당신만 몰라! — hiding your hobby — 한선이 (#FCD04A, #B5DBD3)

당신 몰라! — han seonyi
alias shu!
name han seonyi (한선이).
violet beauregarde - although this nickname confused her when her brother first started using it, all confusion was gone when he explained that violet beauregarde was the girl from charlie and the chocolate factory that turned into a blueberry, and for some reason, she reminds him of seonyi's hair (also because he likes to poke fun at her and indirectly calling her fat).
dumb weeb - whenever seonyi doesn't do her chores or says something in that ditzy way of hers, her brother likes to make fun of her by calling her this. he explained it as a mixture of "dumb blonde/blue" since she had bleached her hair and then dyed it blue, and refers to how she's a weeb.  
sunny - since her name is seonyi, which sort of sounds like sunny, her best friend likes to call her this. also, her friend thinks its cool because her nickname is luna and seonyi's is sunny.
stocking - for all you uncultured anime swines out there, stocking is a character from ' and stocking with garterbelt' (pls don't watch if you're an innocent child), and that's seonyi's nickname on her anime forum because she has the same hair color as stocking.
nam joohyuk's #1 fan!!! - it's quite obvious why she nicknamed herself this, but it's also quite embarrassing that she actually uses this to refer to herself sometimes. her friends just cringe when they hear this. 
birthday may 1, 1996.
international: 19
korean: 20
birthplace seoul, south korea.
hometown seoul, south korea.
etchnicity korean.
korean (native) - because she was born and raised in south korea, seonyi has become a korean-spitting machine. 
weeb (super mega fluent) - as a self-proclaimed otaku, seonyi is of course fluent in the delicate language of weeb - quite fluent actually. you'd expect her to cringe whenever she says that, even as a joke, but it's somewhat interesting how she doesn't.
faceclaim lime
backup t-ae
height & weight 149 cm and 42 kg
appearance seonyi is impressively short, and has to take the brunt of the school's jokes about who's the shortest in the entire campus - aka han seonyi. the height on her health checks always equal out to 149 cm, but she measured herself once, and came out to be 149.2 cm, so when she tells you her height, it's always "149.2 cm! don't forget the 0.2 cm!" although she was born with a bushel of straight, black hair, seonyi dyed parts of it purple and blue, mostly because her favorite manhwa character had that hair style, and that's why seonyi looks like a bruised blueberry from a bird's eye view. her cotton candy-colored hair is styled into front bangs and her hair flows until the middle of her back. overall, seonyi is a short female with wildly colored hair, prides heavily on her white skin and small, yet delicate facial features, such as her plump, pink lips, her tender cheeks, and her thick, yet tiny nose. one thing you should never comment about her appearance, though, is about her pore-riddled skin and the occasional pimples that pop up on her face.
personality traits
from the eye timid, responsible, honest, ditzy
from the inside affectionate, bubbly, fanatical, stubborn
from the internal mind self-conscious, obnoxious, emphathetic
from the eye from an outsider's point of view, seonyi is a timid female that holds a role of responsibility. strangers naturally beileve that she's a responsible girl, due to her role in student council, but seonyi doesn't believe so, mostly because she has to do all of that stuff - she's forced to, practically, and doing her duty is what the description of 'sophomore vice president' is. people like to correlate her level of responsibility with her level in student council, and that's something that she giggles at. they also think of her as a timid child because of her initial shyness when meeting someone she doesn't know; seonyi apparently looks afraid of strangers, and appears to be easily frightened, and while that may be true, seonyi isn't entirely timid. most of the time, she is, but once she's comfortable around you, she becomes more open. people also think that seonyi is an honest female, which makes her laugh, since she's not that honest that all. she tells people the stuff that she can say, but hides things from them as well. she's particularly secretive about some things, and tends to spout lies (esp. towards nam joohyuk bc no she doesn't have a crush on him psh) whenever they're needed, but not many realize that. she is also painfully ditzy as well - and that's just not from an outsider's point of view. that's really her, and it's painful when she asks something stupid or acts like a scatterbrain. she tends to make idiotic comments and sometimes, people wonder if she actually has a brain inside her head because of how ridiculous the things she says are. if she was blonde, people would literally call her a dumb blonde because han seonyi is just plain silly sometimes. 

from the inside from a friend's point of view, seonyi is actually quite affectionate and social towards them. since she's more accustomed to her friends, she tends to be more open with them and not shy, like with strangers. seonyi loves to show her affection for her friends and it's not a rare sight to see her holding her pal's hand or hugging them or basically just being cuddly with them. she's a skinship type of gal towards people she's comfortable with, and especially more so when the other person is also reciprocating her feelings and are affectionate towards her, as well. seonyi's a bubbly gal, and she's always perky or happy. though it can get annoying sometimes, her friends find her innocent happiness refreshing. she's always cheering her friends on, whether it be on assignments or sports, and is extremely lively. she's animated and dynamic, and her friends often find her bubbly personality rubbing off on them as well. whenever she's in a room full of just her friends, she always finds a way to bring excitement and high-spirits into the room, whether it be her silly comments or joking antics.

however, seonyi can be quite fanatical at times, especially when it concerns nam joohyuk and manhwa. she practically revolves her life around those two, and often finds herself on a one-track mind when anything is concerned with them. she's obsessed with always seeing joohyuk and just "observing" him just because and she's also obsessed with collecting things from her favorite manhwa. if there's a limited edition item, she will be the first one to stand in line, waiting to buy it, and she practically has every single collector's item from that certain series. she can be a little extreme at times, but she just calls it her "undying love and passion for manhwa and hot boys." her fanatic attitude can probably be attributed to her unrelenting stubbornness, as well. she tends to have a strict determination for one thing and it's often quite hard to convince her to change her mind otherwise. even if someone had written a report filled with citations from credible sources and took statistics, seonyi would still stand by her decision, and she would rarely ever change her mind. the reason why she still continues to chase after joohyuk, even though he hardly talks to her or even looks in her direction is because of her stubbornness. she'll ridiculously defend herself by saying that she'll get over him one day, but today is just not the day. one thing's for sure, though, seonyi is one wild gal. 

from the internal mind from seonyi's point of view, she's flawed - very flawed. she has a multitude of things that aren't perfect (of course everyone does), but seonyi finds her's magnified on a higher scale. she tends to nitpick at certain qualities that she has, and can never seem to find the proper confidence in herself that other people might have. she often finds herself comparing her to others, especially those that have accomplished a large number of achievements and goals, and that just brings her down because why can't she be like them? of course, she's the manhwa queen, but that's nothing to brag about. when she reads manhwa, she feels like she's in a whole new world where she doesn't have to worry about her flaws, but whenever she's walking around school, she can't help but notice how pretty and smart everyone is compared to her. she tends to feel slightly uncomfortable with how wrong she feels in yonsei, and how wrong it feels to stand next to people who are just so smart and so dedicated to their passions... but it's just a feeling that she's always kept tucked deep in the pits of her heart. part of her self-consciousness is due to how she views herself, and her view is not particularly confident. seonyi thinks that she's just one obnoxious person, and quite frankly, she is. she bothers her friends constantly about nam joohyuk and she just can't shut up about stupid things. she thinks that she's unpleasant to talk to, and is super annoying, but although seonyi may be obnoxious, she's not as annoying as she thinks she is. she just focuses a little bit too much on manhwa and joohyuk, that's all. 

however, one of her redeeming qualities is her emphathetic nature. seonyi has a strong sense of being able to share and understand other's feelings and that's why she's such a good friend. even though she may not like certain decisions that they may have made, if they just rant to her about their problems, she will put herself in their shoes, and just visualize what it would be like to be in their situation. from then on, she will try to give you advice based on how she feels about their situation, while still being gentle, yet realistic about it. naturally, she just sticks herself in other people's positions, and that's how she truly understands others - by trying to fit herself in their situation, and even though she might not be the best at giving advice, she's the best at understanding others. 

background being born in the heart of seoul, seonyi has always been a city girl. she has never known much more than the overhanging lights that filled the streets at night and the crowded bustling of people, attempting to get to work on time. for the most part, she's lived in the same two-story house for all of her life, and due to the fact that her parents never had to relocate, seonyi has found the area comfortable and familiar. growing up, she fought with her brother a lot and the two were always rowdy with each other. her parents often had a hard time controlling them, and even as they grew up, they never stopped bickering with each other, although they did gradually grow to like each other more. 

when she was 14, her middle school friend, park sunyoung, introduced her into a magical thing called "manhwa" and that's what changed seonyi's life. from that point, she was obsessed with it and read it everyday. it was interesting to her how a story was conveyed through just artwork and that was probably what sparked her creative side. prior to that, she didn't enjoy art at all, and her stick figures were literally beans with toothpicks through them. however, seonyi was hooked when she first came across manhwa, and by her first year of high school, she was a self-proclaimed 'otaku.' as they grew up, sunyoung eventually grew out of liking manhwas in high school, but seonyi's love for them has never faltered. although she wasn't in the top ten, seonyi was actually a good student in high school and scored very well on tests, and even scored as one of the highest on her college entrance exam, so she was accepted into yonsei university. however, once her last semester of high school rolled around, senioritis hit, manhwa consumed her life even more, and as she went to college, the senioritis had never faded away - unfortunately. 

when she was a freshman at yonsei university, she saw a major heartthrob that went by the name of 'nam joohyuk.' he was a sophomore at the time, and she couldn't believe that such a cutie went to her school. she shortly found out a lot about him, including the fact that he hated otakus, which was widely known after someone had sent him a bunch of boyboy rated manhwas. because of that discovery, seonyi has hidden her otaku girl image, and decided to go with the 'innocent school girl from the alps' image instead. things don't always go the way they're supposed to, though, especially when you're a diehard manhwa fan. 
- seonyi hates milk with a passion and her brother says that's why she's so short and why he is so tall
- carries manhwas in her book bag
- in public, she prefers to read manhwa on her phone, so that she can just turn it off if she happens to see nam joohyuk around
- she's an admin on an anime forum
- she has a premium account on crunchyroll 
- attempted to cosplay, but then she realized that she was poor and couldn't sew, so she stopped 
- she also likes reading mangas, but manhwas just steal her heart away 
- she only owns apple products because she just loves apple
- seonyi likes to experiment colors with her hair - a lot
- she's allergic to soybeans, don't feed them to her at all costs
- she loves dogs and babies, but dogs whimper and babies cry when they see her 
- she actually has glasses, but wears prescription contacts
- seonyi is tone deaf and every time she goes to a karaoke place, she's banned from singing 
- actually hates soda, like the last time she had it was when she was 12 
- she's an emo child and listens to sad ballads a lot because that's her favorite genre 
- seonyi's makeup expertise consists of slightly clumpy mascara and the occasionally "i-messed-up-but-i-don't-care" eyeliner
- she has a habit of scratching her nose when she feels anxious
- she also gets jittery whenever she's stressed out or restless
- her hobbies consist of being a super mega weeb, sleeping, and thinking about nam joohyuk
- honestly, she likes all types of manhwas except for the psychological ones because they freak her out and the horror ones because they freak her out even more 
- plus, she can't even watch horror movies, like why did her brother force her to watch 'the grudge,' she couldn't go to the bathroom alone for a month after that
- plus, she's scared of insects, like if you love your ears, please stay away from her when she sees a bug
- she's also scared of having neck problems from looking up too much ("gdi why are people so tall") 
- tbh she will watch any drama that's adapted from a webtoon or a manhwa, like she doesn't even care if the drama ends up going south, she just keeps going until the end 
- her favorite manhwa authors are soonkki and yuria
- don't tell anyone, but she has a body pillow that she sleeps with at night
- what is math like why does it have to be so hard for seonyi, what are numbers
- #singlesincebirth but you know, it's not like seonyi cares anyways, she has hot manhwa babes
university's life seonyi is a sophomore, also known as the 'squashmores' of yonsei university. although being relatively used to university life, she only knows a select few, but being a member of the student council has exposed her to new individuals - both good and scary. currently, her major is graphic design, but that's only because her mother forced a "real" major onto her. if seonyi had a choice, she would've had her major in what she calls 'real' art, so she could draw some hot manhwa boys trees and birds. she does decently in class, although she is a bit lazy most of the time, and the only reason why her professor isn't tearing seonyi's hair out of her head is because she actually creates decent designs. in an attempt to get closer to nam joohyuk and possibly watch him from a closer distance, seonyi joined student council as the sophomore vice president. though the workload is much, especially when the sophomore president isn't around, seonyi does see the perks (such as joohyuk's very nice backside). however, when she's not doing student council things, she likes to read manhwa in the privacy of her own bathroom, or she's out and about with her best friend/roommate, having fun. unexpectedly, seonyi is actually smart, so studying for something is not something she does; studying the features of nam joohyuk, though, is.
han hyunseung / 21 / student, architecture major / dumb blonde oppa
when han seonyi says that han hyunseung is her brother, jaws automatically drop, followed by a loud gasp and a shocked 'really?!' though it's hard to believe, the handsome, 177 cm hyunseung is indeed seonyi's brother, and she doesn't understand how it's so hard to believe, since the two sort of look alike, but maybe everyone just doesn't see it. hyunseung is a real bully of a brother and steals her food constantly and teases her all the time, and don't even get seonyi started about what he does to her hair. he also gets hecka aggressive with her sometimes, but despite that, he's a caring brother and often will protect his younger sister from danger.
park sunyoung / 19 / student, fashion design major / roommate, best friend
park sunyoung, or luna as she likes to be called, is seonyi's best friend. the two have known each other since their last year of middle school, and their friendship only grew stronger as the years passed, despite the many, many, many fights that they've had. now that the two are in college, they share an apartment together, and although luna doesn't go to yonsei universoty, she definitely likes to hear seonyi's stories about it (though she's not quite sure if she's fond of the constant na junheok stories... was that even his name?).
park sooha / 19 / student, graphic design major / friend
as seonyi is a graphic design major, along with park sooha, seonyi has had the pleasure of having a class with her - and even getting to sit next to her too. the two are quite comfortable with each other, and seonyi likes to talk to her about lots of random things. sooha tends to be quite sluggish and reserved from the outside, but after spending much time talking to her, seonyi has realized that she's not as cold as she appears to be.
nam joohyuk / 20 / student, business administration major / one-sided love crush
this dreamy heart-throb has been seonyi's crush ever since she first laid eyes on him on january 12, 2015 (yes, of course, she even remembers the exact date). she saw him when she walked by the student council room, and saw him sitting there casually (and boy was he hot). ever since then, her eyes have only been for him, and she's even joined student council for him. he has no eyes for her, but there's no denial that he recognizes seonyi's efforts as the sophomore class vice president.
love interest ahn jaehyun
backup park bogum
personality despite his aloof appearance and relatively disinterested frowns, ahn jaehyun is a playful and sociable person. he befriends others easily, and when his friends attempt to describe him, they usually say that he's a big cat with a big heart. he loves to tease people that he's comfortable around, and han seonyi is usually the one to take the brunt of his jokes. jaehyun is arguably one of the most fun and lighthearted people in the whole campus, with his endearing fondness for games and amusement. his relatively easygoing nature is a pleasure for most people, as well, due to his amicable agreements to everything. you could literally invite him to something like two seconds before it starts and he would agree to it. jaehyun always has a relaxed manner and tolerates a lot of things easily, contributing to his mellow attitude about things. jaehyun is nonchalant about many things and tends to just have a carefree attitude about life in general. however, he's one of the most loyal people you will ever meet and he's always there to support his friends, no matter if he believes that they're right or not. jaehyun's devotion to those he cares about can be relatively comparable to a dog's level of loyalty towards their owner. 

admittedly, he leans on the quieter side, and is quite softspoken. he might be sociable and playful, but towards those that he doesn't know or doesn't know well, jaehyun tends to shut his mouth more and keeps to himself. it's probably because he doesn't want to embarrass himself or give off a bad impression at first, but nonetheless, he tends to be more silent around those he doesn't really know well. although not many notice, jaehyun is also one overly competitive person. if he's doing something where other people are pitted against him, he starts devising a cleverly strategic plan to beat them - and he usually does. that's how he won sophomore class president and all of the other awards in his lifetime. he doesn't like to lose and will do anything for the title of 'first place.' you can definitely say that he turns into a sore loser if he doesn't, and gets slightly bitter about getting second or third place, but nevertheless, he still works hard for the next competition.

due to his rather lazy and idle nature, he tends to find things hard to commit to. sure, he'll stick with a thing for maybe a few months or so, but afterwards, he usually drops it because it doesn't interest him anymore. aside from his passions, such as manhwa and student council, jaehyun doesn't have many other hobbies. he just finds it hard to feel passionate about everything he does, and for most of those things, he's dropped them simply because they became boring to him (such as sports, lessons, hobbies, etc.). despite that, he's still lovable in every single way.

university's life the self-proclaimed "otaku king" just so happens to be a sophomore in yonsei university, currently enrolled as a graphic design major. he spends his mornings groaning about how dark his undereye bags have become and crying about how he could be reading manhwa instead of going to school, and throughout the day, he just goes to class in an attempt not to waste his parents' and his scholarship money. though it may seem slightly weird at first, jaehyun is actually the sophomore class president, and for some reason, he's well-known for getting on han seonyi's nerves. he has a part-time job at a decently sized cafe near the university, and whenever he's not working or doing schoolwork, you can usually find him reading his favorite manhwas. averaging in his studies with a b, ahn jaehyun is just your average college student - just you know, with a few odd quirks. 
first impression when han seonyi first met ahn jaehyun, she thought that he looked like a booger that had just woken up late, and had forgotten to wash his face. his eyes appeared to be very droopy, as if he had just hopped out of bed, and seonyi could not believe that he saw her fighting another girl over a limited edition manhwa that had recently come out - and was on her list of needs. when she saw him coming into the manhwa section, she realized that he, an otaku like her, was friends with nam joohyuk, and she didn't want jaehyun to tell joohyuk about her little secret, so she immediately, yet regretfully, let go of the book, and panicked. she didn't think that he would have met someone from her school, much less someone that knew nam joohyuk, and she was dying internally. should she pretend like she didn't see him? should she pretend to be another person in general? should she just run? a million questions ran through her head, as he asked, "aren't you han seonyi?" curse her crippling honesty because she nodded her head without a second thought, and immediately followed it with a "please don't tell joohyuk!" with a mischievous smirk and a raise of the eyebrow, jaehyun agreed, and seonyi had cursed herself for getting in contact with such a horrible guy. he was definitely going to blackmail her for sure. due to that encounter, she wasn't quite fond of him and just seeing him in the hallways makes her hide in annoyance; how was it that it was the ugly ahn jaehyun that saw her at the bookstore?!
interactions  for some odd reason, after seonyi encountered jaehyun at the bookstore, he's practically everywhere in her life. aside from being the sophomore class president (who voted for him? seonyi wasn't aware of many things that happened in the school, but how could ahn jaehyun be voted into office? also, she didn't even realize that he was the one that saw her at the bookstore gdi), he was in all of her classes (who knew that he was a graphic design major also?) and for some other reason, seonyi had never noticed him at all (well, her face is always glued to her computer screen, so that's probably why). just seeing him around her made seonyi extremely uncomfortable, like what is he doing in her life? why did he have to come and ruin her life by making her let go of that limited edition manhwa and having blackmail on her?! why is ahn jaehyun the destroyer of her life!? aside from seonyi's constantly angsty woes about how ahn jaehyun is ruining her life, their relationship is actually quite... interesting to say the least.

after complaining about him to her fellow admin on the anime forum she runs, she found out that she had been complaining about him... to him. that's right. for some miraculous coincidence, jaehyun was a fellow admin on the same anime forum as seonyi's, and although it was a popular one, she didn't think he would be the one that she was ranting to. that was probably what fueled the beginning of the conversations between the two; he would , commenting about how he was going to ruin her day by telling joohyuk that seonyi was actually a super mega otaku, and seonyi yelping a "no!" in response. at first, she hated his guts and after that event where she found out that he was a fellow admin at her anime forum, she hated him even more. every time he showed up in front of her or his name was even mentioned, she would roll her eyes in annoyance because jaehyun was the epitome of annoying. for some reason, he constantly messaged her on the anime forum that they were on, and although she was reluctant to answer at first, seonyi finally gave in and replied to him because he just would not shut up. however, what followed was a decent conversation that actually shocked seonyi because not only was he actually kind of funny, he was actually someone easy to talk to as well. they talked about their favorite animes and manhwas and clicked easily, causing seonyi to not put her phone down until the conversation was over. despair and annoyance were seonyi's regular feelings towards him, but after that moment, she started feeling more positive emotions towards him and before she knew it, she actually started looking forward to his replies. 

however, when they talk, both in real life and online, they tend to bicker a lot playfully, and after many occasions of being together (though it's not hard not to be, they're in the same classes), the two have become relatively comfortable with each other. despite that, to outsiders, their bantering just makes them look like the campus tom and jerry, constantly hounding after each other and fighting; on the inside, though, that's not what it really is. ever since they've become comfortable with each other, they've been messaging each other a lot, and their friendship is truly something quite odd, yet quite endearing. with playful teasing and lighthearted namecalling, seonyi has grown from being annoyed at him to telling him everything without a moment of hesitation. 
cherry blossom ending of course, jaehyun already knew that seonyi was a major otaku and that she had a huge crush on joohyuk, and although he knew that joohyuk didn't like otakus at all, he still tried to get him to at least talk to her more, since he's quite aloof from an outsider's point of view. despite that, seonyi eventually started to fall for jaehyun, and realized that her crush on joohyuk was just because he looked like her favorite 2-d prince, but jaehyun was the boy that appeared in her head a lot of the time, and her angst when he wouldn't reply to her messages was just a flag that signalled that she liked the boy like crazy. in the end, seonyi admits to joohyuk that she had a crush on him, but it would've never worked out because she was a total otaku, and that she had someone else in mind, and just wanted to tell him the truth for closure (plus, he didn't even look that cute anymore... just kidding he was hot, but jaehyun was hotter). afterwards, she goes to jaehyun and confesses everything to him. her confession didn't really change anything, as he already knew that she was a dirty, stinkin' weeb, but he was surprised at her confession and fortunately, he also had growing feelings for her as well. though their interactions didn't change that much, they certainly progressed from the 'just friends' stage as they began to hold hands and show more affection towards each other (plus, seonyi doesn't think that jaehyun looks like a booger anymore, so that's a definite plus). 
comments ok so i made it seem like seonyi is joohyuk's crazy stalker, but she's not, i promise LOL. she's just a female in love, and yeah :-) i hope you like seonyi bc i feel like i'm just spinning in circles with this app ;; pls tell me anything you found wrong bc im just crunching a bunch of keys rn, sweating my brains out ;( p.s. i am so sorry for rambling on in my app tbh i just can't stop talking HAHA
scene suggestions 
- sibling interactions! 
- sophomore stuco has a retreat maybe to like the mountains to hike or something, and seonyi is struggling because she never exercises and jaehyun is having the time of his life by teasing her maybe? LOL


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