Well I am pretty much screwed *internally cries*



Well last Friday I was so mentally drained from my anxiety and stuff all week and didn't process that I was actually late for college. When I got to the bus stop I realised I was an hour late for my bus and didn't know what to do. I got the next bus but due to anxiety I skipped my first class...and I had to hide in a different building. I'm having to go to that class today and brace myself because my teacher will see I went to my next class of that day...I also haven't finished all the homework I have to give him today...

I have put Photography and Communication and Culture before English because with Photography this is my exam unit that I can't just retry and it actually means something towards my final grade of the course. Comms is the same except its course work worth 50% of my final grade...so I have the right to put them first right? 

This English work is only practice for my exams in a few months and like I get that it's important but right now I honestly feel that it isn't as important as the other classes...I don't know what to do.

I have done so much work for Photography but my teacher is still insisting that it isn't enough to her standards and I can't deal with her anymore. I've had plenty of sleepless nights doing the work for her and she's honestly taken the enjoyment away from photography..thats just sad isn't it...something I loved to do as a hobby for my Anxiety has turned into a bloody nightmare.. Luckily for me she isn't actually in for the next two lessons so I can get on with the work at my own speed. I have till next week for these two classes (Photography and Comms) before I sit my exam for photography in literally three weeks. 

I know I probably shouldn't stress over this but like I always fear disappointment...and my English teacher knows I have issues at the moment but still I get stressed over that class and I am beginning to question why I even chose that subject in the first place because I honestly don't want to teacher English in Asia anymore....

Oh well I guess I am just going to have to face the music and get shouted at or what ever they plan to do... 



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*hugs* Hey, it's okay if you're feeling stressed. But i think you should just tell your photography teacher how you really feel. She's a teacher, who are all part counsellors(sp) and i dont think your teacher has the right to do this to you. *hugs you and give you cookie* Be well! <3