D)

But actually....this is more like me:

And this last one...I was telling myself that I should just keep it for myself but the 'I don't care" side of me was like: Oh come them, you're a dork.
So this is me failing to take a selfie.

No, Lexie is not selfie obsessed...she's just always bored and easily entertained.
Sorry for making you look at my face. Bye, Lovelies~<3


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Tinusska #1
Shiet you'e so cute ;-;
ninin25 #2
Lol, that last one.... but yeah taking tona of selfies to kill time, who hasn't done that?
ninin25 #3
Lol, that last one.... but yeah taking tona of selfies to kill time, who hasn't done that?