Update about job and college, Also some of my photography to show you for your opinions


Well my boss kinda fired me - I can go back when I am ready he said- but I am no longer working there. Thank God for that. 

And with Photography add a few more sleepless nights and hard work to be told it isn't enough, I am legit wanting to kill the teacher because she is trying to suggest that I am not putting enough effort in and that I am not working hard- urm excuse me like I work ing hard to get my grades. I got my course work grade back and I got a B+ they said they believe it is actually an A+ but are not sure so they marked me down... don't mind the B+ though still a damn good grade. 

On Tuesday I got myself worked up over English and Photography and ended up having a massive panic attack during lunch (none of my friends even noticed and I was sat right next to them urg) then I went to English still having one, my teacher came over and asked for the homework and I just burst into tears- right there and everyone suddenly looked at me and it didn't help. My teacher told me it was okay that I had till today to do the work (haven't managed to do it). But I literally don't want to set foot in the room. 

After that I went to Photography feeling awful and the teacher was a once again and it just topped off how mentally I was feeling, so I went home feeling like and passed out after trying to do an assessment due the next day because I forgot about it... 

Went to college on Wednesday feeling like I just wanted to go home as I wasn't mentally ready to face English and Photography, only managed the first two classes which were Communication and Culture, and Tutor. I went home at lunch cause I couldn't bring myself to face those two classes because I just knew my mental state would only get worse. 

Not really doing much better today to be honest and I already feel anxious and my hands are already shaking so I think I might be having a panic attack today... I only have English and Photography today but I honestly don't wanna go... 


Some of my photography(Tell me what you think)


 From my exam unit ^ Now the rest are either from my coursework unit or just some I have done.



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people , screw them! life can be rough though u got this~
but yo those pictures are great man, what camera did u use??
I think you're a really great photographer! I'm a comms student and I learnt a bit about photography but I don't think I'll be able to take pics as nice as yours. Great job! Wish I was as talented as you. ^^

I'm sorry about your panic attack. I have a bit of an anxiety too especially when I meet new people. So I could kinda relate to you about that T__T It's upsetting when the people close to you can't really sense your anxiety. But they are not suffering from it, so they know less :(

Hope you don't find me weird of anything. I just came across your post while browsing through the blog section haha. Anyways, all the best in whatever you are doing. Even though we don't know each other, I'll still cheer you on! ^__^v

Try to think of positive thoughts and all will be well, God willing. Fighting! :)
