I can't deal with that teacher...



So last week I had something called Reiki preformed on me to heal me and it worked and I went 4 days with no anxiety or stress. It shocked me how I was not worried about work due that I hadn't done I would just say 'it's alright'. 

Anyway that whole thing and mind set has been shattered. Thanks to one bloody of a teacher at my college. My real photography teacher has just had a baby meaning she's not at college so we have a substitute teacher who I can't stand. This woman is so sarcastic and mean about everyones hard work, I have nearly walked out multiple times because she is making my anxiety skyrocket. 

I've even had thoughts of skipping class and doing the work elsewhere...baring in mind I have done 2 sleepless nights this week to complete work for this teacher and I can't do it anymore... I feel sick and I have a headache and urg why...

My body is shaking and I can't stop it, the minute I walk into the room she has something to say, she's told my friend that her work is rubbish even though its actually amazing in my opinion because she's doing levitation which is hard to do with photography and photoshop as it is and this teacher actually told this girl who had taken multiple shoots and even edited all her photos that they were all bad. She's gone round putting down peoples hard work and its beginning to piss me off because she is not going by the mark scheme shes going on personal opinion. 

I am worried about my coursework mark since so far she's been a to everyone she's spoken to. 

Along with that I have lost something that I have a whole exam on in a few months and I am so lost. I had to email the teacher to see if I could get a new one and redo everything *cries*

I am so stressy and panicky today this isn't good.


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I had a teacher like yours, so I know how you feel. I don't really know how you can solve this problem because I changed school...but did anyone of you talk to other teachers or, I don't know, maybe someone who has more power than she does?