I notice my ideas are always random

I was like listening to songs and there was this song playing and I got an idea for a new fic ><

but I have no idea how to develop it LOL.

now currently I'm brainstorming for ideas for LTTT >< sigh.. Fluff is hard.. All the authors will probably agree with me

fluff is too hard.. But readers love it.. Somehow or rather? LOL. Anyway LTTT is ending in another 40 chapters or 50 chapters. I'll follow it up with a small sequel but once I start on the sequel, my new fic will start

though I haven't had a proper idea but once LTTT is left with about 20 chapters I'll brainstorm on it (Y)

support me yea? (:


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of course we'll support you...you got nice stories
good luck with the ideas! just listen to more songs hehe and understand its message ^_^
Jazzign #2
I'll support you all the way, buddy. ;) Sorry for the late reply, just got back from camp.
Kind-Hearted_Devil #3
I wonder how can you write a lot of chapters in really short time..WHAT KIND OF BRAIN HAVE YOU GOT?! lol