I'm alcohol intolerant, but my friends are quite the heavy drinkers.

I've always had trouble with alcohol and it wasn't until my drink was switched three years ago at a Spanish bar that I realised I was alcohol intolerant. 

I've got my friend group who brag about drinking and getting so out of their heads they can't think straight. Well I've turned down going to parties because I know drugs and drinking will be involved and both I don't do. But it's when I say I can't drink that they get funny...

They try and persuade me to drink, but when I tell them one glass can make me sick for days they just use peer pressure... 

So far I've been good and not caved because I know I can't drink alcohol because of what happens and I don't want to do drugs either. I'm just getting annoyed with the constant at me about how I'm boring...

I can't help that they believe I'm boring because I can't drink alcohol and that I don't have and do drugs. 

They organised a camping trip this year in the middle of a field and boys will be there and girls with alcohol and I just looked at them and went 'I'm sorry but if boys are going and alcohol is involved I do trust them enough to attend' they got fussy with that but last time my cousin got drunk he thought I was just a random girl in his living room and came at me- I had to knock him out by throwing him into a banister (I guess I went into survival mode).

They all think it's funny to get so drunk they start rolling on the floor splurging nonsense and snogging each other without knowing who they are (two girls ended up snogging all night and didn't know they did it until someone showed them a video). I just don't understand why they brag about it...

it's the same with drugs and that is a subject I will always stronger disagree with someone over, as I don't believe in doing drugs because I've watched someone fall so deeply into depression because of her drug use. They brag about it and it pisses me off because they don't realise they reak of the stench from the weed.I can't sit with them if they smell that bad because if I go home smelling of it I get shouted at. I got to college last week after sitting behind a guy who stunk of weed and ended up reaking of it myself and no matter how much deoderant I put on the smell stayed.

It's when someone tries to tell me smoking is healthy for them....like urm hunny it kills you in the long run, don't try and tell me it doesn't because I now have an aunt who can die anyday because of her smoking habit. I can't argue though because this person turns to violence. 

I don't even know urg 


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missbluz #1
Honestly I think you lucked out being alcohol intolerant. You have no idea how much damage that stuff does to your body. Doing drugs on top of that as well is like having a death wish.

I suggest you run away to the opposite direction of those people. Those are not friends. Them doing very stupid and wrong things is something but dragging someone else into this is just wrong. They know that this can kill you but they still insist on you drinking !!!!! what the !!!

Seriously, being around such people can be dangerous. It seems to me that they'll get in trouble really soon and you don't want to be involved trust me. Guilty or not you'll get dragged along with them.

And who's the idiot that thinks smoking is good?!! It doesn't just kill you but also the people around you.

Sorry for sounding angry but they are just plain ignorant and I can't handle it
I think its wrong to force someone . And its worse to teach and ask others to do something which is not right :( Friends should bring out the best out of u not ruined u. Its good that you are wise and did not indulge into it. I would stay away from people like that. Like literally cut ties.
cassidyann34 #3
I think those people are your friends. If you say no and they still pressure you, they arent for your best interest
Well on one hand I agree that no one should force you into drinking. That's just mean and well..not good at all honestly. But if what your friends do is as bad as you said, I would think twice about staying close to them. I have friends who drink sometimes and I also do it, but never to this extent. I have no idea how old you guys are but this is not exactly normal :/ alcohol shouldn't be used to get to this point. What I'm saying is that a beer or two won't kill anyone. But going too far with this is just ridiculous. It makes sense that you stray away from it because what you see is well.... A Really bad 'example' of this xD I honestly wouldn't hang out much with people like this if they bothrt me so much with drinking tho -.- no matter how nice they are normally. Friendship comes from two sides.
bobjo1913 #5
I think thats stupid to think being drunk is to lose ur mind