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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ▷┋shattered glass. — a literate vampire fb rp
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤopened today. please check us out!

amongst humans there walks those who are cured to roam the earth as their cruel punishment for living. Welcome to Saejeon, South Korea. A fictional city between the major cities of Seoul and Daegu. This city is where the demons like to play, hunt, fall in love, and turn poor unsuspecting souls into on of /them/. Don't let the innocent smiles and gentle waves as you pass by each other on the street fool you. Not everyone residing in Saejeon is as nice as they seem.

▷ a vampire based roleplay! you have the option to be human, a vampire or a hybrid.
▷ detailed first pov and third pov are accepted.
▷ you have the opportunity to be as creative as you'd like!
▷ PLENTY of face claims open.
▷ accepting all ualities.
▷ this roleplay's aim is to better you, as the mun, as a writer! don't feel to pressured if you aren't confident with lengthy roleplays.

- admin baek.


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