shawolspazzer. hana. 6 out of 10
jung seyoung
full name. jung seyoung  (  정세영  )
(  eddy  ) ㅡ only calls her this. it's some kind of a joke (or is it a mock) that he made after seyoung claims herself teddy-alike. but then says that she's more like a guy rather than a teddy, and eddy sounds "great"
(  youngie-ya  ) ㅡ basically her family calls her this, and also the kim family also call her this after some times.

date of birth. 010695 +20
birthplace. seoul, south korea..
hometown. seoul, south korea.
ethnicity. full korean.
nationality. korean.
languages. max 5 and you can't be fluent in all.
(  korean  ) ㅡ having born in seoul made her automatically fluent in korean.
(  english  ) ㅡ since she's a fashion blogger, she of course learnt how to speak and write in english so that she could write a blog for her foreign followers. semi-fluent.

occupation. fashion blogger.

family status. daughter of the family.
faceclaim. gfriend's eunha.
backup. author power.
height & weight. 165cm & 47kg.

daily looks. standing at centimeters 165 makes her quite small. but that's what makes her looks cute. she's small, with her long black hair down to her back, people sometimes mistaken her as a highschooler. she likes to bun her hair up or tie it up in ponytail style. her eyes are light brown, taking from her mother.
working in the fashion industry makes seyoung cares about her appearance. she hates baggy jeans/pants "it makes my legs look fat" she said. another reason is becuase that pants makes her look so smol, so she usually avoids using skinny jeans and prefer wearing skirts instead. skirts are somewhat more girly she said. but she loves using skinny jeans. she also loves using sweaters because they're warm and keep her style on point. but what you really often see her wear is blouses. whether it be denim, chiffon, long sleeve, sleeveless. she just loves blouses. especially chiffon blouses.
( outer ) elegant, friendly.
( inner ) lazy, ignorant, self-centered.
( extras ) blunt, trustworthy, caring.

princess hour for those who doesn't know seyoung really well would think that she is nice and well-mannered. well, she is. but only to strangers and elders (this does not include her parents). when she meets someone for the first time, she always wears her best smile. she also tends to socialize with the people around her, and not once did she ever left a bad impression on them. and since she works in the fashion industry, the way she dresses makes her look somewhat highclass. that is why she speaks softly in front of mr. and mrs. kim.

seyoung hour but to those who have known her for ages wouldn't be surprised if one day they would see seyoung with her legs on the table while she settles down on a sofa, reading a magazine. or see her with one of her feet up on the chair when sheats. and also a pile of clothes that could be seen in her bedroom. sh'es not so lady-like, and she's kind of ignorant too. she doesn't want to get involve if it's not something that is related to her. she's also self-centered as she is ignorant with things that are going around her, but she wants people to care about her.

behind the wall sure she is quite different on how she looks on the outside and inside. but of course some things stay the same. like how she always speak up her honest opinion, the nice ones, and the hurt ones. she doesn't realize though when her words might hurt people. she just thinks that it's best to tell the truth, rather than being nice only to tell lies. she might not care to the things around her but that doesn't mean she does that all the time. there are times when she also cares about the people around her. and even if she seems like she doesn't listen, she actually does, and she will give you some advices when you need them. it's just that she doesn't really put so much thought on her advices. but she is someone that you can tell your secrets to, and trust her with that. and even though she is ignorant, that's actually her ways of expressing her love when deep down she actually cares.

coming from a simple family, seyoung didn't live a fancy life. she just lived a simple life with her two caring and fun parents. she was a girl who played outside and pretended to buy something with leaves. she was a bright child who was curious about anything and everything.

if you were thinking that she's ignorant since she was a child, then you were wrong. she wasn't like that when she was a child. as a child, she was someone who will stand up foranyone who's troubled. then was she bullied or something? well, no. actually it was she herself who made her change.

since she came from a simple family, she didn't have those fancy party clothes, or expensive makeup kits. but teenagers love those kind of things, don't they? and so was seyoung. she envied her friends who could afford buying those expensive stuffs. at some point, she also bought those. but it wasn't because she whined for wanting them like some spoiled brats would be. she saved up her school allowance and bought those fancy cosmetics by herself and started to take care of herself, which is why she started to have some interest in fashion.

she started to think that she could be just like anyone else who take care of themselves first. she didn't change on purpose, but it just became her nature to be that lazy and ignorant.

trivia(s). tba.
allaround me
jung taehoon / father / 52 / employee at hanil bank.
those three pictures above describes both seyoung's father's personality and how seyoung and her father's relationship is. as mentioned, seyoung is very self-centered, and all her father does is just embarrass her. in a good way, but still, the amount of embarrassment is very great that she always stand at 5 meters radius from her father whenever they're going out. at home, seyoung also ignores her father mostly because she's lazy. but when they're getting along well, they are the cutest father and daughter on earth.

park hyojin / mother / 51 / full-time housewife.
doing houseworks is tiring enough, but seyoung just seems to make her mother's day worse. she's so lazy that her mother has to clean her room for her everyday. no matter how loud her mother has scolded her, or how bad she's grounded, she just never listens. even so, their relationship is not so bad, as whenever seyoung is having a hard time, she would always talk to her mother first. and mothers always give the best advice.

more tba.
kim jiho
it's a lovestory
full name. kim jiho  (  김지호  ).
(  붕어 / fish  ) ㅡ seyoung calls him this as a revenge for calling her eddy, although of course, eddy is coming more strong than fish.
(  김서방 / son in law kim  ) ㅡ seyoung's parents call him this. it's because he's very polite and well-mannered that mr. and mrs. jung adore him very much.

date of birth. 010695 +20
ethnicity. full korean.
occupation. freelance photographer.

faceclaim. bts' jimin.
backup. author power
height & weight. 170cm & 55kg.

personality. well-mannered, playful, immature, reliable, private, sulky.

kim jiho is the perfect kind of man. he is very well-mannered, and it's not only to strangers. he is nice to everyone. he always smiles and laughs. one barely sees him angry. which is why mr. and mrs. jung adores him so much. he would always help around the house. he's also very reliable. like, he would be a nice brother, a nice boyfriend, and also a nice father when the time comes. but of course, he sometimes like to pull pranks on people. that is what makes him and mr. jung even closer. they would plan a scheme together, especially on seyoung, because she is easily irritated and they just loovee how she always responds with the reaction they wanted. 

but of course, perfection only exists on fictions. and kim jiho is not one. therefore, he also has some bad in his goodness. he's private. even though he's very sociable, sometimes you just feel that he put up a wall between him and people, and when someone is about to walk past the wall, he will push them away. he's also kind of immature and sulky. he sulks over the most little details ever. he sulks when he can't have his favorite jacket. childish stuff like that.

first meeting.
the two have never met before, and they first saw each other when they moved in to the new house, where their family were about to live together. seyoung caught jiho looking at her for awhile. she wasn't going to comment on that, but he really made her feel uncomfortable. "what are you looking at?" she asked sharply. jiho just grinned from ear to ear without saying anything. getting annoyed, seyoung rolled her eyes, "seriously, what is it." jiho held his laugh behind his hand as he walked towards seyoung, "your blouse is inside out." he said before he went to help his parents unpack. seyoung was left there, embarrassed, but she tried to keep it calm.

they are like tom and jerry. only without the head banging and all the violence. they use mocks to fight instead. they really mock each other a lot. the word "pig" and "fish" come up alot. and sometimes even "alien". they also fight over the most unimportant thing. such as remote, towels, plates. but rather than a fight, it's more to jiho who would tease seyoung until seyoung gets irritated and anger just rised out of her.

even so, jiho helps her alot with everything. such as seyoung's blog. since jiho is a freelance photographer, seyoung sometimes asks him for help (more like force him though) to take some pictures of her outfit collections. she would also ask for his opinion about how the clothes look like since he probably experienced working for the fashion field.

ending. lovers.
father jung clicked the record button, "is this working-" he turned the handycam around not realizing that it was already recording. "seyoung, please help your dad." he turned to seyoung, looking for help. "no." seyoung didn't even bother to look at his poor father who was struggling. his father just sighed as he turned the handycam again, recording the person in front of him.

"let's just start. i hope this is recording-" he paused a moment, probably thinking of what to ask. "okay, now, let's begin this documentary! i shall ask you a few questions! so, what did you think of our moving in?" "it !!" seyoung shouted, eyes still focused on the magazine she's reading.

"now don't mind your (seyoung's relationship with you). anyway, what do you think of the kim family? do you like them?"

mother park passed on the screen. she was still able to turn towards the camera as she shook her head, "you don't have time to help your wife, but you have time for this?" father jung just laughed, "i love you too." he then turned to you again, ignoring his wife's sarcasm. "what do you wish for us all in the future?"

"alright, that was a short interview, but it was fun. now how do i turn this thing off-" your record has been saved.
comments. hi!
questions or/and suggestions. yo, bro. ask away.
scene requests. write as much as you like. i can't promise you that i'll put it all on the story, but i'll try.
password. refer to cheatsheet please!
layout credit to edelweiss.


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i'm planning on applying but first
y'know what i think we should be friends