Writing On Leap Year Questionnaire

There's still a couple hours left until the end of Leap Year where I live, and I really wanted to do something to commemorate the day, so here we go.


Since you've woken up, how many words have you written story-wise?

Word Count: zero ... lol


How long have you been writing?

Since fifth grade. I completed my first chapter book around that time.


What is an effective writing environment for you?

I don't necessarily need to be alone, but a quiet working environment is a must. I'll require earbuds so I can plug into some music and completely zone everything out since I can't get my creative juices flowing if there are any distractions. A cup of water would also be nice. And absolutely no one can be hovering around me because that's just uncomfortable. Ha.


What are your deal breakers when it comes to fanfictions?

Grammar mistakes in the first chapter. The following chapters I'll let a couple mistakes slide, but the first one is the one that's intended to hook your audience. You should invest a lot of time into it.

Sensitive topics not dealt with carefully. And when there is little to no research put into the making of a story.


What is your comfort zone when it comes to writing?

Realistic stories I guess since I have to write them so often for assignments. And magical realism, perhaps, since Where He Waits does qualify for that category what with me taking on the dream world and all that. I'm not all that sure myself, but stories that explore the mind and human actions is what I usually tend to write about, although I am trying to explore new ground since I'm getting a bit bored with it.


Which genre are you less experienced with?

Horror and fantasy since I tend to avoid those genres.


Do you research? If yes, what for and why?

Yesssss. For Where He Waits I spent a lot of time looking into how therapists are supposed to behave and what they typically say, since that's Kyungsoo's character's occupation. And I looked into panic attacks as well.

For Cracking the Pathcode I cannot even begin to say how much research is going into that. I've already requested two books on hacking from the library, and one of my beta readers is helping me out with the research as well because there's just that much ground to cover. This is my biggest project yet.


What was the highest number of comments you've every received for a chapter? (This question is aimed at chaptered stories.)

I'm too lazy to go looking around, haha, but I'm guessing for the last chapter of As Sweet as Honey I got a lot. It really warmed my heart reading and answering all those comments at the end. It still amazes me how many subscribers that story got, and how many people actually CRIED. That's what surprised me because I never would have thought my writing would be able to ellicit tears. And I basically got the whole plot started up on purely feels so... thanks you guys. It really means a lot to me.


What is your average number of comments per chapter?

7-15ish. And I just want to say how much they help me when I write, since I tend to go back and read comments whenever I'm about to start a new chapter. They give me a better understanding on what you guys are taking away from the story, and overall give me a better view on how my writing style is from your responses.


Do you feel discouraged if your story lacks comments?

Yes, actually. Whenever I haven't written in a long time and want to get back into the groove of things, as stated in the previous answer, I tend to go back and read the comments for some motivation and to refresh my memory on things, so when there's a lack of comments I feel kind of lost.


What are your thoughts on bad/good reviews? Do you have a strategy for finding reviewers?

I don't really have an opinion on reviews. I've never requested one. I rely on my beta readers to tell me what I'm doing right and what I need to work on.


What song describes you as a writer?

You expect me to pick one song??? That's basically impossible lol. There's two songs I can think of off the top of my head. I Do Adore by Mindy Gledhill. And Banana Pancakes my Jack Johnson.


If you became the next Stephen King or J.R.R Tolkein and you had to choose an actor/actress to play a version of you, who would it be?

Oh no. I'm actually not all that versed in actors/actresses. Park Minyoung? She takes on the badass female characters very well. LOL, yes, in my opinion I think I'm a pretty feisty person with a lot of character. And not only do I make myself laugh but I can make others laugh around me hahahaha.


Last request: Drop some motivational quotes for other writers!

The best advice I've ever received:


Happy leap year everyone~

Did anyone do anything special?


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asians-rock #1
Omg I love reading your stuff!
Oh my goodness I find myself nodding in agreement to a lot of your answers! All of them are incredibly true! Sometimes I find myself needing space to write because if I'm distracted then I pose my rhythm and just stare at the screen in internal agony. How frustrating! T_T