
Today I want to talk about EPIPHANY.

Epiphany definition-:

Epiphany : a Christian festival held on January 6 in honor of the coming of the three kings to the infant Jesus Christ

  •                    : a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way



I want to talk about the second definition of course. So, do any of you ever feel this feeling? For my own definition, I called it Sudden-Deep-Thought. I have this feeling. It's not a joke guys. Whenever I doing something, it come suddenly especially when I'm thinking about something(problems etc.). Sometimes in the middle of walking. Haha! Can you imagine you're walking and suddenly stop abruptly in the middle of crowd because epiphany. It's because people will look at you weirdly.


The other word for Epiphany is Divine.


I wonder if there another person who had this epiphany.


I don't know if this true but Epiphany is a disorder(?).


I take this from a blog-:


"So why are epiphanies’ so hard to find? Often because the problem protects itself from discloser by being in the shadow part of your psyche.  Once the block is revealed it can no longer hold you back, as a block is simply a holding point whilst you wait for more information. The epiphany is the information for you to be able to move in flow with authenticity. Sometimes the realisation is painful and it takes time for us to want to own up to it, but once we do, we cannot continue with the same pattern that was attracting the multiple issues. Life opens up and we a sense of freedom and liberation which becomes the wind in our sails towards emotional freedom."



Can I know how many people who read this have Epiphany?


Here the poll.



Thanks! Have a blessed day!








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