I Am Your Puppet » 송예나 » The Mysterious Girl

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song yena
character name song yena ( 송예나 )
SONG  this nickname is very oftenly used by the members of divine nine, mainly because everyone doesn't likes yena. while the members may thinks that this is some sort of secret code used in their group chats, yena is well aware of this nickname and while she does gets fired up whenever they calls her this, she doesn't shows them
PRETTIEST FACE while yena isn't the visual or face of the group, many fans and neitizens have noted her down for being even prettier than divine nine's official visual – ji yeonjae. yena acts like she's shy whenever people addresses her this on broadcast but deep down, she loves this nickname. additionally, the diviine nine members does not appreciate this nickname
birthdate 1st january, 1994
birthplace south korea, seoul
hometown south korea, seoul
ethnicity full korean
NATIVE KOREAN self-explanatory
SEMI-FLUENT ENGLISH yena is pretty good in speaking english as well as writing it. the reason behind her fluency in this language is all due to her excellence back then in school. she pretty much speaks english only when she's told to or when she's mad 
faceclaim & backup HEO GAYOON of 4minute / NAM JIHYUN of 4minute
height & weight 167cm, 50kg
blood type b-
back when song yena was still a trainee in ct entertainment, her hair was dyed into a deep shade of red because her favorite colour is well, red. right now, she doesn't have any bangs covering her forehead because she believes that girls with fringes are always faking beauty since her definition of beauty is your full face with nothing covering it. you can always spot yena in thick coaled eyeliner even when she's praticing because she feels insecure without her makeup. in a way, she's very similar to member na bohye and this is probably what makes them the biggest rival of all. also, yena loves to let down her hair but given that the weather is going to make her sweat like a pig, she'd usually tie her hair up into a high ponytail or a bun. unlike bohye, yena doesn't have any signature that makes people remember about her aside from her deep looks that many people claim her to be the better-looking visual than the group's visual, yeonjae
fashion style
it is that all of them tries to act like a tough woman when they're in fact a softy inside. yena's favorite fashion style is basically something that makes her feel comfortable – just a t-shirt and sweatpants, just a simple dress, just a long-sleeved shirt with skinny jeans. however, she hides all of these from the public and only shows this side of her to juyeon because she feels like people will not take her seriously if they ever see her dressing up so... normally. aside from the group's comeback concept, yena is usually dressed in high-waist shorts or something revealing or just y whenever she leaves the dorm because she has a pretty and y image to uphold and it's afterall her number one wish to take away all of divine nine's fans for herself. in the dorm, yena doesn't lets down her guards either – she's dressed in super short shorts and a tank-top, sometimes adding in long socks to make herself more irresistable. but yena, are you lesbian? because nobody cares
POSITIVES ambitious, hardworking, caring, initiative
NEGATIVES vengeful, arrogant, narcissistic, vulgar
song yena is basically that one who thinks that she's everything when she really isn't, but considering how people loves feeding her with compliments, it's pretty hard for her to not be arrogant, really. she's only nice to people whom she likes so it doesn't matters if you're nice to her or not – though, she's pretty much fake considering how she fakes respect to her seniors even when she dislikes them : an example would be girls generation. she doesn't interacts much with the divine nine members unless the camera is on and even when she does interact with them, she's mostly so darn sarcastic and is always trying to pull them down. all in all, yena is that you see in real life dramas – like the person whom most people dislike and has only one friend
ever since song yena was born, it's obvious that she feeds off attention. she does everything in hope for compliments and envious gaze from the others, which is how she ended up concluding that she has to be a singer because we all know that singers, the ones who stands onstage, always has the most attention. after begging her parents to enrol her into a dance academy, yena was determined to become an idol – or singer, at that, when she grows up. seeing how yena loves to be admired, it's no wonder why she always studied hard and is always one of the very few students in class who achieves full distinction on her report card. everyone says that yena is an all-rounder : she has the looks, quite a decent family background, good grades and ability to dance well, but is she really? not so. while yena may have 'everything' when she was younger, she lack friends, which is really important even for anyone. the reason as to why she doesn't have many friends is because of her 'i'm better than you' attitude and really, she thinks that she's the queen
in 2008 when yena turned 17, she auditioned for a nugu company, ct entertainment alongside a few other girls and ended up getting accepted. in ct, she met a few girls but the only one she could befriend and treat as a real friend was bae juyeon. not only were the both of them of the same age, but they had a rather similar personality which made a few other female trainees nickname them as the duo. yena had to admit that she was previously furious when she found out about that nickname but overtime, she learned to accept it and seeing as to how juyeon and her was always in the trainer's favour, she would just smile at those who insulted her with an arrogant smile. in year 2009, the idea of forming a nine-member group ran through the minds of the creators of ct entertainment and it wasn’t until the end of 2009 when the training started for the girls. at that time, yena was really excited, seeing as to how the trainers favour her a lot. however, her pride was hurt when only juyeon was called out to train with 8 other girls. sad she was, but yena was determined that she would also debut, just not soon
for years, yena trained alone since her best friend juyeon was part of divine nine. she had to admit that she did feel a little happy that divine nine wasn't doing as good as expected ever since their rival group, girls generation's arrival. yena was there to witness it all – divine nine splitting into two sub-units seraphic and celestial. in 2015, juyeon came back to the company all grumpy and sad, and yena wouldn't forget the many days when juyeon spent her time crying in bed until her eyes got all puffy and swollen. "i swear, i will get revenge on them..." she remembered juyeon repeatedly said those words like a broken record and yena could only nod, nod and nod. yena couldn't do anything as she watched her best friend crumble into pieces. it hurts like a seeing how her strong best friend looked so weak infront of her and yena swore too, that she will make the divine nine girls pay. divine nine ended up facing a lawsuit with ct entertainment and when they signed with loen entertainment, yena left ct after her contract ended and auditioned for loen as well
divine nine added two new members following the departure of woo hyunok and ahn yerim. yena saw how bitter juyeon was and she couldn't have felt more bad and sad for her best friend. "don't worry, juyeon. i will help you." both juyeon and yena know that there is no more chance or hope that juyeon will be added into divine nine anymore. yena's purpose in loen entertainment was to find evidence of divine nine's dirty part and expose them all to the public. while doing so, she just so happen to be the lucky trainee to be chosen by the ceo and trainers to be added into divine nine as member lucy song was going to take her leave off the group. following that, juyeon's younger sister, bae juyoo also ended up leaving (before she even joined loen), which makes the group a 8-membered group instead. yena knew that juyeon was sad, knowing that yena got chosen to be in divine nine, but thinking about how yena would end up destroying the group together with her made her feel better and that's all that matters. "girls, meet your newest member, song yena! treat her well." it's war, es
LIST OF LIKES ballads, upbeat songs, writing diaries, animals, being clean and neat, improving herself, trying new things, taking selcas, summer, showing off herself, ariana grande
LIST OF DISLIKES people who gets on her nerves, people who doesn't takes her seriously, people who keeps playing around, candies, extremely loud places, waking up early
LIST OF HOBBIES trying new things, researching about ancient greek and egypt for fun, cooking (though she at it), writing diaries, stalking herself and the divine nine members on the web
LIST OF HABITS yena tends to not burst out and tries to compose herself whenever she's arguing because juyeon have told her multiple times that the person who raises their voice is the weaker one, yena tends to roll her eyes at whatever her members does, yena tends to off her members' alarm after they sleep so that they won't wake up on time
• yena is currently not studying anymore and is devoting most of her time to the idol life
• yena is only shipped with one person in the group and that's bohye, since the both of them have been noted to have 'similar' personalities and also, because yena's name consists of bohye's surname, na
• despite the fact that yena is joining divine nine only to destroy them, she truly loves her fans who loves her and would always spend time interacting with them on twitter
• yena have both twitter and instagram : @yenana0101, @d9_yena. she mainly uses twitter only to interact with her fans and she follows only one celebrity on twitter : ariana grande. whereas on instagram, she posts about everything – selcas, #2na selcas, scenaries, food, what she's doing
• the only member that yena truly likes in divine nine is gayoung because she's oh-so innocent and nice. on the otherhand, bohye and dabin seems to get on her nerves very so often
• yena takes care of herself very well, which is why you'd see her dieting very frequently and exercising whenever she has the chance to. she loves eating fried food but she knows that as an idol, looks and bodies are very important, thus her actions
"do you think yena is doing well?" "i miss my baby daughter."
song siheom and lee yewon, both aged 49, are the parents of song yena. ever since a young age, yena have been taught to be a good and nice person thanks to them but it seems like those many years of lectures didn't really help. infront of her parents, yena is a really nice girl who would give up her world to save them, and she really would. she loves her parents a lot and though she's too prideful to show them how much she loves them, she'd always attempt to find out if they're okay through text messages even when she's busy. both her parents are currently living in australia and working in some company there – which isn't really related to the story, so no biggies
"are you okay?" "no, yena, i'm not." "don't worry, i'm here. don't cry."
bae juyeon, aged 24, is currently still a trainee under ct entertainment, though she has recently just told yena that she'd not renew the contract with them after her contract ends. while many people – especially the divine nine girls may not be fond of juyeon and always connect her to the worst ever possible, yena actually thinks that juyeon is a nice person who just doesn't knows how to express her feelings well and in some way, she's hurt that both her siblings is always overshadowing her, giving her no choice but to lurk in the dark. aside from her parents, juyeon is the only person that yena trusts and loves with all her heart. she will do anything to protect her
"what the are you staring at, ?" "i'm laughing at you, lmao."
right from the very start even before divine nine debuted, yena already dislikes a few members – na bohye, hong sunhee, choi jinah ; she feels like all 3 of them are equally as arrogant and rude, just like how she is. yena can only it up as she is placed in divine nine with those es because she wants to help juyeon carry out her revenge. most of the time, if the members do not say anything about yena, the atmosphere would be rather peaceful since yena's only aim is to gather evidence in regards to the members' dirty past and she does not need to fight them. however, the moment someone starts to say about her, she'll drag a hoe, trust me
stagename yena
position lead rapper, dancer
talent twins
SINGING TWIN nam jihyun of 4minute
DANCING TWIN nam jihyun of 4minute
RAPPING TWIN jeon jiyoon of 4minute
trainee years 8 years2008-2016
trainee life
training was indeed tough for song yena who has all along been in a dance academy. she thought her dancing skills was good but turns out not and not to forget her not-so-good vocals. fortunately though, yena wasn't the worst trainee to have made it into ct entertainment and considering how the trainers were very much fond of her, she improved greatly during the first 2 years and only started dropping and slacking a little after divine nine debuted because she was affected by the fact that she didn't get to debut with her best friend. as stated, yena doesn't have any friends besides juyeon which is also why she started dropping a little after divine nine debuted since she has to train all by herself. in loen entertainment on the other hand, she was accepted due to her unique vocal and good rap, as stated by a representative. yena didn't have many friends in loen entertainment either but she had more motivation to do better because she had a goal and it is to destroy divine nine. needless to say, yena definitely enjoyed training in loen entertainment more because they are more well-off
occupation trainee, bae juyeon's best friend
purpose of being in divine nine simply put, yena wants to help juyeon with her revenge by finding out more about the divine nine members' past and exposing them in the future
outcome personally, i have 2 endings. one, the happy ending whereby yena ends up patching up with all the divine nine members and she persuades juyeon to stop her revenge. second, the expected ending whereby yena will proceed to help juyeon destroy divine nine and eventually leave the group after her job is done because she has tainted all the members' image except for her own, thus giving her another chance to venture into the showbiz world
divine nine's view on you if it's the happy ending, then all will be good, they will end up liking yena and stuff. however, if it's the second ending, most of the members will prolly hate yena to death and want her gone from the surface of earth
comments oh god, i can't believe i got this in before the extended deadline. i kinda have a feeling who will be chosen and stuff already but i sincerely hope that you will still consider yena because i took quite awhile to think of her purpose in the story. i actually do not quite understand the 'scandal + why' section, which is why i replaced it with 'purpose of being in divine nine'. it's my holidays now and i'm actually super busy but i'm just happy i managed to finish this. i really hope you like yena and good luck for the story!
scene suggestions
FIGHT whereby bohye and yena starts pulling at each other's hair after yena called bohye cheap and loose. in yena's defense, it's because bohye was saying something about her too
EXPOSING SECRETS maybe a scene whereby yena starts exposing jinah and exo's kai close friendship on broadcast and jinah ends up receiving a lot of hates from exo-ls
+ more to be added, trust me


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